
Chapter: 20

Chapter: 20

I hummed softly as I sat within my dimension, absentmindedly combing through Ariel's hair. Sensing Jin-woo leaving the house, I pondered aloud, "Hmm? Where is he off to?"

"Who?" Ariel queried.

"Brother. Oh well, he should be fine."

Suddenly, an explosion echoed in the distance, drawing my attention. Peering towards the source, I muttered, "What on earth are they doing over there?"

Standing up with Ariel in tow, I vanished in a burst of speed towards the site of the explosion. Upon arrival, I beheld Aizen and Madara facing off against D and Malenia, a tall, well-built woman with flowing red hair and golden armor adorned with cracks.

"So, a spar between Madara and Aizen versus D and Malenia. This won't end well for Aizen and Madara, will it?"

"What makes you say that?" Ariel inquired.

"Well experience wise D has both Madara and Aizen beat remember I gave everyone all their combat experience and as for win-cons well Koyka Sugetsu won't work on Malenia and D. The truth seeker ords and Madara's Sharingan won't work either especially if both D and Malenia pop their god forms."

"Okay, I understand D, but why Malenia?"

"Well, I've eliminated all her weaknesses, including her vulnerabilities, and enhanced her control over the Scarlet Rot."

"Excuse me?"

"Did I stutter?"

"I was hoping you did."

Shrugging at Ariel's retort, I walked away, lost in thought. 'The Rulers have made their move, but the Monarchs remain silent. They're active, though. What to do, what to do?'




"I've found a suitable area for a large dimension."

"Already? Give me a sec."

I vanished in a flash of light and reappeared in a black void beside an androgynous man with black hair and blue eyes, Veldanava.


"Ji-Yoon," he greeted with a nod.

I surveyed the dimension's boundaries, nodding in satisfaction. "This will do perfectly," I declared, my eyes glowing faintly as I channeled my power.

"Are you expanding it right away?" Veldanava asked, curious.

"Yeah. By the way, how big do you want the dimension?"

"You can create the base; I'll expand it if needed."

"Got it."

Raising my hands, the void rippled and distorted around us. Streams of vibrant energy flowed from my fingertips, weaving intricate patterns through the darkness. Slowly, the black void transformed, giving way to a vast, ethereal landscape. Stars and galaxies formed, planets and moons orbiting in a harmonious dance—a spectacle of creation unfolding before us.

"Alright, I'll leave the rest to you. I'm gonna go check on Arceus. Bye, Veldanava."


I vanished in a flash of white, appearing on a planet within a different dimension, reminiscent of Earth but larger and less densely populated, teeming with creatures—Pokémon.


Arceus, a white, equine Pokémon with an androgynous appearance, turned to me.


"How are you, Arceus?"

"I'm well."

"That's good. Anything new here?" I asked, observing the serene landscape. The sun shone brightly, casting a warm glow over vibrant flora and fauna.

"Not much has changed. Pokémon thrive, and peace reigns," Arceus replied calmly.

"That's good to hear. I'm glad this place is doing well."

As I conversed with Arceus, I felt a disturbance—a ripple in the dimensional fabric, subtle yet growing stronger.

"Master, is something wrong?" Arceus inquired, sensing my change in demeanor.

"There's a disturbance. Something or someone is trying to break through the dimensional barriers."

"Should we investigate?"

"Yes, but I'll handle it. You stay here and ensure the Pokémon remain safe."

"Understood, Master."

I vanished in a flash of light, reappearing where the disturbance was most potent. The space crackled with energy, and reality stretched and torn. Someone powerful was behind this, a threat to the dimension if left unchecked.

"Show yourself," I commanded.

A figure emerged from a rift—a tall being covered in intricate, otherworldly armor, shimmering ethereally. The figure's eyes glowed intensely red.

"Who are you?" I demanded.

"I am Azazel, and I have come for this dimension," the being declared.

'Great, and I was hoping for a week without incidents.'

Chapter 20: End

AN: I was tired and school is draining.