
Solo Leveling: E Rank Support

" If I wasn't so lazy, maybe I could have been an S Ranker by now." [ If you stop dying maybe you would.]

TOFIE · Tranh châm biếm
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13 Chs

Authors Note.

Its been long when I look at the time period, but a month to me is like one day if we were to measure time with my time sense, so a few days in my mind.

Okay, most people won't know it, but I posted the edited chapters of the last two on Royal Road so you wouldn't see the corrected versions on this site and that is fine, I'm going to change that after the upload of the next chapter. ( 2 chapters have been changed so its 4 chapters really since both were split up in 1-2) You don't need to go on Royal Road to see it, I will be doing it here, and its been on Royal Road for months.

Alot has happened in these two months moving back and forth from two different countries for work, trust me the job I worked at is like bottom of the barrel normal factory work, so my life isn't that interesting, but this isn't about me.

The edited chapters you can read if you want to, its barely different just the endings and certain scenes are different and my attempts at fixing spelling mistakes is the best I could do.

My opinon is if you have the patience to read the edited version first on Royal Road, so when the other chapter is posted no-ones confused and can jump right into the next chapter.

The next chapter will be continuing from the edited version, but for me personally most people can just read each chapter and it wouldn't feel like it would affect your next chapters experience.

--- Now that I've said my peace. I would personally say it now, I know most of you would be watching the anime, but I'm never going to watch it. My reasons are simple. Japan is bad when it comes to making anime and I take that to heart since I use to watch it a lot, times has changed compared to when i knew it.

For me I always believe reading the original source is far better than an anime, the anime industry always market the anime to an audience to attract them and not show everything in the original story.

The artist who did Solo leveling out performs those people who did the anime art, but that's only my thought on the matter.

I have not watched it.

Most of you will be confused when reading my story and I will say it now, everything is written from a place of imagination and delusion its not following canon or following the things you see in anime.

So if I say a name, or a place, or a thing happens and it triggers you as you read, don't even come here and think I'm watching the show or reading the webtoon as I write, because I don't do that and I don't need to. 

I don't do plot, and everything is just versatile story telling, most of the things I write are from a place of imagination.

I like evocative story telling, but I don't like reading any of the fanfictions on this site. 

I dislike most of the solo leveling fanfictions that come out, they are uninspired, boring, following canon events like flies, or subjectively flaunting their mc as this great god like figure, but I respect those who do attempt to write the fanfictions for the readers who actively seek solo leveling fanfictions and I'm one of those people even if its bad I would still read some.

I'm in the process of writing the next chapter and putting a different scene from the usual chapters most would see.

Honestly the only thing I wish for this year is to write something that could keep me entertained for 24 hours and most of the times I post chapters its because I lose faith in some fanfictions and have reach a breaking point where I must write my own to be entertain, thats the sad part about fanfiction drugs, if someone doesn't have what you need need, you eventually become a fanfiction drug dealer to make up for it.

Anyway until next chapter, May you all live kind lives.