
Soleil Noir: Lamentations of the Moon

Where am I? Who am I? What am I? 「You must remember, you have no place anywhere.」 If I was a mistake, if I wasn't meant to exist, then why am I here? 「You must remain as you are, ignorant and emotionless.」 If I'm only supposed to remain motionless, then why do I possess the ability to move? 「Never forget, you must always be alone and never know love.」 If I must be alone, then why do they go near me? If I must not love then why does it hurt?

Pahimakas · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

Chapter 3: Undeniable Truth

「Are you ready Soleil?」

I nodded to Xerxes in reply.We are currently hidden in the trees near the chapel. People are currently rushing in and out of the chapel. Panic can be seen in their faces.

「That beast!」

The large man who lead the capture yesterday was fuming with anger. After all, he thinks that the culprit for the death of his family is me. Yet rather than getting angry at him, what I feel is closer to pity. He continued to pace around destroying things and pushing people that comes his way.

「Calm down Roen. God will deliver his punishment to that beast one way or the other.」

The priest tried to convince the man to calm down somehow which leads him to go somewhere to the woods.

「Let's go Soleil.」

The plan was to wait till the large man, who I assume as Roen, leave the vicinity of the church. Afterwards, I have to confront the priest and drive him into a corner. Xerxes would then handle the rest. However, I don't have any idea how I would do so. Beforehand, Xerxes gave me a set of clothes that he claim would help me. In contrast to his outfits, the white dress was simple.

He guided me till the entrance, I memorized the blueprint he gave me this morning. I wondered how he would have such document, but he said that where it came from was not important. We walked quietly till we reached our destination, the confessional. I entered as Xerxes left to call the priest and to do what he has to. He left me with a mixture, he said it was a strong analgesic. I was to use it in dire cases and escape.

I sat inside the confessional and soon the priest arrived.

「What troubles you? Do not fret for god will hear your call.」

I took a deep breath. I have to be cautious , he might be familiar with my voice so I have to talk a little differently.

「Sir... I have sinned.」

「Go on.」

Good. It seems that he didn't recognize my voice.

「I did something terrible, I feel disgusted.」

The priest seemed to be listening deeply so I continued.

「A week ago, I watched as a mother and a child was harassed.」

「Everyday, the man would go to their house after he made sure that the woman's husband has left. At first, he came at the guise of sharing the word, however the woman felt something was wrong. The woman tried to come up with excuses to avoid the man, however the man noticed it He followed the woman and her child when they went out to the forest. He threatened that he would ruin her husband's reputation if she did not follow what he wanted. At first the woman did not give in, however, the next day her husband lost his job and everyone in the village was purposely making things difficult for them. The woman felt sorry towards her husband, however he reassured her that he they would survive this and live happily. The woman trusted her husband. However one night, while her husband was out, suddenly she and her child was kidnapped. The woman woke up in another place, however she knew that she and her child are in danger from the man. She tried to get up but it seems that she was drugged. She was weakened. Then suddenly the door opened and the man entered. The man tried to force himself to her and she fought back with whatever she had. She screamed "PLEASE! STOP THIS!".」

「Do you know what the man answered?」

I asked the priest as I stopped my narrative. It seemed that he knew this story, he knew each and everyone of the characters. Seeing that the man I was talking to had no answer, I continued.

「He said, "I will bring you salvation". Soon the woman lost to the man's strength. She tried to fight but the man removed her clothes one by one. She cried "AHH! NO! PLEASE STOP IT!". However her body failed her. Whatever resistance she did had no effect to the woman. After the man was done with her, do you know what the man said? 」

I asked the priest once again. I could feel his stiffness and the anxiousness from the other side. It seems that he wouldn't answer once again.

「What he said brought absolute disgust. He said, "What a disappointment. I suppose the child will suffice what you lack.". The woman begged the man to spare her child. But the man was worse compared to a beast. He did not spare the child. After doing the deed he personally killed the child and threw her body to the wolves in the forest. The mother who could not bear what happened went crazy and killed herself after. The woman's husband found out. Although he was a man of morals and value, his family was gone after a single night. The man took advantage of this and pushed the blame to a 'beast'」

I stopped as I waited for the movement from the other side. I could hear the priest gritting his teeth.

「What are you talking about child?」

I could feel the anxiousness from the other side slowly fade. He decided to act ignorant from his sin.

「How could you, a priest, do such things?」

I answered his question, with another question. I have to stall for time. If I cause the priest to call the people outside, things would get complicated.

「What do you mean? I, a servant of god would never dare.」

I let out a chuckle to intimidate him. Slowly I clapped my hands.

「Is that so? Is that why you hide your scars from the woman's scratches? Is that why you keep your victims' things?」

I bluffed. Xerxes told me that if the woman really did try to struggle there would be marks all over the man, the latter was a total guess,

「You are speaking nonsense. This is blasphemy.」

The priest started to stand up. No! I must think of other things. Think! Soleil Think!

「Your hand, I see that you are right handed, but it seems that it is difficult for you to use it now. You carried your book with your left hand and as you held my face before it was also a struggle for you.」

I gambled. I believed that he wouldn't dare call other people especially with our topic. The priest now realizes my identity and immediately stood up and slammed the screen separating us.

「Beast. What do you want?」

It seems that I did the right thing. I sighed in relief inwardly.

「If I am a beast, then what about you? What I want? I want you to return that pink bracelet to the person who should hold it now.」

And as if right on cue.


And that concludes this chapter.

This chapter was quite lengthy with Soleil's narration. This case will wrap up soon. I hope you enjoyed. Feel free to leave comments and constructive criticisms, please rate. I will see you in the next chapter this Sunday.

Pahimakascreators' thoughts