
So What? I'm a Dragon Now?

A young boy, who grew up alone in the streets, was in the verge of death by his Starvation and the poorly developed body. As he lays dying, unconsciously on the ground, he hears a voice. This voice is strange and interprets his dying regrets by giving him the [SYSTEM] unique skill!! Reincarnated into a new world filled with magic and monsters, the Boy has a second chance to relive his life. Correcting the past and creating his new destiny, not as a human, but as a Dragon.

HarutoKazuya · Thành thị
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5 Chs


In the side of the street's end (alley), a very skinny boy, with Dusty brown hair, unconsciously lying on the ground, the surrounding was Garbage and was filthy. There was not a thing that couldn't be considered as a junk. The young boy seemed to be 14 years old was on the verge of death.

"Why... why did I have to be like this?"

"I wish I wasn't so weak... maybe then I could've been not in this kind of situation and pain..."

[Notice: Skill "UNITE" acquired]

"yeah, I have seen in the tv's in the shops from glass. The Reincarnation after dying...May be, I could reincarnate as a Dragon, So that, I can be strong as the beast, that is unique....hahaha! dying really hurts!"

[Notice: Searching for suitable race...… The search for the unique beast, "The Golden Dragon" selected]

[Notice: Species skills: "Thought Acceleration, Appraisal, All of Creation, Probability Manipulation, Pursuit of Truth, Abyss gate, Abyssal flame, Flame eater, Flame control, Transformation, True Dragon Magic, Storm Magic Death-Heralding Wind, Black Lightning, Eyes of Destruction, Darkness manipulation, Regeneration, Natural Effects Nullification, Abnormal State Nullification, Pain Nullification, Physical Attack Nullification, Spiritual Attack Resistance, Chaos Attack Resistance, Unique soul", acquired]

[Notice: Unique Skill: "Nine-elemental control" acquired]

The boy's stomach growled badly, 'Growwwl'

"God! I'm so hungry..."

[Notice: Special skill: "Hunger resistance" acquired]

"It's like there's a Black hole inside me..... g-god I'm starving"

[Notice: Unique skill: Everlasting hunger acquired]

"Every... every thing is getting dark...I-if I could just... have one wish it would be t-to just o-once have a real....."

[Wish granted. Selecting suitable candidates... candidates selected]

[Notice: Finding optimal location...location selected]

[Entering reincarnation]

[Creating a Body with this Unique soul]

[Notice: skill "Absolute Dominance" acquired]

[Proceeding in evolution]

[Notice: The body of "The Golden Dragon King" has been created]

[Notice: Unique Skill: "SYSTEM" developed]

[Beginning to combine soul]

[Notice: Combining of the unique soul, successful]


"Huh! What happened to me! huh! I am not dead?"

"Wait Where am I? Why am I not dead? And why do I feel like there is something on my back!"

My eyes slowly opened and I began to look around. I was in what seemed to be a small house made of wood and straw. I also noticed that my clothes had changed and the fact that I didn't look like a walking skeleton as I used to be. I sat up on the bed only to look to my side and have my jaw hit the floor, I had two gold wings coming out of my back. I took a minute to process that before deciding to think about it later.

Just as I was about to get up a girl, seemed to be somewhat around 21, came in and asked, "Oh your awake...-" the girl stopped talking as she looked into my eyes.

I could see that she was shaking in fear. I had no idea why but before I could ask her, I could minutely see the details of the girls eyes even sitting half a meter away. I saw myself clearly in her eyes. I looked like a 5 years old boy, I had a pair of azure eyes, I also saw some kind of scales in the both sides of my forehead. and looking down on my body, I had a bit developed abs. What the, I was a skeleton who was about to die till now, but! wait! Don't tell me? "Am I Reincarnated??"

What the, I am really excited now. not only that, I am really pretty and so cool with my appearances. I look so cute. I am not weirdo but, seriously.


[Notice: You have successfully reincarnated]


Isn't that the voice from earlier? weird voice...woah! wait is that a Tv in front of me? Why is it look a bit transparent. Is this a new tech? Wait, that girl looks a bit fantasy like, and she...cannot see this? she can't see this? then that means, am I really the only one who could see and operate? Woah! So cool.

I then looked back to see that the girl, while looking at the girl, she shivered and ran out. I was very confused. Why did she freak out? Am I that scary

Then just then after the girl left, my wings in my back and the scales in my forehead went in by my will, and the blue screen went to the corner of my eyes just like a stamp.

A young man, with animal fur dress and with a fiery appearance, as that he had red hair with a pair of alarming ruby eyes. with a Sword just like the katana that I have see in the Tv from out of the stores. He was really cool.

"kid! It seems you have waken up?" he said, with a smile.

well, well, Why is he being so considerate. is he manipulating me?

"oh yes! I have awaken from my deep sleep!" I replied. wait, why am I speaking like a robot. My voice is really manly though.

The man laughed and said, "I had asked Roselia to look after you for now, while I was talking to the Village elder abut you. can You tell me your name kid?" he asked.

huh! he is being nice me though. oh well, lets bond up a bit.

[Notice: Do yo wish to enable the Skill, "UNITE"]

Wait, what is that skill?

["Unite" is a skill that is enabled within you, which makes you more suitable to the environment and to speak with any race or species clearly]

Oh, if that's what it is, Yes, enable 'UNITE'. I really like this screen. It really helps me so much, as in my previous life I don't even had a cell phone.

The man is asking my name. What should I tell him?

wait, I am remembering something. It is spelling, A...I....D...E...N, Aiden? what kind of name is that. anyways, My name sounds cool though. I better reply him.

"My name is...Aiden!" I said to the young man.

"Aiden? wow, it really suits you. I'm Oliver. Nice to meet you Aiden!"

"So, Oliver? Why am I here?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Apparently, when I was hunting with my crew in the woods, I saw two humans, come out from a cave, with a sack. we felt an immense Aura, that would be on par with the Demon Lords itself, so we decided to kill the Humans and eliminate the You inside the sack. slowly when we were nearing them, A bright blue Flame blew on to the men who was holding you.

We stepped back to see what's happening. suddenly, two Golden Wings that broke out of the sack, with a golden tail on it's rear. The Sack was completely burned to dust. You were a dragon, not a normal one though, You are the Last of your kind. The Golden Dragon, which was the unique species that even killed the god themselves. It is also that, the Golden Dragon king is Worshiped as the messiah of this village, who protected this Great Forest of Silvanus. We were truly astounded." he said.

"So you are saying, I was in my true form then?" I asked.

"Yes, but after you ate those bastards! Your wings grew long and you golden scales got brightened more. You Changed to your Human form, like this.." he said.

So, I am a dragon then. What an Extraordinary fate. And, I am in a demon village, with demons. so, looking at Oliver, I might say, he is a.....I have no idea!

Anyways, I killed two Humans too. I should just try to stop hurting others without any reasons. it will really get bad then.