
Soaring as a Monster Bird in my Next Life!

Aven, a High Magus of the Iron Cent Empire finds himself on the business end of a weapon forbidden by the gods and the will of the world itself. Once he comes to, Aven realizes that he has been reincarnated as a bird type monster... He lost the vast majority of his stats but... He retained all of his skills and titles, even gaining a few new ones. How will Aven proceed in his future, fight against the Empire? Live out in peace?

Dark_Shurikens · Kỳ huyễn
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28 Chs

Deathly Light

"Ah, my Goddess! Thank you for bestowing your divine protection upon this humble form. With this, I know my return home will be free and clear of danger." A man said with tears in his eyes. 

And with that the men got up and left my Nest. I eyed the offerings up and down. 

Why am I nervous about this? Is there really something wrong with the food? Perhaps it's poisonous?

Hmm, that doesn't seem to be the case... But then why? It's really so strange. I don't sense anything that would be harmful. But for some reason I can't shake this unease.

One of the younger bird monsters flew over. It was the youngest one from the previous set of eggs Eternia had laid. And so she held quite a great deal of meaning to Eternia. This bird didn't have a name but that didn't matter. All monsters have an innate ability to convey feelings to one another even without words. So names were rarities and seen as honors to be granted them. 

Eternia held her arm out for her daughter to land on. The tori naru gently floated down landing on the upper part of Eternia's arm, then hopped up to her shoulder and rubbed up against her cheek. It was an adorable scene. And one that made Eternia regain her composure and joyful spirit. 

"Alright, I'll call everyone over to enjoy a feast today. The humans went all out this time, even giving us seeds. Something I'm sure everyone will like." Eternia smiled as her daughter rubbed a smile back into her face. 

The bird upon her shoulder jumped up becoming airborne with several happy chirps as she flew in circles. Eternia took her True Form again, becoming a figure of truly impressive size.

* Chirp Chirp * 

Soon after birds from all over the nearby area started soaring over. None of them wanting to miss a chance to see their mother again. As they flew in, the youngest were all playing around in the air or practicing their ground maneuvering abilities like walking and hopping. It really looked like they were dancing and having a grand time. 

The older birds were showing off what they had learned fighting other monsters. A moment where they all seemed to enjoy being back together again all at once. Not a soul missing. A truly happy family of the most noble of monsters. In fact... they had never harmed a single hair on any human's head. They solely fought monsters and this was why they were seen as protectors. And more specifically the Phoenix was seen as a deity. 

~ Elsewhere In The Forest ~

From far enough away, covered by the brush on the trees, the men watched and waited, at this safe distance. The only thing they would experience from this far away was the weakened shockwave, but even that wouldn't be enough to launch them backwards. 

"It's any moment now, men. Soon the world will see a new era! An era where human's reign supreme as we were meant to! Long live the Emperor!" A man said, cheering. 

"""Long Live the Emperor!""" The other men replied. 




A brilliant flash of light erupted from within the iron carriage. The light engulfed the area in a blinding light. There wasn't even a moment left for the birds to realize what was happening. No Chirps or Caws of pain. Only the bright light. Bright enough that some highly perceptive people noticed a slight change in scenery for but a brief moment. 

Though, they would quickly ignore it and go back to doing what they had been before. This was because of where they lived, Ridgeline Fortress City. It was common to sense odd things every once in a while. 

However, the few Magus that were in a cell, deep beneath the city began weeping, knowing what just happened. They could feel it after all, the flow of mana. And the massive amount of it could only be the one most forbidden weapon. 

It wasn't just the Magus who felt this though. Many other people who had magic could sense something off. Some didn't know what it was, but it made them cry instinctively. Babies on the other hand, bellowed cries of anguish. It was truly a moment of mass loss. 

The light dissipated and the men in the forest got up and moved in. You see, all these men had been staunch believers in the Phoenix. And it was only now that they realized what they had done. They stumbled into the area that had been the Phoenix's nest, their guardian, their goddess. 

Each man slumped to their knees at the destruction left behind...




There was nothing left but scorch marks. With just more than a few flickering flames remaining. 5 small flickers and 1 sizable one. There were no longer any birds left. The iron carriage had even been burned to nothing but cinders. No, even its cinders were burned down to even less. 

It was then the men looked at each other with faces of absolute anguish. They even feared what might happen next. There was after all a legend that it's basically impossible to kill a Legendary Monster. And then they realized they had been hypnotized. 

"DAMN IT ALL! FUCK THAT EMPEROR! How dare he borrow the hands of others to do this madness! Listen Men! We had been hypnotized to do this. But that won't save us now. We can only pray that our Goddess sees fit to give us a quick death. For, we are to blame for this atrocity... This great sin upon our beloved Goddess." A man called out to his fellow men. 

"""YES! FUCK THAT EMPEROR!""" They said, and then they began chanting it. Infuriated at themselves and the emperor as well. 

"That shockwave must have released us from the mind control... Damn it all... I wouldn't be able to place any blame upon our goddess if she saw fit to destroy our entire city." Another man grumbled. 

"Goddess please, return and pass judgment upon us..." Another man started saying. 

The large flame flickered intensely and reformed itself. The Phoenix Eternia emerged in her true form. Eternia... Was understandably... Absolutely... Livid. Her eyes said it all. She focused on the other 5 flickers, which quickly recovered and set out to carry out orders, not bothering to ask questions.