
Solo Leveling X TBATE | Looking For Purpose

The war between Sung Jin-Woo and the monarchs has ended but the outcome was not what Jin-Woo expected, as he saw his world slowly crumble, his people all dead, and the cup of reincarnation unusable. He hated the monarchs, he hated them all as he was clouded in negative emotions he finally calmed down and decided to wander around the universe looking for his purpose in life. This is a TBATExSoloLeveling Fanfiction that is heavily inspired by Daovenerable, and !Ashy A/N: I will be altering most of the stories, and balance out the power levels between so they could all fight at an equal footing rather than getting one-shot by our beloved Shadow Monarch Haven't figured out a consistent update schedule but will have at least a chapter every week I do not own The beginning after the end nor Solo Leveling everything belongs to their respective authors which are Turtleme (TBATE), and Chugong (Solo Leveling).

DudeInTheShadows · Kỳ huyễn
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32 Chs

Artifact and Hope

Arthur POV

A little into the journey, I asked Grandpa Virion. "Hey Gramps, where are we headed anyway? You said we were meeting a friend of yours, right?"

"Haha! Gramps eh? Well, aren't you comfortable with me now? Good good! As for where we're going, it's a surprise." He threw in a wink.

Tessia has fallen asleep with her head leaning against my shoulder. She must have been tired from waking up so early.

"Take good care of her, Art. She grew up in a very lonely environment," he quietly mutters, a look of compassion filled his eyes as he looked at his sleeping granddaughter.

"What do you mean?"

"Growing up as the only princess of an entire kingdom is very stressful, too much for a child to handle. Growing up with no close friends, was hard on her. She had gotten hurt too many times by people pretending to befriend her, only to use her for their gains. This has made Tessia into someone cold and distant to those around her. Imagine how surprised we all were when we saw you two holding hands." He continues.

"Yeah, I noticed when I heard her talk to the guards," I added.

"Arthur. Tessia has shown more expression, more smiles and laughs, now than she ever had growing up; around you, she finally seems more like a child. For that, I thank you." He patted my other shoulder.

"You heard the old man take care of her" I heard Jin-Woo say with a big grin which I just ignored

This was the first time Grandpa Virion ever initiated physical contact with me besides sparring, which caught me by surprise.

The carriage came to a gentle halt before the driver opened our carriage door to inform us of our arrival.

"Hey Tess, we're here," I whispered, gently nudging her.

"Mmm..." She eventually stirred awake and we get out of the carriage, arriving at what could only be considered a dainty hut.

"Hey, you old witch! Come out!" Grandpa Virion suddenly yelled while knocking on the door.

Suddenly the door flew open to reveal a hunched elderly lady with grey hair that seemed like it was struck by lightning and wrinkled eyes that were strangely a mixture of multiple colors, all blending. Dressed in a simple brown robe, she peered down at me with a studying eye.

"Took you long enough to get here!" she scowled.

"Hahaha! Arthur! Let me introduce you to Rinia Darcassan. She's a very special deviant amongst us elves," Grandpa Virion announces.

"It's good seeing you again, Virion. Charming as always, little Tessia," she smiled, patting Tess's head.

Looking at us, she stuck out her hand. "We finally meet young Arthur and Sung Jin-Woo. I am Rinia. A Diviner."

Grandpa Virion, Tessia, Rinia, Jin-Woo and I were currently all situated around a circular table with a jar of water in the middle.

"Umm... Elder Rinia? You said that you were a diviner, correct? I'm a little lost as to what it is you can do. Gramps said that I'd be able to find out if my parents are okay by seeing you." I asked, staring curiously at the jar of water.

"Kekeke! Gramps huh? Virion, you've let yourself go if you're letting youngsters like him call you that," she snickered.

"Bah! He's an exception! If any other brat dares to call me something like Gramps, I'll have them hung upside down and beaten with a cactus!" he grinned back, looking at me.

How painfully descriptive.

Glaring at me, she barked, "Brat! You don't even know where your parents are but you want to travel all over Sapin, find them and then come back to train? You'd be already dead by the time you make yourself back here."

I looked at Grandpa Virion. Did he tell her? Almost as if he knew what I was thinking, he chuckled. "I didn't tell Rinia any of this. There isn't much you can hide from her, but usually she doesn't bother looking into a person. What made you so nosy Rinia?" Gramps said, directing a worried gaze towards the elderly lady.

"You and I both know he's special. So special that there are parts of his life that even I can't see. Arthur, whatever the beast that passed its will onto you is, it's not an ordinary beast. Limiting it to an SS class wouldn't give it justice." She pondered for a bit before continuing.

"But him" She pointed at Jin-woo

"I can't get in him at all. Even a little vision or glimpses are Impossible to see, the first time I tried I could see a pair of purple eyes in a dark abyss staring at me telling me to go back, but that made me even more curious, but until now I have yet to see anything about this child" She said

Sung Jin-Woo POV

"Did you have anything to do with this Ashborn?" I asked remembering how it was the same with lady selner

"Yes it was me We don't want needles eyes looking at us" He replied

"Could've at least leave a few glimpses would've been less attracting" I said

"Whatever," He said

"Sylvia do you know anything about her powers?" I asked

"Umm this is also a first for me, but there is always a possibility. You never know what could be achieved in this world" She replied

"True" I replied

But hearing those words my mind couldn't help but think about the cup, "is there a way to repair it?" I asked myself

"Clear yourself from needles thinking it won't help you at all it would only delude you, and in the end making you more confused in the end," Ashborn said

"I know it's just a what-if speculation," I said

Arthur POV

"Enough about that, though. Arthur, you're here to see your parents so that's what I'll help you do. Close your eyes for a moment and picture your parents. Focus on their appearance and their mana signature. I'll take care of the rest."

I closed my eyes and imagined the last scene I had of them both together: my father badly wounded and my mother healing him.

"Okay, you can open your eyes now."

I looked at her to see the color of her eyes swirling. The water was floating out of the jar and was swirling around, forming a spiraling disk. Suddenly, I see my parents in the water.

The chair I was sitting on is flipped back as I bolted up, leaning as close to the table. I saw my mother and father together, sitting around a dining table. It didn't seem to be our home in Ashber. My mother's face was a bit paler and was currently saying something to my father. I could see she's lost a bit of weight but otherwise looked pretty healthy. Her stomach! It's pretty evident now that she was pregnant by the fairly noticeable bulge on her belly. My father looked the same! He's wearing some kind of uniform now though and was sporting a beard.

I could feel hot tears running uncontrollably down my face at this point, as I didn't dare peeling my eyes off of the image of my parents.

They're alive! They're doing okay! They're fine.

"T-thank you Elder Rinia. Thank you truly for showing me this," I managed a sniffled stammer.

She looked a little uncomfortable at my sincerity and just waved it off.

"Ahem! Let me see where they are now."

The image zoomed out and I could see the outside of where they're living. Just as I had suspected, it was definitely not our home in Ashber. Zooming out even more, I could see the layout of the city that they're staying in.

"It seems like they've made their home in Xyrus. That makes things simpler for us." She says, a content look on her face.

Tess, obviously worried about me crying, was patting my back but her gaze didn't leave the swirling water.

"Art's parents..." I faintly heard her mumble.

Grandpa Virion clapped his hands together and stood up.

"Okay! Arthur! Let's let your parents know that you're alive!"

According to Grandpa Virion, strict regulations controlled communications between the Kingdom of Elenoir and Sapin. However, Rinia, being a diviner not discovered by the Kingdom of Sapin, allowed us a certain unregulated freedom in a sense.

"How this process will work is that I will pour some of my innate mana into you, establishing a temporary link. When I give you the signal, start speaking as if you're talking to your parents. It's important to know that they will hear your voice inside their heads so they may not believe what you're saying at first. Make sure to get them to believe that it really is you that's speaking to them and that they're not going crazy. Remember, we're just doing this to let them know you're still alive. I'm going to emit your voice directly into both your parents' minds. I can't keep the connection up for long so say what you need to within two minutes," she asserted, a serious gaze from her eyes.

Nodding at this, I prepare myself as well.

"Begin... NOW!"

Her whole body began glowing the same color as her eyes and I could see the same glow spreading onto me as well.

Taking a deep breath, I started talking.

Hi Mom, hi Dad. It's me, your son Arthur. You're probably really surprised that you're hearing my voice inside your head, huh? Well there's a reason for that. Before that though, I want you to know that I'm alive and safe. Again, I'm alive and well Mom, Dad. I managed to survive the fall off the cliff and I'm currently living in the Kingdom of Elenoir with the elves. Please don't tell anyone else this. I don't have much time so I'll only say the things most crucial. A friend of mine is a deviant like you mom, except she's a diviner so I was able to see how you guys are doing just now as well. She is also the one that is allowing you guys to be able to hear my voice. I want to go back to you guys as soon as possible but I can't right now. No, I'm safe and alive right now but I have a sort of er... illness inside my body that I need to get rid of before I am able to go back. Don't worry, as long as I stay here and have the elves treat me, I'm 100% okay. So please, don't worry. I don't know when I'll be able to talk to you guys like this again, but what's important is that I'm alive and I know you guys are as well. Dad, Mom, both of you guys should be hearing my voice right now so confirm it with each other if you still can't believe this. Remember; don't tell anyone where I am right now. Better yet, just keep it as if I was still dead to make things simpler. It may take months or even years for me to be able to go back but just be sure that I WILL be going back home. I love you guys *sniff* so much and I miss you. Stay safe, and Dad, make sure to keep Mom and my baby sibling safe. Mom *sniff*, please make sure dad doesn't get into trouble. Your son, Art."

Jin-Woo POV

We then left Elder Rinia's house, and as we were about to go back I said that I wanted to talk to Elder Rinia for a moment, and told them to go ahead first. At first Gramps did want to argue, but I insisted that they leave first

"Elder Rinia, you say you can look into other people's future right?" I asked

"Yes that is true" She replied

"Could you try checking my future again?" I asked

Elder Rinia POV

"Could you try checking my future again?" The boy asked

As I closed my eyes I was brought into a place I didn't know, as I spun around to look at my surroundings, there was nothing, but then I heard a horn being blown behind one of the mountains, as I saw an army of monsters I've never seen before, while on the other side a man stood there alone gazing upon the army marching towards him as the army got closer the man's shadow became larger, as it enveloped the whole battlefield then I turned to look at him he muttered one word that would change the tides of his battle


At first, nothing happened but I could see the fear the other side felt as I could see purple, and black mana particles showing and glowing all around us, but then I spotted an arm coming out of the ground trying to go to the surface, as it came out more came out. Until after I looked back the black monsters were completely surrounding the monster army. The battle broke out. The monsters charged at the man as he just raised his hand thousands of the monsters were squashed like mere bugs, as for the black army they were fighting the other monsters. As I saw the monsters slashed, chopped, and killed the black monsters it didn't seem to affect them as they were constantly regenerating.

I was back to my room gasping for air still couldn't believe what I had seen.

"It seems like your reaction is enough for an answer Elder Rinia," He said as I saw him stand up

"Who are you," I asked him as he stood up

"I go by many names Elder Rinia but I mostly go by Shadow Monarch " He answered as his figure was consumed by his shadow and disappeared without a trace

Virion POV

Tessia was sleeping beside me because Arthur wanted to sit alone, as I waited for Tessia to sleep I asked the boy.

"What are you actually boy," I asked

"Just a normal boy from a normal commoner family, just wanting to enjoy life" He answered

"Bah normal boy my ass," I said

"If all normal boys in the continent are like you then what makes those below you? trash?" I continued

He just sat there looking out the window his face expressionless, as I was about to ask him about something the boy's shadow moved to the empty seat beside him as I saw the other boy slowly coming out from the shadow his head looking out the window

"You're going to give me a heart attack if you do that without notice you know" I sighed

"Sorry I forgot to explain" He replied

"You seem down what happened to you," I asked

"Nothing I'm just…. thinking" He replied as he gave a weak smile

The ride back to the castle was nerve-wracking, to say the least, Arthur was in his thoughts until he fell asleep while Jin-Woo did the same but was still awake, with Tessia sleeping I had nobody to talk to, I was starting to lose my mind, and then I realized something.

"Boy, what is your core?" I asked Jin-Woo

"I don't have one" He answered

"What?" I was shocked

He then lifted his finger and put it in front of his mouth and smiled, as that wasn't surprising enough his form suddenly changed from that of a brat not older than 15 to a grown-up man.

"I shall leave Arthur in your care," He said

"You're leaving?" I asked

"No why should I but I'm definitely not training" He answered

"Right," I said as I took another good look at his body

"Is that your real body?" I asked

"Yes it is, I was using the previous one for convenience but that just led to a mess," he said as I understood what he meant by that

"So are you going to come out looking like that?" I asked

"No," I said

"Then why show it to me?" I asked

"I trust you, and I hope to gain your trust to Elder, trust is hard to earn but easy to break," He said

"I'm just a shadow for now looking after Arthur" He continued as he stretched his body and returned to his previous form

"All right I'll keep your secret but you still need to earn my trust," I said

"So does the other boy" I continued

As I was still trying to comprehend what I had just witnessed, we were already at the castle gate the carriage stopped at the entrance as I saw in front of me Arthur was already awake, while Tess was still asleep. I then shook her gently, and after a few minutes she was awake

"Time skip three years"

Sung Jin-Woo POV

I was woken up by the usual alarm that existed in this world, yes the Arthur Alarm, as I heard Arthur's scream in agony from the room in front of me. I got up and went to the mirror. I was already using my original body, as I was already a teen. As I took a shower and changed my clothes I saw a black figure in the corner of my room with purple eyes glowing. I came towards it my fist ready to punch it as I punched him he caught my fist and threw me back. He stepped forward so I could see him clearly. He was around my height with black hair, and as I looked again his face was similar to mine.

"Is that you Ashborn?" I asked shocked

"You finally figured it out" He answered

"That's neat," I said

"Yeah I had Sylvia teach me to transform" He replied

"Ooh Ash I didn't know you've been bonding in there together," I said in a teasing tone

But Ashborn just stared at me confused by my words which made me facepalm

"I forgot who I was teasing," I thought

"Well how am I going to introduce you to Virion," I asked

"You don't need to I just wanted to come out, and show you this" He replied

"All right I'm going to go to the room across, and check on our beloved little brother," I said

After years of being together with Arthur interesting, and fun things kept happening so I wasn't bored with my stay in the elven castle, but today was a big day it was finally the day Arthur could complete the assimilation of mana into my body.

"I've rarely seen you this excited" Ashborn said

"Well today is a special day for Arthur" I replied

"Your excitement reminds me of when…"

"You know what never mind," He said not wanting to finish his sentence

As I walked through the hallway I heard swords clashing in one of the rooms, curious I decided to follow the sound to the source. As I walked slowly hearing where the sounds came from I stopped in front of a room. I turned invisible and opened the door when I entered I saw two female elves dueling One of them had short black hair, fair skin, and a mole below her left eye, while the other had short white hair and smooth white skin. As I observed them both fighting with just coating their swords with mana. I watched how elves operate with their swords but after a few minutes of watching it was clear that the black hair elve was more fluent, and skilled with the sword, while the white hair one had a few vital openings whenever she went offensive. As I watched the match nearing its end the door behind me opened, and Virion went in.

"Aya, Alea how's your training?" He asked

"Yes Elder Virion the place you've given us is already enough for us to practice" The black hair elve answered

"It's good that you like your new training place, but while we're here I'm going to try and find the human guest to try and spar with you two, I'm sure he would accept cause he mostly just wander around the castle," He said which truthfully I was still offended It wasn't like I was doing nothing

"What do you mean you were doing absolutely nothing," Ahsborn said

"You mean the man with black hair?" The girl with white hair asked

"Yes, that's him you've seen him?" Virion asked

"I saw him a few times passing by while I was heading towards here" The girl with white hair replied

"Now Alea, Aya what do you think about becoming white cores," Virion asked

It was obvious that both of them was shocked as their expression to the question was a dead giveaway

"Please sir we're still mid silver core," The black hair elve said

"Now listen first Aya" Virion said

"This is an artifact that allows silver mages to break through the white core," Virion said showing them the artifact

"But sir there are other elves more talented than us," Alea said

"Yes but I would like to choose both of you," He said

"It would my honor sir," Aya said as she gave a slight bow

"Mine too sir," Alea said following Aya

"Should we leave? We kinda just heard a kingdom's top secret right before us" Ahsborn said

I agreed with him so I was going to walk but I was still curious about how those artifacts work so I stayed there for a few more minutes and watched as they both received the artifact I saw mana gathering towards the artifact, forcing them to breakthrough from mid silver to high silver, and then to the white core. But as they broke through the white core I realized that.

"It blocks any future potential to grow," Ashborn said

"Indeed they can't continue to grow any longer," I said

Suddenly a vine appeared behind me nearly catching me when I was off guard

"It seems that I need to hide my mana better against white cores," I thought

As I stopped my technique and walked towards them my hands in the air

"It seems like You've been here for a while," Virion said

"I was just passing by when I heard sword clashes coming from this room" I replied

"Alea Aya meet my guest Sung Jin-Woo" Virion introduced me

"It's a pleasure to meet you two," I said

"The pleasure is ours" Aya replied

"All right since we're all here how about we just start the spar" Virion clapped his hand

"2 against one?" I asked

"Of course" He replied

"All right," I said walking towards the opposite side

"How about a little bet while we're at it" Aya suggested

I turned back to let her finish

"Loser has to do what the winners want," She said with a playful wink

"Aya don't go around betting again," Alea said

"Hmm interesting, sure why not?" I said

When I turned to Virion his face darkened as he walked towards me and whispered towards me "Don't you dare take my lances from me" He said

I was confused at first but then understood what he meant.

"Relax old man I won't ask for the artifacts," I said

"That's not what I meant but whatever all three of you get ready," He said

As I got to the other side of the room I tried to make out how strong they were to compare their strength with my soldiers.

"They're around Igris and Tusk combined" I noted

As the battle was about to start I already decided on who to summon, when Virion started the match both of the lances lunged towards me but before their blades could reach me


A giant shield blocked both of their blades as Iron was behind me using his shield, a few knights then appeared from my shadow as both lances took a stance. I sent around ten normal knights towards them. They got destroyed pretty easy so I sent Igris to fight them while the knights kept on distracting, although Igris was superior in the sword their magic wasn't something to scoff at either. The three of them exchanged swords for a few minutes then suddenly a fog appeared surrounding me and blocking my vision. As I tried to find them a blade suddenly appeared in front of me but before it could hit me


A barrier was surrounding me "Thanks Tusk" I thought

As Aya tried to jump back after failing her sneak attack I used ruler's authority and froze her there. Before I could get too close a wall of vines covered my vision, as a forest made out of vines was slowly manifesting, as it circled my barrier trying to squeeze it, my barrier started to show cracks, as I located my soldiers to switch, I waited till the last second and as my barrier cracked I switched with one of my soldiers.

"It's been a while since I last utilized my shadows this much I hope I'm not too rusty," I thought

"You're practically just toying with them," Ashborn said disappointed

"You're right but a white core isn't that weak they could probably still fight Baran," I said

"While that may be true, but having their potential taken away from them it seems like they like quantity more than quality," Ashborn said

"Those artifacts were given by my clan and my clan only gave six, two for each race," Sylvia said

"Why tho," I asked

I expected an answer but all I got was silence.

"I'm afraid I can't tell you about it I am very sorry" She answered

As I was looking back at the area they were fighting I could see them making noticeable damage to Igris, as his wounds slowly regenerate, but I could see both of them were exhausted.

"I think the result of the match is already decided," Virion said with a sigh

I recalled all of the summons that I released, as I walked back towards Virion.

"What were those?" Aya asked

"My powers" I replied matter of factly

"It seemed like it was more like a 13 v 2 rather than a 2 v 1," Alea said as she sighed

"And their regeneration was ridiculous" Aya continued

I just shrugged and asked Virion

"How's Arthur doing?" I asked

"He's doing fine we should be able to start later in the evening" He replied

"Sylvia Isn't it time for you to explain the rock you gave to Arthur," I asked

"No it'll be a surprise" She replied

"You and your secrets" I sighed