
Soaring as a Monster Bird in my Next Life!

Aven, a High Magus of the Iron Cent Empire finds himself on the business end of a weapon forbidden by the gods and the will of the world itself. Once he comes to, Aven realizes that he has been reincarnated as a bird type monster... He lost the vast majority of his stats but... He retained all of his skills and titles, even gaining a few new ones. How will Aven proceed in his future, fight against the Empire? Live out in peace?

Dark_Shurikens · Kỳ huyễn
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54 Chs

Egg Thieves! (2)

"Ah what! Commander! The eggs! They vanished!" A freaked out soldier cried out, instantly worried about the situation. 

""WHAT DID YOU SAY!"" The Commander and another yelled in unison 

"Look over there commander! The eggs are gathered over there. Even the baskets are there!" A soldier pointed out. 

Wait a moment... Magic Sense and Appraisal are reacting... IT'S MY SISTERS! They are still alive! Holding on by a thread but still alive! 

I'll heal them first before exacting my revenge! Hmmm, it might not be much but I can use low healing magic. Even if it's not much it's better than nothing! 

"COMMANDER! THE MONSTERS! THIS LIGHT! AHHHHH!" A soldier that was close by fled in a panic.

"AHH! HEALING MAGIC! RETREAT!" The commander yelled with a wave of his hand, turning to flee as fast as he could. "MEN RETURN TO THE FORT! HIGH TAIL IT OUT OF HERE!" He continued, shouting at the top of his lungs and depths of diaphragm. 

AHAHAHAHAHA RUN!? I WON'T... Wait, my sisters are moving? Oh wow? They seem eager to fight now. I wonder... I'll let them take care of this. I'll protect the eggs and keep an eye out for escape artists...

 "CAW! What is this?! You flee before us now that your tricks have failed... YOU TRIED TO KIDNAP MY UNHATCHED BABY SISTERS! YOU WANTED TO SERVE THEM ON A PLATE BEATEN AND COOKED! YOU INSULTING BASTARDS! EVEN MOTHER WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO STOP ME FROM EATING YOU ALIVE!" One of my sisters cawed in a rage filled speech recovering, with a seemingly endless rage.

Oh wow! My sister... So noble! Her Rage gave her the Regeneration Skill! 

"""YOU WON'T LEAVE HERE ALIVE DAMN HUMANS!""" My 5 elder sisters cawed in unison. 

Then, as if they sensed the eggs were all safe. The 5 of them... Stopped holding back. 

One of the 5 sisters flew forward so fast their beak punctured through a man's torso! She opened her beak without any mercy in the force she used, sending the man's upper body flying into the air, completely severed from his lower half, which fell to the ground bleeding out. 

You go sister! Go! Go! Go! Punish these evil bastards!

Another one of the 5 sisters, flew up into the air and surged with speed. Almost as if they were using a super speed skill of some kind. Using this she got ahead of two men running side by side. Taking a nosedive, She pulled up at just the right moment spreading her wings, aiming just right and then with her wings shimmering slightly, She clotheslined the men's heads right off their bodies. But, the bodies couldn't register this in time, and so they took another step each before falling forward.

THAT WAS AMAZING! My Sisters are STRONG!!! Those humans must have a death wish coming after them!

Then another sister cast magic towards another small group running away. "Thundering Gale!" She cawed. 


The fourth sister flew low to the ground at high speed. Sweeping the men off their feet. Allowing the Thundering Gale spell to hit them without fail. 

The most beautiful execution however, was performed by the one who was seemingly in command of the other sisters at the moment. She flew in picking up the man who yelled about cooking the eggs, with her talons. 


"AHHH!" The man screamed like a baby from the pain of his bones turning to dust under the sheer crushing force of a monster bird's talons. "Die... Monster!" The man cursed, spitting up blood and firing his gun, missing every shot due to loss of vision caused by massive blood loss.

"HOW DARE YOU BE SO WEAK AS TO STAIN MY TALONS WITH YOUR UNWORTHY BLOOD!" The Seemingly eldest sister yelled in fury, tossing the man back down with extreme force. "As for you two!" She surged downwards, growing in size, then her beak covered the vice commander whole. "Gluttony Consume!" And the man disappeared into a gooey substance down the sister's throat. "Yuck, you taste terrible! How dare you not even taste good!" 

The last man alive was now burning life force to flee. But... Will he escape?

Wow! I know I used to be human... 

But this is an oddly beautiful sight. 

I, I want... I want to help too! Hmm, that one, the commander type? He is far away... 

Let's do this... Heh heh, I'm a monster now, but don't underestimate my magic from my previous life. 


"What?! AHH! It burns, it hurts!" The commander screamed in agony as the water in his body boiled, killing him slowly and painfully, as his body melted away from itself. 

The man died, Screaming as his body turned into a pool of steaming liquid. Seemingly absorbing him into it, like melting in lava. 

"Hmm, interesting? Maybe mother showed up and took care of this one? " One of the sisters said, eyeing the melted corpse with curiosity. 

Just then as if on queue, a Bird-type monster appeared in the sky, seemingly made entirely out of fire.Seeing her Children alive she called down to them...

"Children? My babies! You're... You're alive... And my eggs, they are safe!" A giant flaming bird type monster said, diving to the ground and assumed human form. 

"Mother! Please, punish us! We couldn't protect our little sisters from the humans. And some of our other... Huh..." One of the guardian birds started bowing down reverently. 

"Shh, I'm glad you survived. The humans this time were too vicious. It's not your fault." The human-like figure said, hugging the one who spoke. "I already saw what happened... I'll miss them too, but I'm thankful some of my babies are still alive." She continued, in a sorrowful and soothing voice. 

Hmm? My egg shell, it's weak? But how can I tell this? Must be instinct then huh, fine then! Let me out! I'll peck at this shell until I'm free damn it!


After much pecking away I emerged from the egg and stumbled out all wobbly and disoriented like a drunkard. 

"Oh my, you hatched already? That's impressive. It should have been another week or so. Come and let mommy take a look at you. That must have been a scary experience for you, I know." The human-like figure said, crouching down with a warm smile.