
Solo leveling crossover to attack of titan/book moved here to fanfic

FROST_KNIFE · Tranh châm biếm
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10 Chs

Chapter 5- video

HEADS UP!! MOOOVE!!, Everybody

bolted away however they couldn't make in time my ruler do you need us to secure them go ahead shadows within them grabbed them WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS AGAHHH!! They gotten teleported to the other side of the battle w-what j-just happened

Armin was the primary one to talk after being  stunned by frightened you s-saw that mikasa I did hange was shivering on the off chance that it was cold exterior she saw the terrified shadow figure I s s-saw it when we gotten teleported it was total obscurity I s-saw it as well everybody couldn't talk everybody listened shouting from the wall it was historia Everybody couldn't move historia saw that terrifying see on there confront she disregarded it and begun running speedier she begun getting closer to them and was grinning Hello!! MIKASA ARMIN!! No one talked it was totally hush something is off-why aren't they reacting she come to at that point and said what's up with them did I do something wrong she got closer where she can see there faces clearly historia extend her eyes and looked at exceptionally one sweating and panicked She taped on Armin shoulder hello! Armin  is everything okay everybody seem t- he look at historia with a alarming face n-no nothing is off-base everybody broke free y-yeah we are fine historia grinned with a doubt confront ohh affirm

Let's go we ought to offer assistance the others out there battling right presently whereas you folks are standing still you don't get it historia what we saw was more frightening more at that point as those titan mikasa said. she was confounded gracious affirm hange strolled towered historia let's go spare them she grinned better believe it everybody sarted falling from back mikasa and  hange was talking behind them do you think is was Jin woo armin hopped within the discussion believe it


no doubt


better believe it

I accept it was him me and mikasa saw the same overpowering dull control at the cabin yes I kept in mind presently while seeing his overpowering control I saw a dim profound blue eyes appearing under his mask as it were overseen only saw a glimpse of his eye believe me I saw it, I saw it as well it was dim feel blue dab historia was curious about him is it possible for me to meet this stranger hange smiled it's possible but he nearly shows up oh don't worry you'll meet him sooner or later she smiled with joy okay Hange and exceptionally one begun hearing shouting ahead we need to pick up the pace

Others Pov

What!?... what In the why so it is the colossus titan why that damn thing he shouted towards his comrades WHATS GOING ON?!!WHEREN EREN??!


So loud cover your ears

"Rattle rattle rattle"

Captain eren and the others went that way

Connie lean and squatted down and looked, screaming all of a sudden

What's the armored fucker up to..?!






So that's what eren looks like as a titan


What?!! the colossus titan is moving

Wait what, colossus titan hopped off the wall and started facing at eren it didn't care about Reiner his prey was eren HEADS UP MOove!!!

Hange  and the other were shocked

Jin woo jumped and starting running towards mikasa and hange what are you doing. Jin woo saw a gap between mikasa and hange he switched his direction towered the gap and hopped down the wall mikasa saw him hop In front of her she attempted to seize Jin woo but she come up short your gonna kick the bucket a massive breeze of wind shivered mikasa and hange he really did it mikasa dropped her knees to ground his dead there no way he can survive that all of sudden Jin woo switch directions in mid air inconceivable hollered hange look mikasa he's not dead yet mikasa got back up and so Jin-woo kick the colossus titan sended him flaying

Trost district

On top of the wall, commander, commander pixis  please wake it's not safe sleeping in the middle of a battle "SMACK" you'll get health problems if you sleep here FGAH!? Your not young anymore and I really want to be struck taking care of you is a pin you know commander takes a sip of buz but I would want nothing better than such a beautiful take care of me so what's the situation, new titan stopped appearing at the first and second line of defense so search parties were sent out to search for the enemy

But it only appears that even they only found a few

Hm..? I see hannes and his Vanguard squad are supposed to be running along the wall so if they're still alright, they'll probably be back her soon enough

If they do it would  mean that they ran into the party from chlorba district mid way and turned back to trost in that case we'd have to assume that both parties hardly met any titan on their way...which is pretty much impossible if there really were a breach in the wall, "Whoosh" commander pixie! Hn? Oh it's you irvin I hear you manage to catch one of those little rats after all eh? Yes we did but unfortunately we weren't able to make any further progress after all still the itself must have gotten those central government guys thinking weather they have balls to commit suicide together with their beloved old trite customs or not as you see they finely orders the military police to leave the safety of the inner wall and came all the way here to the area under the immediate titan threat


I wonder if that guys are alive hey hey have you folks listened of a peculiar stranger with a white mask? No I haven't not numerous individuals know approximately him as it were military crops know. Halt fucking lying you know somebody like that can't exists, hold up I'm not done talking the rumors say 

He wear strange clothing and can even destroy titan with one single strike, his very mysterious

Levi and the others

Hey rivaille wheres out Frey Levi with a causal expression "oh" you guys look like you regret it's peaceful here, huh? Sorry for not providing you with hot titan date well you may be outta luck this time around but you know.....there's always plenty appropriates to go outside the wall on scouting expedition Levi turned more serious eyes like a dead fish so how about we all join forces and go fight titan? You know you and us together side by side?

Everybody looked at each other with nervous expression .....well we uh we have our work to do inland you know so-THE VANGUARD SQUAD IS BACK SOMEBODY INFORM COMMANDER PIXIS

No response, he fails down. W-we found no abnormalities or breaches in the wall, I see I thought so b-but the situation is grave anyway! When we were on our way back to trost to deliver our report, we encountered the scouting legion forces lead by hanji they had several new recruits from the former 104th trainee squad not equipped with the 3D maneuver gear with them!!! Every



captain looked with a sharp confront at the youthful man. Among those recruits three were three...! Who turned out to be titan!!! Silence~ huh...? Kirstien shouted, what hell are you saying?! There were more titan among them th-three you say..?! WHO, arwin resident his hand Jean wait what happened after their identities has been exposed the counting legion engaged the colossus titan and the armored titan when we join the battle is was already to late but there was who had a potential for success against them he peculiar a white mask with odd abnormal clothing he thumped down the both of those titan effortlessly Outlandish who disclose tell me who SHUT UP JEAN! Sorry captain would you be able to disclose to me more I can't that is each of that i know

Erwin smiled with relief that he didn't betrayed him

And in the end

Back at the wall

Mikasa woke up from her slumber she stood up started looking at her surroundings huh? She started scratching her head ...!? Mikasa wait don't move tsk armin what happened to eren where is he?! Mikasa calm down! And don't move around! The extent of your injuries is still unknown mikasa shoved armin she lean down the wall and saw nothing WHERE IS HE!!eren has been kidnapped along with Ymir by Ryner and bertolt but Jin woo followed them from behind the moment the colossus titan almost made body contact with eren Jin woo kicked the colossus titan from the side we thought he was down yet he emitted an uproarious shout running towards eren with steaming coming out from the colossus titan then you leaped to help eren however it was to late the colossus titan was at that point close with eren then Jin woo saved you rather than eren when in the end the wind receded a little from the remain of the colossus titan bertolt appeared carrying Ymir in his arms he was wearing the 3D maneuver gear of a soldier he swallowed earlier together with Ymir he than jumped onto the armored titan back holding Ymir after that they made their escape taking eren and Ymir with them, while being pass out Jin woo made you drink a container of fluid from before gracious that is motivation behind why I'm feeling vastly improved now who truly is Jin woo armin answered sadly I don't have the appropriate response. He generally covers himself with a white mask it's been 5 hours since than mikasa looked straight ahead  nothing is was absolutely quite

What the about the rest of crops are they after them!? No mikasa looked straight into armin eyes why?! She grabbed Armins clothes, because we can't transport our horses to this side of the wall mikasa was frustrated.... all we can do right now is wait for the elevator to arrive here so that we can transport the horses and start pursuit to take eren for now please just the squad leader hange and the other superior officers are heavily injured and can't move at the moment to deploy the information for enemy dictation even a small one well need a lot of people as many as possible especially skilled ones do you understand mikasa looked down with a sad expression ughhh scratching her head are you still hurt no I'm fine BUT... when Annie in her titan form kidnapped eren I started pursuit right away, we fought her together with corporal rivaille and somehow manage to recover eren but... this time a whole hours have already passed by mikasa grabbed her scarf and stood up say armin...why does eren always ends up far away from us, now that I think about it you may be right, however, we have Jin woo in our side we can save mankind with him close by it resembles the gods showing pity for us mankind best expectation eren and Jin woo all I want is just to  by his side

That's all I ever wanted and yet

For what reason are you crying armin looked behind to hear Jin woo voice weren't you after eren, I was nevertheless something disrupted the general flow Jin woo took a gander at mikasa you OK. mikasa pushed his hands of her shoulder YES IM Alright goodness OK armin asked who are you truly well I'm the master of murkiness/shadows they viewed at him as he was insane gracious alright how are we going to follow eren, hello folks are you hungry mikasa and armin looked behind hannes-San here eat this field arrangement is all we have here and for you armin gracious I didn't know you were here sir Jin woo. Try not to stress over so your the one how I hear wearing a white mask yeah I guess sorry I didn't know you were hear I would've gave you some food too no don't worry about it

Ring~ ring~ring~[cold knife notification] [except] [declined to view] expect a window popped up in-front off  Jin woo face [will be transfer into your brain loading.... 67% 88% 100% video complete video will start now] Jin woo dropped down he landed back to back armin bloted to him are you okay mister Jin woo mikasa stood up and started shacking him to wake up, What is this Jin woo was seeing the video like he was in it, what Jin woo saw was not a war but rather something that he can not remember there was 6 man in each group with firearm and armed force stuff and one bomb around the guide it shows A and B it imply that they need to plant the bomb on A and B Jin woo was watching one got shot in the head was acceptable rocket and kicked the bucket it was simply 1v1 the blue group one

[ready for round 2] WHAT!! Jin woo yelled there alive how can it be ring~ ring~ ring~ [ready to play]

Jin woo was move into a part of the guy soul Jin woo peered down and saw his hands what the hell am I in one of the people body [click here to make your loadout

He clicked and saw various loadouts he Tried to pick a weapon however it didn't permit him, so I doesn't permit me to sue a firearm just a melee he blundered making his loadout and the outcome were....

Maybe I will Switch ghost for ninja, meaning It will make my steps quieter and I also should changed perk greed for danger close it will allow me to use 2 tomahawks okay I'm ready[starting match in 5 4 3 2 1 0] wait I can move i will have to play this safe I only have to win one round wait can I use my monarch powers let's try to activate vital strike[ERROR ERROR ERROR system cannot activate skills] interesting but right now I need focus on wining only one round Jin woo saw more shooting on B so he made the longest way to B and saw 3 guys camping behind the building he knifed 2 of them and tomahawk the last guy [your the last one standing finish this] Ah shit there's  3 more Jin woo Head behind a corner he beginning hearing strides behind he was coming consistently nearer until he saw on his sight he tomahawk him the other one he heard more strides coming from his right he head behind the window and saw one hooping the window he knifed him [your knife has move up to level 4 new camo unlocked] one more I was searching for him yet I was unable to discover him is he outdoors Jin woo saw him hiding behind a trash bin he began running gradually and did a finisher move woah this finisher is


[do you wish to unlock this items] [except] [declined] expect [first items head phones second items camo dragon scale third item music you can activate this music to your headphones I haven't listened to music for a while [would you like to

Except all three items] except items has been added into your new cold knife inventory oh nice ring~ring~[hidden reward frost knife this knife will allow you to kill your foes with one single strike effects your foes you killed will turn into snow leaving nothing behind] I like this already[in 5 second you will wake up 1 2 3 4 5]. Where am I Levi responded you've been asleep for 10 minutes 10 minutes I felt like I slept for 9 hours Jin woo mumble, our mission is to rescue eren from the colossus titan and from the armored titan everyone get ready YES SIR!!