
Someone Journey

I'm too lazy to put synopsis so here disclaimer {A/N: the cringness is strong in this one, the hole too, and you know the rules, grammar: OH WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THIS GUY!!!? -disclaimer: I didn't own anything all of the anime are from their respective owners, and the MC are mine.) and this is wish full fillment didn't expect someone to read this.

Just_A_Creature · Tranh châm biếm
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31 Chs

Chapter 15 my disciple? I don't have one, I just adopt a daughter.

I look at the ceiling then back at my new disciple, did he just makes me a house wife? ridiculous, but I need to do it, I need to prepare.

(Father/Mother mode:ON)

"so little girl? how are you doing?" I ask the little girl in front of me.

"swo whos arwe yowe" she said. she look like she just 5 year old, a chibi? or a lo— I still don't want to go to jail.

"your new Master?"I said while picking her up, I start to teach her how to call my name, Shirou, failure I know.

"Shewrow?" I want to compile a complaint. did they have that mechanic here?

"I'm Shirou not Shewrow." I said while feed her some of the milk.

"*Suck*" I really want to know who is her mother. cause there's no one in the room beside me.

there really isn't except the purple hair girl outside, she really look creepy with her hair float like that, I mean it, she look at me like I some kind of prey, scary.

"so how is your father in your eyes?" I ask while looking at the little girl, who just squint her eyes a little before answer.

"Dad is dwa bwest!!" She said while throwing her arm up.

I just giggled at it, then I start to teach her how to write, Another failure. but I persist until she can write Olga, my little girl is genius!!

"At least you get one right." I said with my expressionless façade, but she just look at me, confused.

"here the word you get it right" I said while pointing at the Olga, I really am proud, I want to cry tear of joy.

"I'M A GWENIUS!!!" She said while doing some strange pose, how can a little girl do that anyway?

"....i believe you still have long way, Olga-chan." I said while point out the things she don't get it right.

she just look sad at that, but I need to persist, I need to—

(Olga use puppy eyes, it super effective.)

"Fine, we can rest for 1 hour count this as your reward." I lost.

"Yway!!" she shout, then she running in to her little room. I look at it before shaking my head slightly.

"*sigh* being a mentor for little child is hard." I said, thought that it like that time..... nah it not matter now.

I come out of the room and see the smug face of Dr.Roman and Marisbury, I'm gonna burn them.

"so did you just make me her adoptive father?" I ask while drinking some water.

"Eh? I thought I just got a adoptive mother for my daughter?" Marisbury said then looking at Olga.

I hate this guy.

"can I punch you? I mean I'm just here because I have nothing to do, but if I punch you will I got kicked out of Chaldea?" I said while clenching my hand into a fist, prepare to punch.

"No, you can't and you won't, if you do you'll make Olga sad." he said then look back at me, I really want to punch this guy.

"True, but it just one time, I will punch you then heal you up real good?" I said then start to approaching him with one step, he step back.

"You shouldn't do that Shirou-kun. if you do who will paid us?" Dr.Roman said while trying to stop me, try is the keyword. he fail, misery at that.

"True, but only one time okay? I mean it, just once, and he will be bedrid— I mean asleep for a long time." I said, then change from walking to running,

that day you could see an employee try to punch his employer with his fist one time and kick him more than 50 time.(What? I said I will punch him once not include kick.)

[(How are you doing everyone?)

Furuichi(Admin):oh the chat room know how to talk?

Aqua:is this real?


Shirou:just let it be, it will be a problem later anyway.]

after I type that I ignore it for awhile before I remember something then ask them.

[Shirou:oh right. I remember the quest, who did you guy kill in servant section?

Aqua:umm.... it....uhh

Furuichi(Admin):Assasin of the black, why?

Aqua:Furuichi , you just dig our grave.

Shurou:oh is that so? then I believe you should at least, know that you just got many hater okay?

Rias:But wh—]

I just ignore it again after that, I will tell Atalanta about it, heheheh... they will see nightmare for sure.

"so what happen to Director, Shirou-kun? didn't you say you will punch him only once right?" Dr.Roman ask me while pointing at the bedridden Marisbury, ahh youth.

"Yes, I punch him once, but I kick him more than 10 time." I said, then drink the coffee that I made just one minute ago.

"So I didn't break any promises isn't it?" I look at the bedridden Director with a stratified expression, ahhh.. fun fact he run faster than average servant.

"and because of that our salary got reduce isn't it?" Dr.Roman said, then look at his right, something call Magi Mari figurine or something.

"but I'm rich, so I don't have any problems, and I didn't really care if he bedridden more than a month, right little Olga?" I said then pick up Olga, she just look like a little devil, looking at her father, there are some invisible word floating there, Pathetic.

"So who better? me or your father?" I ask the little girl in my arm.

"MOTHWER IS BWETTWER!!" girl is a mystery, especially a little girl, how annoying.

"I'm Shirou, not Moth— wait what did you call me?" I ask the little girl, Shocked.

"Mothwer!!" She shout while pointing at me, it official, I hate Magus, especially the Animusphere group.

"Dr., it official, I hate Magus, especially Animusphere group, so prepare a cannon for me when we rayshift next time okay?" I said to Dr.Roman who was shivering for a while now, did he catch a cold?

then suddenly there is a bright light cover me and little Olga, then we vanish from there.

—EMIYA side.—

*sigh* life is hard, now I need to recover what was it again? order? humanity order or something, but that not what give me a hard life, it's was this girl that still call me Satan.

"Go Satan!!"

"I'M NOT!!"

and the argument of the 2 couple go for around 10-30 hours before there is a staff to calm them down, or so we think.