
Solo Leveling X TBATE | Looking For Purpose

The war between Sung Jin-Woo and the monarchs has ended but the outcome was not what Jin-Woo expected, as he saw his world slowly crumble, his people all dead, and the cup of reincarnation unusable. He hated the monarchs, he hated them all as he was clouded in negative emotions he finally calmed down and decided to wander around the universe looking for his purpose in life. This is a TBATExSoloLeveling Fanfiction that is heavily inspired by Daovenerable, and !Ashy A/N: I will be altering most of the stories, and balance out the power levels between so they could all fight at an equal footing rather than getting one-shot by our beloved Shadow Monarch Haven't figured out a consistent update schedule but will have at least a chapter every week I do not own The beginning after the end nor Solo Leveling everything belongs to their respective authors which are Turtleme (TBATE), and Chugong (Solo Leveling).

DudeInTheShadows · Kỳ huyễn
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32 Chs


Sung JIn-Woo POV

As I appeared in my room once again I was greeted by Ash in his human form, as I got close to him I could slowly see the difference between us besides his purple eyes and black purple hair. He seemed a little older than me, but it was weird that he didn't resemble my father. As I was still inspecting him I saw another figure in the corner of my room. a girl with white hair, purple eyes, She was around her twenties, and had a stunning face, as I inspected closer I saw golden runes on her neck, and I knew who she was

"Sylvia?" I asked

"Yup," She said

"I've finally healed enough for me to freely use mana, and aether again," She said

"Good" I replied

"Did you notice any changes in Ash?" She asked

"Starting to call him Ash ey you two seem to be bonding well there" I teased, but still no reaction from Ash, but there was a slight reaction from Sylvia

"He seems older" I commented

"Look closer there," She said as she pointed at ash's abdomen

"You have a mana core?" I asked

"Yes since someone has my black heart I still need to store mana you know," He said

"So what affinity do you have," I asked but as soon as I finished asking a dark, and pitch-black spear appeared from my shadow nearly hitting me

"You're only compatible with shadows aren't ya," I said

"Sylvia has Agrona ever got hold of you child?" I asked as I remembered Cadell asking her to give it

"Yes he has" She answered

"As you said Agrona is careful could examine here" I said

"I can," She said

"Good I'll bring her here," I said and then I walked out of my room, and knocked on Arthur's room

No answer

I opened the door to see Arthur sleeping with a small black kitten but with scales on his stomach. The sclera that is usually white in the human's eyes is black. Her pupils are sharp slits that would typically make it look menacing, but with the body of something akin to a small feline animal, she looks adorable. The most noticeable difference between and Sylvie is that Sylvie has two horns on its head. It curves outward around her head and then, sharpening into a point in the front. So I just took Sylvie and brought her to my room.

As I gave Sylvia her child me and Ashborn cast a mana barrier so not even an ounce of Sylvia's mana could leak. As Sylvia seemed to do something I turned to ask Ash

"I've been meaning to ask why is it that when I revived the Monarch the only change I seemed to notice are just their eyes," I asked

"Even I don't know," Ash said as he shook his head

"By the way what stage are you on," I asked

"High white" He replied

"Good, I don't need to worry about you then," I said

As I and Ash chatted for a few minutes Sylvia came towards us and said

"You were right Agrona did something to Sylvie but I managed to get rid of it," She said as she handed me her daughter

"Do you want to spend some time with her for a while you are still rightfully her mom" I said as I gave Sylvie back

"No I won't be necessary although I will be spending most of my time with her when I decided to reveal myself to the public," She said

"Sylvia if you compare me to your father and Agrona who would come out on top?" I asked

"Without your army, you could win against Agrona, but against my father, you would also win but with very bad injuries, with your army, you could win against the both of them, but still you could receive heavy injuries against my father." She replied

"But always be careful against Agrona he is tricky, to say the least," She added

"So if I were to fight against Epheotus? Who would win" I asked

"You, but the chance of you dying is also high" She replied

"Against Alacrya?" I asked

"I'm afraid I cannot answer that because of how unpredictable Agrona can be if you battle on his turf" Sylvia answered

"Well that's a start," I said

Arthur POV

The days went by quickly for me as I was completely immersed in training. I was able to access my first phase but I wouldn't be able to use it in an actual fight until I gained more control over it. Virion also taught me how to conceal my beast will so other mages can't notice. After the assimilation, the speed of my mana cultivation went through leaps and bounds.

During this time, there didn't seem to be any changes in Sylvie except that she had gotten a little more intelligent. Her vocabulary was still limited but it was a lot easier for us to understand each other. I went out together with Tess a lot. She had dragged me out with her every free time we had, trying to make as many memories as possible before I left. Like that, the four months that seemed so far away had now passed.

Dressed in a simple olive-green long sleeve and black pants with the feather wrapped around my forearm, I came out of my room.

"Arthur! Remember to take care! We'll find some way to contact you somehow and update you. Take this with you so you can navigate through the Forest of Elshire if you're ever in the area. Or maybe you can just find another princess to lead you back." He winked while handing me a small silver oval compass.

I could hear Jin-Woo struggling to contain his laugh beside me while Sylvia and Ash laughed in my head as Sylvie gave a teasing smile from Jin-Woos's shoulder

"When did they get close," I thought

"Uuu... Grandpa!!!"

"OUCH! Little one! It was a joke!" Grandpa Virion yelped while rubbing his side.

"While Alduin and Merial will be going in a separate carriage as the heads of this kingdom, Tess and I won't be going. This will be the last time we'll see each other for now. Until next time, Arthur, and Jin-Woo!" He grabbed us in a strong hug, almost knocking Sylvie off of Jin-Woo's shoulder

"I'll miss you, Art! Remember to come to visit again! Uu~ don't go chasing after human girls okay? Promise me, okay?" She sniffled, tears lining her eyes.

I hugged my dear friend and patted her head as well. "We'll see each other again! You better be stronger than me the next time we meet Tess! With Gramps teaching you, you have no excuse!"

She gave me a feeble nod, unable to form words because of her constant sniffling.

I waved goodbye to both of them and followed behind Merial and Alduin after they gave me a sympathetic smile. I hadn't gotten the chance to spend much time with the King and Queen but we were more comfortable with each other now. I hoped that next time, I would be able to grow closer to them.

I got into the carriage that the elf representatives were taking, while the king and queen were escorted into a separate carriage.

"Well look who it is! If it isn't the human brat! Did the royal family finally kick you out of the Kingdom?" An elf boy dressed in a very decorated purple robe smirked.

"Uh... I'm sorry but do I know you?" I felt like I knew who this elf was, but I couldn't quite place my finger on where we had met. Meanwhile, Sylvie was growling, pointing her horns in his direction.

"I'm the noble you mercilessly attacked while defying the customs of the duel!" He bolted up angrily, pointing an accusing finger at me.

It suddenly clicked. "You're the bug I sent tumbling!" I yelled out in realization, a bit louder than I had meant to. As Jin-Woo hit the back of my head

"Get in would ya," He said as he looked at the other elves inside

"Y-you dare...!?" His face turned bright pink as his ears twitched profusely in anger while a few elves behind desperately tried to cover their snickering.

"Aha sorry, sorry! I didn't mean to say that. I never did learn your name though," I chuckled, extending a hand to him.

Face still red, trying to preserve as much of the little dignity he had left, he rejected my handshake and declared in a pompous tone, "My name is Feyrith Ivsaar III, descendent of the noble Ivsaar family! You may have won while we were both children, but were we to duel again, I would win easily."

A young elf girl that looked a few years older than Feyrith piped in, saying, "You can just call him Feyfey as we do."

"D-don't tell him that!" Face turning an even darker shade of red, Feyfey turned his head away from me and took a seat.

I sat down next to Feyfey and gave him a sympathetic pat on his shoulders that was slumped in defeat.

As our carriage went into the teleportation gate we were greeted by the now-familiar sensation of being in the middle of a fast-forwarding film.

"We have arrived in Xyrus!" The driver announced.

I got out of the carriage with Jin-Woo, and we went straight to Helstea mansion, as I was walking I admired the view Xyrus had, even Sylvie decided to climb on top of Jin-Woo's head to get a better look. As we arrived in front of the Helstea entrance.

It was a strange feeling being more nervous now, meeting my family, more than when I was first appointed a king while in the midst of the most powerful people in the world. I then knocked on the doors. The dull sound of metal clanging on metal rang surprisingly loudly.

Unexpectedly, I could hear the faint pitter-patter sounds followed by a childish voice. "Coming~!"

A maid opened the door together with a little girl. Immediately upon seeing me, she hid behind the maid.

The maid looks at me curiously, evidently surprised to see an eight-year-old knocking on the door of a noble's estate.

"Ahem, nice to meet you. My name is Arthur Leywin. I was informed that my family is currently residing in this manor. Do you mind if I speak to them?" I give a slight bow, Sylvie rocking on top of Jin-Woo's head.

Before the confused maid could even respond, I heard an all too familiar sound in the background.

"Eleanor Leywin! There you are! You have got to stop running to the front door every time someone..." My mother stopped mid-sentence and dropped a small bowl of what looked to be food for... my sister.

I look down to see the girl with dazzling brown eyes, looking at me with innocent curiosity. Her light ash brown hair shimmered with a much prettier quality than Father's but I knew who she had gotten the color from. Her hair was tied into two pigtails on the side of her head above her ears.

I struggled to peel my eyes away from my little sister and turned to face my mother. My vision went blurry as tears filled my eyes, I said one thing I knew she was waiting to hear.

"H-hi Mom. I'm home." I gestured a small, awkward wave, not knowing what to do if she couldn't recognize me.

Fortunately, my fear didn't come true and she raced towards me at a speed I swear was faster than Grandpa Virion's, but that might've just been because of my blurry vision.

"Oh my baby! Arthur!!" She arrived in front of me and collapsed on her knees, her arms around my waist, gripping with all her strength, afraid that I might disappear again if she let go.

"You are alive! The Voice... I knew it was you! *sniff* You're back now! Yes, you're home now. Arthur, my baby!" That was all she managed to sputter out before breaking down into a bawl.

I couldn't even manage a complete sentence before shutting my lips tightly to hold back my sobs.

I couldn't help but think while my head was buried in my mother's shoulder: you could be an all-powerful, immortal tyrant but when you were in front of your loved ones, the ability to control emotions betray you.

I kept repeating in half gurgled sentences that I was alive and that I was home, that I wasn't leaving. My mother was a flurry of emotions. She was happy that I was back and alive, she was mad that I couldn't come back sooner, she was sad that I had to be away from them and how hard it must have been for me all at the same time.

At one point, Eleanor walked to us and started patting Mother's back. "Mama. There, there. Don't cry." But after unsuccessfully comforting her, she began crying as well.

"Arthur!" I turned my head, face still wet with tears to see outside the sprinting figure of my father drenched in sweat. I guess the maid had told him I was back.

He didn't stop as he reached us and simply slid on his knee, hugging all of us as we all almost toppled over.

"Arthur! My son! Look how big you are. Oh my God! You're back, you're back!" My father was cupping my head in his hands to get a better look at my face. He broke down while placing his large hand on the back of my head, bringing my forehead to touch his.

Our little family reunion continued. My mother sobbed uncontrollably, embracing me, and my oblivious little sister cried with her, as my father and I just looked at each other with tears in our eyes, all of us glad that we were finally together.

Eventually, we had all managed to settle down.

"Would you mind introducing us to him?" My father asked as he pointed at Jin-Woo

"Hello my name Is Sung Jin-Woo, or you can just call me Jin-Woo for short, as for why I'm with Arthur I met him at Elshair Forest and followed him all those years," He said

"Oh thank you for staying with Arthur it calms me when he had an adult with him," My mother said

"Uh ma'am I'm only 19," He said making my mother's and father's jaws drop

"Why don't we all come in and have a talk about Arthur's adventure," My father said gesturing us to come in the house

We all entered the house while Sylvie jumped from Jin-Woo's head to mine.

"It seems like your bond missed you," Jin-Woo said

Making the others turn their head towards me and Sylvie.

"Arthur that's your bond?" My father asked

"Yup," I said

As I told them how I discovered Sylvie We arrive at the dining room where we began Arthur's story. All of the people in the room listened in to my story with anticipation as I heard Jin-Woo chuckle beside me.

"What?" I asked him mentally

"I've been talking with Ash, and Sylvia deciding if we should tell your family that their son managed to seduce the princess of the elves," He said

"Don't you dare, and I see Tess as a sister, not a love interest" I said

As we proceeded with my story and had some food

"So Arthur what's your mana core right now?" my father asked

"Dark Orange," I said

"Holy shit!" my father exclaimed.

"Shet!" Eleanor echoed, laughing at my father falling.

"Honey! What did I say about cursing in front of Ellie?" My mother reprimanded while blocking my sister's ears.

"Haha Sorry. Sorry! Ellie don't listen to what your father just said." He then turned back to me.

"My son is still the same genius he used to be. Come on. Have a quick spar with your old man." My father grinned menacingly while clasping my shoulders.

"Dear! He just got home! Let him rest." Mother pulled me back.

"It's fine Mom." I gently placed my hand on top of hers, giving her a reassuring smile.

"Men! Always trying to fight! Isn't that right, Ellie?" My mother shook her head helplessly.

"Papa and Brother are men!" Echoed Ellie, trying to mimic our mother's expression.

Both father and I laughed this time. It was really good to be back.

We all get up to move to the backyard when I hear the door open.

"Rey! I just heard your son was alive. What the hell is going on?" I see a thin proper man with glasses and parted hair in a suit sweating, with what I assumed to be his wife and daughter running behind him.

"Vincent, everyone! I would like you to meet my son, Arthur! He's back Vince, Haha!"

My father wrapped his arm around the man's shoulder.

"Arthur, this is Vincent, my old friend and the person I now work for. This is his house so introduce yourself before we start wrecking it," he grinned broadly.

Bowing to a ninety-degree angle, I introduced myself. "It is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Arthur Leywin. I'm not sure what my family has told you about me, but I was in contact with them for a while back. I was also the one that told them to not tell anyone until I get back, so I apologize for the confusion. Thank you for taking care of my family all of this time." This man was the one that housed my family in their toughest time. As far as I was concerned, I owed him and his family dearly.

"My name is Sung Jin-Woo a companion of Arthur I hope you don't mind me being here" Jin-Woo said as he gave a light bow

"Y-yeah, It's really no problem. Also I'm glad that you're alive and safe Arthur." He adjusted his glasses as if making sure he was really speaking to an eight-year-old. "Meet my wife, Tabitha, and my daughter, Lilia," he continued, pushing them forward so they were in front of him.

"It's a pleasure to meet you ma'am, Lilia" I bowed again, Sylvie introducing herself too with a "Kyu!"

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Jin-Woo said as he gave a slight bow to them

Tabitha gave a kind smile in response. "Great to have you in our home, Arthur, Jin-Woo. Say hi, Lilia! Arthur is your age so don't be shy."

The girl named Lilia spoke up, pointing hesitantly at the creature on my head. "W-what's that! It's so cute."

"This is an infant mana beast that I'm bonded with. Her name is Sylvie. Sylvie, get down and say hello."

Sylvie leaped off my head and mewed at Lilia.

"Oh my gosh!" Lilia squealed.

"Rey, what did you mean by wrecking my house?" Vincent asked after peeling his eyes off of Sylvie.

"We were just on our way to the backyard. Arthur and I are going to have a little spar. Want to come?" He chuckles.

"Don't worry Mr. Helstea I'll make sure damage in your house would be minimal" I heard Jin-Woo say

Vincent sputters incredulously, "W-what? Are you serious? Your son just got home and you want to fight him? Besides, your son can't be older than eight. What are you going to spar with him for?"

"Don't let my son's age fool you! He's already a dark Orange stage augmenter!" my father harrumphed proudly, puffing his chest.

Vincent just shook his head. "Don't be ridiculous, Rey. Your eight-year-old son has already awakened, and he's gotten past three stages? Even the snobby genius brats that get admitted into Xyrus academy are barely at the dark red stage, and that's when they're eleven or twelve!"

My father just laughed louder in response before he added while leading us to the backyard, "You'll see. Besides, I have a little surprise as well."

We put proper distance between each other on the large grass lot outside.

As Jin-Woo released his mana to form a barrier around our battle which surprised everyone except me since I've abandoned the feeling of surprise, and envy when being around Jin-Woo. He's just a one-of-a-kind monster I chuckled looking at their surprised faces. My gaze went back to my father as he also looked at me. His two fists ignited, bursting into fiery gloves of scarlet. This control over his fire element was a novice, apparent from the steam coming from his body. This meant that there was unnecessary mana being spread out throughout his body.

I had learned early on that my father was a fire attribute mage, but after reaching a bottleneck for years while being busy as a father, he was able to reach the orange stage and, more impressively, was able to breakthrough in his comprehension in the fire. He could now be considered as an official elemental augmenter, or elemental for short.

I shot him a proud grin, before readying myself as well.

"Impressive, Dad... but now it's my turn."

(A/N: Art vs His dad you've guys seen it so I would torture you to re-read it since I can't put any Jin-Woo action in this)

I threw up my arms, laughing weakly.

"Kuu~!" Sylvie scampered towards me, giving me a concerned gaze, as if asking, 'are you okay Papa?'

Vincent was the first to speak up.

"D-deviant!" he managed to spew out.

"My god..." Tabitha just sighed in astonishment.

"So, Art. When exactly did you learn that new trick?" My father asked, more in a curious tone than one of shocked bewilderment. Shaking his head while ruffling my hair.

"Not too long ago Dad. I can barely control it, though," I replied sheepishly.

We all made our way back into the living room where we all situated ourselves around the dining table.

"Rey... your son. Do you realize the kind of future he has? He's only eight but he's already stronger than a veteran B rank Adventurer," Vincent said, hardly able to contain his excitement.

"If you consider me strong you should've seen Jin-Woo," I said turning my head towards him

"Ya Lil prick I told you not to bring attention to me," He said mentally

"How strong are you actually Jin-Woo?" My father asked

Jin-Woo didn't bother to answer as he took out his adventure card. All of their eyes widened at the sight of seeing an S-rank adventurer before them.

"It seems like you have one of a hell companion Arthur," my dad told me slapping my back

We all made our way back into the living room where we all situated ourselves around the dining table.

"Rey... your son. Do you realize the kind of future he has? He's only eight but he's already stronger than a veteran B rank Adventurer," Vincent said, hardly able to contain his excitement.

My father scratched his head. "This is crazy. I thought that his awakening at the age of three was already terrifying but to think he would become a deviant as well."

"What? He awakened at the age of three?!" Tabitha cried out, bolting up from her seat.

My mother just nodded at this. "Arthur managed to blow up most of our house in the process."

Both my father and Vincent leaned back, sinking in their chair as they let out a synced sigh..

"Papa? Are you okay?" Eleanor poked Father in the cheek.

Laughing, Father picked her up off of Mother's lap, "Haha, yeah I'm okay princess."

Vincent got up from his chair now and looked seriously at us, arms stretched out on the table.

"Rey, how about enrolling your son in Xyrus Academy?"

"It seems like Arthur is going to be a prodigy there" Jin-Woo sent me a mental comment

"Shut up" I replied

"What? You can't be serious, right? He's only eight!" my father refuted, sitting up on his chair.

Tabitha chimed in. "Rey, Alice, I think your child is more than capable of exceeding at Xyrus."

"I thought that only noble geniuses were allowed to attend Xyrus Academy?" Mother responded, concern etched into her face.

Excitedly, Vincent voiced out, "I can handle that! I do a lot of business with the Director of Xyrus Academy so she'll be lenient in the enrollment process."

"Do you mean Cynthia?" Jin-Woo asked

"You know her?" Vincent asked

"Yea I do know her" Jin-Woo replied

"But isn't she always busy?" Jin-Woo continued

"Like I said I can handle that," Vincent said with a smile

"B-but the school fees are much too extravagant for us to handle," Mother argued, still doubtful of the idea of sending me.

"Alice, that should be the least of your worries. We will be glad to pay for the fees. Arthur's talent is immeasurable. Who knows what he can accomplish. Even if we don't pay, I'm sure he'd find nobles that would beg to sponsor him." Tabitha held Alice's hands in her own for reassurance.

"Ahem! Do you mind if I have a say in this?" People seemed to forget that the person's future they were trying to decide was right here with them.

"I have just arrived back home today. Can I spend a bit of time with my family before I decide whether to go to school or not?" I gave a meaningful gaze to Vincent.

"O-of course. I apologize. Haha. I guess I was too excited there for a moment."

He just laughed weakly before sitting back down.

"Thank you." I smiled at the Helstea family.

I turned my head to face my mother. "Mom, where do I sleep?"

"Oh yes! I almost forgot! You'll have your room next to Eleanor's in the left-wing. Come on, let's all go up now, it's getting late."

"Uh Jin-Woo do you mind sharing rooms with Arthur for now," She asked me

"I don't mind at all because someone needs to wake him up," He said

"Because unfortunately, we don't have the princess to wake you up" He continued in our mental link earning a laugh from Ash, Sylvie, and Sylvia

I went to my room with Jin-Woo as we came in there was already a sleeping bag for Jin-Woo, while he took a shower I didn't bother and just jumped to my bed and slept soonly after followed by Sylvie.

Sung Jin-Woo POV

As I was taking my shower I talked with the other two through our mental link

"Sylvia, I've been meaning to ask you how strong are you?" I asked

"I should be as strong as Ash with realmheart, but without it im around ¾ of Ash" She replied

"Realmheart?" I asked

"The thing I used when you asked me to check Sylvie my race calls it Realheart" She replied

"Jin-Woo" A familiar voice called me

"Jin-Woo it's Seris" I finally knew who the voice belonged to

"Yes?" I asked

"It's about Agrona they're starting to be more aggressive on sending mutated beasts in the beast glades" She said

"I wouldn't worry about that," I told her

"Are there any new updates?" I asked her

"They've sent a Vritra-blooded child to darv," She said

"Now that's something I wouldn't expect," I said

"What do they plan to do?" I asked

"I'm afraid even I don't know" She replied

"All right is that all" I asked as I put on my clothes

"Yes that is all for now" She said as she disconnected from the mental link