
CH640: Mission Review - London


CH640: Mission Review - London

"The most important components of this campaign for the Initiative was achieved in London. The attacks in New York and DC was only to add fuel to the fire. But I don't think that's all. 

"After the attack on Piccadilly, we operated on the assumption that the Initiative carried out the strike to make money from the market after the chaos and get the UK to commit to a merc war in Syria."

"You no longer believe that's the case?" – Korede.

"Yes." Mary affirmed. "I'm not sure about the merc war, but I now have my doubts about money being a motivator for the attacks after the last discussion."

"What are you seeing, Mary? A Trillion dollars is a lot of money. So much money in fact that I believe countries would go to war." – Temitope.

"That is the problem. You are looking at the lump sum." Mary smiled. "I perused Monnier's company's transaction records. The funds the company used was from a hedge fund."