
SOARING TO NEW HEIGHTS: Welcome to my pokemon world

What would you do if you had the chance to go to a world of your choosing with the perfect start and unlimited possibilities? well, that is what our MC received. This is a story following the birth of the strongest trainer to ever walk the planet. going region by region, league by league, champion by champion in order to chase after his ever-fleeting sense of accomplishment. Fans scream out his name every time he enters the arena, opponents forfeit when they meet his gaze, his combat style, unforgiving to even the smallest of mistakes. Soaring above the sky itself his figure fades from the eyes of all those who he has defeated, never to catch up. Will there ever be anyone equal to him? join the discord https://discord.gg/ZexRV5gqu9 hey guys this is my first ever fanfic and novel in general, I'm not doing this seriously just for fun. i did take inspiration from various works like "journey towards greatness" since I like their way of doing it. Not a Harem!!!!! i don't own any of the characters except OC's and I do not own the cover of the novel

Plug_O_Stien · Tranh châm biếm
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Piping a rocket?

Rex arrived at the restaurant and helped Nina off of the bike before walking in with his left hand resting just above Nina's hips as he led her inside. They soon met the Receptionist, a young man who upon seeing Rex and Nina dropped what he was doing and came forward.

Receptionist "what can I do for you today?" he said while smiling. A light blush could be seen on his cheeks as he looked at Nina.

Rex "I have a reservation for two a 6 pm," he said calmly.

Receptionist "one moment sir." The receptionist walked back to the desk and typed so thing in before returning soon after.

Receptionist "I assume you are Rex Pierce?" he asked while staring at Rex. Rex nodded silently.

Receptionist "very well come this way please, I'll show you to your table," he said as he turned around and walked into the actual restaurant that was filled with tables. The décor was amazing, the smell was great as it was laced with the smell of food coming from the kitchen not far away. It was quiet but not because it was empty but because it was common courtesy to talk softly in a high-end restaurant like this.

We seen made our way to the table which was well prepared and spacious. There was a basket of freshly baked bread on the table which caught his eye. In his last life, he had the bad habit of eating too much bread and being full before the food even arrived. Much like a kid would act which sadly ended up being an inside joke amongst his peers.

Rex pulled out a chair for Nina and then sat down on his own before taking a piece of bread from the basket.

Nina "I didn't know you would be taking me here," she said as she happily looked around.

Rex "If I invite, I must treat the guest well, especially when it is a lady," he said courteously. Nina giggled and nodded in acknowledgement.

Nina "so tell me Rex, what is it you do? Are you from this city?" she asked politely.

Rex "no, I'm from… far away, to say the least, I came to Kanto for the yearly league tournament, so naturally, I'm here to face the Vermilion gym leader," he said as he took a sip of the water that was poured for him while he read the menu.

Nina "oh?! A trainer, how interesting, how many badges have you gotten so far?" she asked with interest.

Rex "two, the pewter city gym and the cerulean city one, this will be my third," he said calmly.

Nina "Oh that's great, you must have strong Pokémon with you right?" she asked curiously.

Rex "you can say I do," he said dismissively before calling over the waiter.

Rex "have you decided on a dish?" he asked Nina. She nodded at his question.

Rex "I will have the chicken schnitzel with chips and a coke please, the lady will have…"

Nina "the same thing please," she said with a smile. The waiter nodded and wrote it down before taking the menus with him. Rex and Nina talked for 10 mins before the food was ready and they dug in.

Nina "So Rex, are you staying here long?" she asked in between bites. Rex shook his head.

Rex "No, I'll be leaving in a couple of days since I need to get all the other badges still," he said as he put another piece of chicken in his mouth. He was a basic bitch like that, always getting the chicken schnitzel, he wasn't a guy who liked to try new foods and always stuck to what he knew tasted good. It seems his bad habit stayed with him.

Nina looked a bit sad at his answer but collected herself quickly and continued to eat. They soon finished and pay the bill before walking out.

Nina "How about coming back to my place for a glass of wine?" she asked with a slight blush. Rex didn't think much about it and nodded happily. So far it was a pleasant day so why not add the cherry on top.

He got on his bike with Nina and sped towards her home. The journey was smooth, and they arrived about 5 minutes later at a decent-sized house. Nothing special but modest and had a cosy feeling to it. Nina grabbed Rex's hand and dragged him inside, not long after the front door closed the sound of clothes ripping spread throughout the house as a ripped dress could be seen on the floor followed by a white coat, and so on with smaller articles of clothing leaving a trail towards Nina's room.

The next hour was a crazy hour, the sound of a squeaking bed could be heard, and the back of the bed hit the wall making a low thud noise. Rex put a pillow between the frame of the bed and the wall to muffle the sound. There was a sweaty curvy body going back and forth vigorously as she tried hard to stay on all fours.

She would bite down on the pillow she was holding to muffle her moans. Rex was releasing all that pent up tension he was feeling, and Nina was taking the brunt of it. Naturally, Rex didn't hold back when he was presented with the character selection screen God gave him. There was a lot of details to put in and one of them was included the size of his little brother, well, more like big brother now.

The muffled moans and groans stifled as Rex lay on his back while a beauty rested on his chest panting heaving. Rex soon faded into a light sleep. Not long after he heard the sound of someone talking over the phone. He had great hearing; almost super hearing due to his training which allowed him to hear most things within 100 meters of him.

Nina "Yes he's asleep, it's almost a shame to kill him, he's so good in bed... Yes sir, I promise Giovanni will be happy with the result," she said before cutting the call. Rex was shocked, Team rocket sent a member to sleep with him before killing him?!

The only upside about the whole thing was that at least he would have gotten some ass before he died, but still, that's just ruthless. Yet, he couldn't bring himself to be mad, they were funny, they just gave him some free ass and he gets to wipe out a rocket member, two birds one stone, fun times.

He quietly pulled out a pokeball and released Marshadow.

Rex "Hide in the shadows and wait for my call," he whispered to which Marshadow simply nodded.