
So What? I'm a Dragon Now?

A young boy, who grew up alone in the streets, was in the verge of death by his Starvation and the poorly developed body. As he lays dying, unconsciously on the ground, he hears a voice. This voice is strange and interprets his dying regrets by giving him the [SYSTEM] unique skill!! Reincarnated into a new world filled with magic and monsters, the Boy has a second chance to relive his life. Correcting the past and creating his new destiny, not as a human, but as a Dragon.

HarutoKazuya · Thành thị
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5 Chs

Alice the Dryad

4 months has passed since Mom and Dad started to tech me magic and Swordplay. on the contrary, I have gained a bunch of new skills and leveled up quite a bit.

So, I am at the Solid red stage now, and according to my mom, The world never has seen a Talented Child before, even though I am a Dragon. It is special though, That I can even use all the Humans skills that can be only used by humans. haha! It makes me feel like a Overpowered Main character I used to see in the streets in the Old life.

Anyway, Something is wrong with my sleep. I don't understand why I am not able to sleep normally. You see, if I tried to sleep, I keep seeing Two dragons fight Each other, and at last a golden haired man with a pair of Golden eyes, with a Appearance similar to me but somewhat around at the mid 30's, always appear suddenly in my dreams and on the unsleepyness, I cannot hear what he was trying to say to me.

So, I am walking to mom Sophia and Say my problem.


"Yes, Dear! Do you need something!"

Should I tell her this really?, No, I need to say someone about this. It's better to tell that to mom itself.

So, with a smile I walked forward and Said my trouble with the Sleep.

"Aiden? Are you okay dear? What happened? you look kind of Pale, and Sleepy? is something matter? Would you Like to rest from today's Magic Session and Sword session?"

She is really worrying About me, I shouldn't worry her much.

"ah..Mom, about that! I need to Teel you that, I can't sleep normally for a few days Lately, and I keep having A dream, but I can't really avoid it either. Do You know what can I do for it?" I asked her with a Pale sleepy face.

"Are You okay son? What happened?" Dad came with his sword towards me and mom.

"Honey! It seems our Son Aiden is having a bit of sleeping, and he says something about this dream!" My mom told dad about my issue.

"Huh? You cannot sleep? Dream?" "Tell us Aiden what is Wrong?" Mom and dad Asked me.

So, I started to explain the dream and the Golden Haired man appeared in my Dreams.

after listening, They Didn't had a any clue about the Dream, But the said a way to sleep good.

"Aiden, I think, You should skip the Teaching sessions from us today, and You should Go to the forest. Try to feel the nature. Inhale and Exhale the Nature's Air that surrounds you. try to Grasp the Nature's Sounds and Things clearly and Concentrated, if you do that, you will figure out a way to sleep comfortably. okay?" they said.

well, I know What they are trying to say. They are Practically saying that, Create a restful environment to Calm myself first. They suggested the forest because they Knew that I love forest and to spend time inside it.

Well, I don't exactly know why that is. It is really comfortable and It gives me the feeling of joy.

Hey system, Do you know why?

[Answer: It is because you are a Dragon. Dragons and the Other High species like Qilin, Unicorns, love the Nature and the Spirits of the Forest. Legends say that the Dragon's blood is able to create a High Level Spirit depending on the Strength of the dragon]

Woah! That was amazing. So, can I create a Spirit too? I think I can! haha!

Well, with that grateful advise from my Mom and Dad, I Ran towards the great forest of Silvanus very fast with a Excitement to finally getting some sleep.

Well, I went inside the Forest and Laid down with my eyes closed. Just like Before, I got the same dream again. I tried to wake up, but I heard a Female Voice, saying that "Aiden, Try to calm down and Listen to what that man wants to say to you. I know it's hard but try to hear the man." With a soft and cute voice.

Why didn't I try this earlier? ha! Stupid.

So, as the Voice guided, I didn't wake up and tried to hear he Golden Haired man.

I couldn't quickly hear it, but with a trying again and again, I heard the man's Voice.

The man's Voice was Soft and kind. he said, "Where ever the wind of the tree moves, The Ears grow longer".



Trees? Are you freakin Kidding me? What is this Dude tryna say?

So, With that Feeling of Confusion I woke up.

Suddenly on opening my eyes, I saw a beautiful woman who appeared to be in her twenties, according to standards. Her skin was light with well defined facial features. She was seemed to be semi-transparent.

She is glowing?

"It seems, You have waken up Aiden!" She said with a smile.

"yeah! I guess?"

She smiled again and said, "Yes, I forgot to introduce myself first. My name is Alice, and I am a Dryad! Nice to meet to You Little Aiden!".

Dryad? Woah! So she is a spirit huh? so cool?

"Huh! Thanks for helping me to clear my dreams Alice! And It's nice to meet you too!" I replied.

Alice smiled.

wait, how does she know my name?

"Alice, how do you know my name?"

"Aiden, I'm afraid, can't tell you that, but you will understand it one day!" she said.

huh? what's that supposed to mean?

well, anyways, she seems to be a nice person. I think I can trust her.

"So, Aiden, you understood what that man tried to tell you?" she asked.

she is talking about my dream!.

"Ah yeah! somewhat!!"

"Somewhat?" she asked me.

"You see Alice, The man said, 'Where ever the Wind of the trees travels, The Ears grow longer' he said. I have no idea what he was saying to me. haha!" I said Alice.

"you really don't know the Meaning?" She asked me.


"hehehe! Sperate the Words, and Then read it" she said.

huh! sperate?

Where.... ever.... the... Wind.... trees...

wait, Trees.....? Ears.....?

Trees and Ears?


"So you figured it out? huh?" Alice chuckled.

Jeesh, It's elves? Why didn't I think about that?

"Little Aiden, The man asked you to go to the Elven woods I think!" Alice suggested.

Yes, Finally, I am going to go on a Adventure.

while I was talking with Alice, a girl Voice was heard.

"Yeah! That will probably be the right Choice Denny!"

"here she comes" Alice Sighed.

huh? Denny? Who is....she?