
Solo Levelling: Perception

World: - Solo leveling Main heroine: - Sung Jinah Harem: - No **** A guy died and was granted skills and some mission to get reborn in the world where resides his fictional love and so he jumped without hesitation. He was trained to hone his skills and was left in the world of dungeons and monsters where death was as common as a daily sale. Yet, the boy found a way to live his leisurely life with his girl and see this world burn for all it could. ***** A/N: - This is a chill story and I would upload as much time as I get. No promises. There would be centric romance and would only turn harem if I get enough response. Skills would be cliche since I am not a true weeb but know my shit to write some decent fiction. English isn't my first language so expect some mistakes and if you want to criticize, then please make it worth checking. If I get enough responses, I would do a poll for harem members but no Cha Hae-In tho. Sung Jin Woo would die single that way.

Svneighter · Tranh châm biếm
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151 Chs

Chapter 17- Misunderstanding?

"Remind me again, why am I here with you when I was supposed to be with Jinah right now?"

Inside a cafeteria, which was fairly crowded given the time of day it was, sat a couple consisting of a handsome raven-haired boy who had blindfolds drawn over his eyes and a cute girl with a mole under her left eye.

Haru was tapping on the table with his index finger ever since Song-Yi dragged him here, in the name of feeling ill and suffering from lack of caffeine.

After finishing the dungeons and bidding farewell to Jin-Woo and Jinho, Song-Yi requested(begged) to accompany her to a nearby cafe since she was feeling low on sugar.

Well, it was a facade since having so much money made the girl really itchy to spend it somewhere.

"How awful can you be? Someone as pretty as me asked you out and now you are showing me the temper? Hmph!"

Song-Yi turned her head with her cheeks bulging in a small pout. Trying to be cute, she thought that maybe she could get him to stay a little longer since she really didn't want to come to places like these alone. It made her feel lonely as hell for some reason.

But upon seeing the vein popping on his forehead and the boy ready to get up any blink now, Song-Yi panicked.

"W-Wait! Joke...it was a joke! I am really thankful you came so please stay a little longer alright? Pleaaaaase?"

Haru huffed before leaning back on his seat and getting his ice latte from the table.

It was true that he wanted to meet Jinah but that doesn't mean he was going to leave Song-Yi alone just like that. Not after what she saw once again in today's raid. All the blood and gore made her once again determined to leave this hunter's job once and for all.

Apart from Jinah, Song-Yi is the only person whom Haru regards more than an acquaintance. Even the old Haru was fond of the girl because of her outgoing nature and also the fact that she was a potential wingwoman as well.

Song-Yi sighed in relief as she took a scoop of her choco lava cake before asking Haru in a curious tone.

"So...are you going to continue this work of hunter from now on."

Even though Song-Yi tried to mask it, the anxiety her voice contained didn't go unnoticed by Haru and he could understand the reason for her worry. Just like him, she also regarded Haru as a close friend, and seeing the horrors of Dungeons twice by now, she doesn't want him to go there again.

Sure he was strong and such...but Song-Yi had no control over her emotions whenever she thinks of the possible outcome where Haru couldn't able to win his battle just like he did today.

Haru was a bit contemplative here. Not because he was uncertain of his choice but whether he should lie to the girl at the moment to ease her stress. But in the end, he chose to speak the truth.

"Yeah, I will. I mean the world is losing a capable hunter such as Han Song-Yi, then they should be compensated as someone measly like Haruka Nanase after all."

Song-Yi was brought to a halt to her feast as she heard the top-tier sarcasm from Haru. In place of laughter what she rewarded him was the upraised spoon stuck in between her folded ring and middle finger.

Haru chuckled a bit seeing the glare from the girl which was ruined by the chocolate syrup spread beside her lips.


Haru's smile instantly broke down as he heard a familiar voice he didn't want to hear right now, not under these circumstances.

Song-Yi was startled as well before she turned her head to the source of the voice and found Jinah standing there with her fingers stuck in the strap of her bag and confusion written over her face.

"Sung Jinah? How come you here?"

Haru inwardly facepalmed hearing the wrong question Song-Yi chose before he got up from his seat and faced Jinah who looked slightly awkward now being pointed at being a third wheel here.

"It's not like what you think, Jinah. Song-Yi was shaken up a bit because of the things that happened in the dungeon that's why she asked me to accompany her here."

Jinah evidently relaxed hearing the explanation and for some reason, she felt relieved to hear that they were not on a date as well? Jinah didn't ponder on the matter of why she felt like that and walked toward the table before sitting beside Song-Yi who continued to finish her choco cake without minding what situation she could have caused.

Haru sighed at the dense girl before he also sat back and called for the waiter to give an order for Jinah as well.

"Ummm...a cold latte for me as well. Thank you."

Since it was hot outside today Jinah felt like drinking something strong and frosty and seeing Haru sipping on it made her thirsty for some caffeine as well.

Jinah let go of the bag and was about to get comfortable when she saw Song-Yi suddenly getting up from her seat, gaining the attention of the Haru as well.

"Now that I am done, I will see you guys around~"

"Hey, wait. Why so suddenly?"

Jinah raised her voice since it was rather abrupt for her to leave like this when Jinah just arrived. But Song-Yi didn't hear any of it and brushed it off causally.

"I just felt like I have left my lights on. Better save some electricity before I go bankrupt."

Song-Yi winked at Haru which only the latter was able to see before the bob-haired girl hopped away.

Jinah kept on staring at Song-Yi back until she wasn't out of the cafe which made Haru raise his brows as he asked in an uncertain tone.

"If you are uncomfortable then we can move out as well."

Jinah snapped her gaze back at Haru before she shook her head hurriedly and cleared the misunderstanding.

"It's not like that. I just felt that maybe she wanted to be around a little more...I guess?"

Hearing that Song-Yi has gone inside the dungeon it was inevitable that Jinah would be concerned about her friend. She has recently explored what hazard and inhumanity those gates could bestow on the hunters. For Song-Yi to venture dungeon which Jinah couldn't even imagine herself in, must have taken a toll on her emotional stability.

Haru also felt that he should have dropped Song-Yi home but in the end more than sympathy, it was better for Song-Yi that she doesn't look for a hunter's job again since it was not something she was made for. Just like Jinah.

Or so he thought...

"You know Haru...I always wanted to be at least some help to my brother. Like ever since I could remember. Whenever I saw him returning home all battered or how he got pressurized because of house rent and other expenses, I wished I also could have awakened and helped him in any way possible. But well, it seems I am not just cut for it..."

Jinah sighed before sipping on her latte which arrived just a moment ago. The strong espresso and the smooth texture of milk felt soothing on her tongue, relaxing Jinah's shoulders in an instant.

On the other side, Haru was a bit contemplating for some reason upon hearing Jinah's unexpected wish which Haru knew, in normal circumstances, couldn't be fulfilled.

He was silent for a bit fidgeting with his straw before, in an uncertain tone, he asked Jinah something completely out of blue.

"If....if by chance, you get the opportunity to awaken....would you go for it Jinah?"


A/N: - Drop a comment and let me know if the pace is fine or not...