
So What? I'm a Dragon Now?

A young boy, who grew up alone in the streets, was in the verge of death by his Starvation and the poorly developed body. As he lays dying, unconsciously on the ground, he hears a voice. This voice is strange and interprets his dying regrets by giving him the [SYSTEM] unique skill!! Reincarnated into a new world filled with magic and monsters, the Boy has a second chance to relive his life. Correcting the past and creating his new destiny, not as a human, but as a Dragon.

HarutoKazuya · Thành thị
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5 Chs


I started walking inside the woods in search of Oliver and his crew, who is inside the forest, hunting for the Village.

The time I stepped on the first stone on the entrance of the forest, I suddenly felt something terrible. As if, an entire group was eliminated and only two people inside are still alive.

I've got no choice! I should use my Dragon Eyes to see what is going on!!

[Notice: Dragon Eyes Activated successfully]

Nice, I should run faster, Wind element should be fine but, I need a Speed that excels the normal one. may be! Lightning?

Yes, I need to use 'All Of Creation' to combine these two energy and use it, for running at a higher speed.

System! Activate 'All Of Creation'!

['All Of Creation' Activated]

Right, I need to concentrate on the mana resource inside the Body!

now, "GodSpeeeddddddd!!!!!!!!!!!", as I shouted with my magical mana concentrated, I reached the speed of wind. I began running fast that a naked eye of any creature couldn't see.

[Notice: Special Skill "Godspeed" is now acquired!]

Right damnit, I need to find them. 'Mystic Dragon Breath!'

Mystic Dragon Breath, is a Skill that is evolved from the Smelling skill I acquired yesterday, venturing inside the city. You know, Smells of food...That really makes me Hungry.

As I activated My Mystic Dragon Breath, I picked up two...no three signals of life forms. huh! there is Oliver! he is still alive!! I need to get to him quickly.

As I ran faster than the Wind, I reached the point where my 5 year old body, that couldn't accept anymore speed form of lightning and wind. But I was never Exhausted or anything, its that only my body can't able to operate with my mana.

Well, I guess, I should use my last resort then, I never wanted to reveal it but, Now I really have to.

I closed my eyes. I began to feel the heat surging through my body, calling me for catastrophe, My eyes started to steam up, my abs gotten tighter, my Scales started to reveal and shine in the sun with it's golden colour, By that time, a Pair of Wings with a Golden with a hint of Silver, came out of me, with a radiant glow. I opened my eyes, I could feel the Golden Dragon's might inside Me. That time, My normal Blue eyes had already became Golden, resembling the Sun's glow.

I Flapped my wings downwards with a force and as the result, I broke the Wind and flew from there like a Jet. You know, How the Jet Fly in the Skies, in our world.

With a Roar of A Dragon, and a Igniting radiance, my Body started to adjust itself with the Wings and I Started to control my speed, and my Flying.

I ended up going a bit so high, but lucky for me, I saw the three signals that I felt before, as I guessed, Oliver is also there, wounded. I should help him.

I can't show myself to the other two, because, they would come to know, That there is a Golden Dragon inside here.

Wait! I have The perfect Idea!

Hey! System, Is the Sword that you mentioned before has any mana inside it?

[Notice: Null]

okay then! Activate Eyes of Destruction!

As I commanded my System, The clouds started to form black, I can sense the Mana inside them gathering towards me.

Now, 'Activate Wizard!'

Wizard is the Evolved form for Collecting Mana From Nature. It's weird yeah! but Wizards in Demons are really rare, and they are even able to use Holy magic and the Others just like Humans.

[Notice: Eyes Destruction And Wizard activated!]

now, Come Forth, My sword Of the Moon, Loseldoon!!!

The Formed Clouds Started to give the Feel that, there is going to be disaster towards the forest. The Three of them Fighting down There Slowly Raised their Head towards the Sky, with a Reaction of seeing a Shadowed Creature, that Holding a Sword that resembling a Japanese Katana, But with a Black Blade, slowly turning into a Light of Blue rays.

It was certainly like a Saber Than a Sword.

As I raised my hand high and Stood in the Position of Miyamoto Musashi, The most feared samurai, That I have seen from a picture from the Dustbins near the next Street's end, in my Previous life.

Then, on Slowly lowering my hand like striking, The Ground beneath The Three of them, Started to shake, as if an Earthquake is nearing.

On seeing My Powerful appearance, Oliver kneeled Down and Bowed Towards me.

on Seeing Oliver, The Other Two, who wasn't a Demon, Knelt down and Done the same as Oliver.

With their smell, I can sense they are Humans. What is two Humans Need to be here? Are they from the Kingdom to Start a War?

Looking at Injured Demons, I guess, They are really Powerful mages then.

I struck Lightning Bolts on the Grounds, Writing the Language of Humans, that I learned From My Previous life's Trash Newspaper Experiences.

Well, lucky for me, The language that I read, Had Already evolved with the Help of the Skill "UNITY", to be seen and Read for the Humans.

completely Warning them, I disappeared from the Sky, and Changed my 5 year old cute boy's Body.

I used Water magic and Earth Magic to dirty myself, and ran Towards Oliver like a Kid Afraid and Running to his Big Brother.

As I ran there, With only my presence, The Nature's mana healed the rest of them, but I made them to be in sleep. Because, if the Humans Found that a Demon kid like Me can heal These many men at the same time, They would definitely Capture me, or kill me.

"Brudheer!! ahhhh!" I acted to be Crying and ran towards Oliver and embraced him.

Oliver Understood what I was trying to pull, and He acted with the flow.

"Hey! Brother! Don't Cry! It's nothing really!! Okay okay!! Don't cry!!" He Smiled and acted to be considerate, while I was Healing the Inner injuries of him when Hugging.

"Estan piluzu pshat" "Suja Estan Pshat piluzu kawaso!"

This is the Sound of the Language, the Humans were talking. Lucky For Me, I already Mastered it all.

There was an Lady, appeared to be 25 or some thing,.....and a Man, about 30.

They were saying that, "Hey is that a Kid? honey?" "Yes! He doesn't certainly look like a Demon too! he is really cute!"

"Aiden, You need to get Out of here!" Oliver Said.

"huh! What do ya Mean by get out of here? I am the One who saved you remember?" I replied with a low sound. like whispering.

"Yeah yeah! Dragon Boy!" he chuckled

"haha!" I smiled.

"Hey Kid! What is You name Son?" the Lady asked.

She is not looking with a inferior eyes, She is just curious. At least I can see that from them though.

"Ah! Ma name is, Aid..en!" I answered.

"Wow! Aiden huh? What a Cute name!" the Man nearby smiled and said.

"Hey Demon! Is this Boy a Human or a Demon!" The Lady asked Oliver with a trash look.

well, that is not very nice!

"he....is...an Human!" Oliver said.

huh? (all of them sounded in Unison)

Human? Who is Human you Idiot?

"Well, What's a Human baby doing here?" the Husband and Wife Humans started to discuss something among themselves.

Why? Why is Oliver not saying the Truth? What is he Thinking?

But, What ever It may be, It will be for good I guess.

"He..y ....Human...s....Can You Take....care of my....Little brother For me....?" Oliver said.

no! He is really saying that?

I need to clear them. Well, What should I do?

yeah, that is the Only case.

I walked in front of them. They Both knelt down and stared at me, with a smile.

"Hey! Human Uncle and Auntie! I am not a human! I am a Demon! You understand?" I spoke to them with a Unwavering speech, a normal 5 year old couldn't give.

"I know that kid!" "yeah! Same here!", they both answered.

huh! then why are you still waiting? Start to fight me then?

"Hey! Aiden" Oliver Called me from back.

"Oliver! What's going on?" I asked.

"Oliver! You Haven't changed a bit! Still winning our matches! hahah!" The Humans started to talk to Oliver with a friendly manner.

I was confused and looking all over.

Did I just use my awesome Skills for these Weirdos?

"ha! Aiden, These are my two Friends, Lay Mcwell and Sophia Mcwell. We used to be party members when we are Adventuring! hahah!" Oliver said as the two Humans Smiled.

What the Helllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Answer: Hell: Hell is the place or state into which, by God's definitive judgment, unrepentant sinners pass in the general judgment.]

haa!! You too! Shut up System!