
Soaring as a Monster Bird in my Next Life!

Aven, a High Magus of the Iron Cent Empire finds himself on the business end of a weapon forbidden by the gods and the will of the world itself. Once he comes to, Aven realizes that he has been reincarnated as a bird type monster... He lost the vast majority of his stats but... He retained all of his skills and titles, even gaining a few new ones. How will Aven proceed in his future, fight against the Empire? Live out in peace?

Dark_Shurikens · Kỳ huyễn
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28 Chs

Pains Of Two Men

The two men held up their respective lenses, trained on the Phoenix's location. When the sight of all the other bird monsters under it came flying in. 

"So the phoenix monster believed it was truly just a bunch of food..." The Captain sighed, as his heart started beating faster. This is a grave sin... One that when committed, I shouldn't expect any forgiveness. 

"Yeah, Captain, this really doesn't feel right. Those bird monsters are definitely going to die. But if some survive? If they attack... Well we've never defended against such monsters..." The Vice-Captain gulped as he forced the words out. 

"I know, there's also people in the city who think that the Phoenix is some kind of deity. But... That just made her the best target to test the weapon. If it works, then... It's fair to say it could work on actual Gods." The Captain muttered, the likely thoughts of the city's Lord. 

"You don't think that's what the lord is thinking... Do you?" The Vice-Captain grumbled, his face contorted with anger. 

"I think that's exactly what the Lord and all the leaders of the modern weapons faction think." The Captain answered. "As for what I think, if even Legendary Monsters aren't to be trifled with... Those who would challenge the Gods must have come down with a case of Abject Madness." He added. 

"Hmm, why are those 5 monsters here?! Don't tell me they were called too?" The Vice-Captain said in a panicked voice. "No wonder why my spine had been going crazy this whole time! A phoenix and 5 others on the verge of evolving! This bomb will have to work, or we are screwed." He said with rasped breath. 

"You're right, each of those birds on their own would be more than enough of a threat to destroy a good sized portion of the city and its wall. Let's hope we can escape in time if it doesn't work though." The Captain said, drenched in sweat. 

"Soldiers! Ready the blitz steeds! We will be abandoning this post in no less than 30 seconds post detonation! Understood!" The Vice-Commander bellowed using a command skill. 

"""HOOHA!""" The soldiers below began scurrying about with great haste. 

The first two steeds prepared were the Captain's and Vice-Captains. Each with a perfect coat, making them look almost on par with that of a general's steed. Almost regal in physique. But even if it wasn't quite there physically, they gave off a presence that warded against weak monsters. 

Why were these so special? They had a great deal of significance. For starters, if one were to ride on this steed. No one would ever dare to stop its rider at any city gate. You'd think that this opens up a potential route for espionage, but the only ones who can ride these steeds are its partners. Any other rider will be flung off and then killed by the very same horse. In other words, no one but the rider of these steeds can ride upon its back. Such is the nature behind such a noble steed, their rider's identity need not be questioned. 

"It feels wrong, doesn't it?" The Vice-Captain whispered looking back at the flock of birds. 

"It really does. But, we can't go against the City Lord. I don't think we could even flee if we wanted to." The Captain sighed, looking at the birds now gobbling down the offerings of fruits and veggies.

"Give the birds food they have a hard time procuring and give them some words of worship. Why wouldn't they trust us? They don't think we have the means nor desire to harm one who inadvertently protects us. I really don't like this. If only the Magus Core could be deployed." The Vice-Captain mused, at the sight. 

The bird monsters were all in sync with each other enjoying their treats. It looked to the two men like a large happy family. Birds played with each other. Some competed for the phoenix's attention by doing tricks in the air. That or they were performing for the phoenix. But it was hard for the men to tell, and what would the difference mean in the long run? Either way one looked at this situation, it was clear that the birds were as close as family. 

"This isn't right... We shouldn't have done this..." The Captain nervously spoke, as the count down came near. 

"This makes me sick to my stomach. But whatever. The 26 men down below us right now are all members of the modern weapon faction. We can't pull out even if we wanted to. The lord here knew exactly how to corner us." The Vice-Captain said grinding his teeth. 

"Captain, Vice-Captain, Sirs, you don't need to stay here after the bomb takes those damn monsters down. HAHAHAHA. We can collect the eggs and return back after you." A wild looking man bellowed up to the two men in the tower. 

"I see, then make sure you do your duties with all due haste. You wouldn't want to keep the Young Master waiting too long..." The Vice-Captain replied, struggling to maintain his steady voice. "Damn idiots, you are all going to die a pitiful death, but there won't be any pity awaiting you in hell... Nor any for I." He thought to himself. 

"Giving them orders to follow other than our own... That despicable brat! The reason those eggs were so expensive is simple. The Phoenix gave them away after they failed to hatch. And they didn't come cheap either." The Captain angrily grumbled. 

"It might be cruel, but it provided her a means of procuring a lot of easy food for the birds that managed to hatch." The Vice-Captain said. 

"So, not only are the bird monsters, her actual children, but they also act like a family... Yeah, I wonder what Sir High Magus Aven would think about this plan? I heard he is at another post fighting against the demons." The Captain murmured his heart wrenching pains. "This is nothing like a battlefield. Here we are slaughtering a family in cold-blood. And all to test a weapon that may or may not work." The Captain thought as his heart knotted up with the vision of... What if this was my family?" 



