
So im a dragon, so what?

Dude gets blown to smithereens and reincarnated as a dragon Tags: Dragonmc, opmc, iseaki, reincarnation, nonhuman, magic, gods, soimaspidersowhat, strongtostronger Also, the MC is not from our Earth and is from the earth in so I'm a spider so what universe. (The cover image ain't mine) (Kumo desu ga Nani Ka Fan fiction) (Gonna use both Manga and LN elements as well as my own bullshit pseudo science in this) (Amature here so don't blame me if its ass)

Nxgen_Snail_Kota · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
14 Chs


[Day 6]

Another day, another fight for survival.

I'm just walking around the cave right now trying to keep my mind occupied so that I don't die of boredom. Sleeping is fun and all, but when the monsters here keep busting down my walls like the Koolaid man and break all my non-existent shit it can get a little annoying. So I'm just wandering around trying to find something to do, maybe kill a monster or two, get some levels or something.


You know, I never understood it. Those idiots that want to be isekaied. Who actually wants to leave everything behind? Who can honestly say they would have no regrets? It's a 1 in 1 million chance to leave this world without worries, and even then they just have no idea how hard it is to start anew in another world, especially if that world is a fantasy type, People really just have no clue as to how hard it is for modern-day individuals to survive in such cutthroat conditions.

The comforts of modern society don't exist here, getting on the bad side of the wrong person will get you killed, hesitation during a confrontation will get you killed, weakness will get you killed and or raped, kindness will get you killed, pity, remorse, anything like that. Shit, even just having a different skin color than the people around you will get you fucked up and enslaved, or in this case, being a demi-human or something. And the laws here are probably loose and unrefined, a hell of a lot of loopholes, and work around to get out of trouble, and even if there arent you could literally just pay a shit ton of money to get off scot-free, that's just how medieval society works.

The rich get to do whatever the hell it is they want, and the poor can't do this to defend themselves against it, that's simply how life functions here.

And in this cave is not much better, every fight is a fight to the death, every corner there is a new monster just waiting to ambush an unexpecting foe, the monsters here taste like garbage, everything is just a different shade of grey, the creatures are all fucking huge, there are no safe havens and everything tries to kill everything else. Hell, I even saw some monsters cannibalize each other, and there is no entertainment down here either, no internet, no tv, no books, no nothing.

All in all,

The food here is shit.

The living situations here are shit.

The only interaction I get with living creatures is them trying to kill me.

This place is just absolute shit.

It's so bland and annoying.

There is nothing to do but hunt, eat and sleep.


Whatever, I'm done ranting about wanting to go home, about dumbasses who want to die and travel to other worlds, and speculating about how society works outside the cave, I mean who knows? Maybe I'm wrong and this place isn't the same as what I know from books and shit.

Pffftt, fat chance of that.


"Kyu Kyu Kyu Kyu Kyu Kyuu, Kyu Kyu Kyuu, Kyu Kyu Kyu Kyu Kyu Kyu Kyu, (Making my way downtown, walking fast, something something something)" I sang as built up a large amount of strength in my wings and with one big push I shot off the ground at high speeds down the tunnel.

"Kyu Kyu Kyu Kyu Kyu Kyu Kyuuu, Kyu Kyu Kyu Kyuuu, Kyu Kyu Kyu Kyu Kyu Kyu Kyuuu (du na na na na na naaaa, Something something, Du na na na na na naaa)" I sounded out as I rounded the corner, my night vision skill and dragon physiology enabling me to dodge and weave through most obstacles in my way with ease as I speed past any annoying creatures.

'P1: Oi'


'P1: Stop that'

'Stop what? I'm just singing'

'P1: Yeah I know. Stop.'

'Why tho?'

'P1: Because you don't even know the words! You're not even singing it right! You're just Butchering this amazing work of art!'

'I...Idon't know how to respond to that. Are you sure your me?' I think to myself as I dive down a sinkhole where I see a swarm of Fingecotes guarding what seems to be their nest.

'P1: First of all that's rude, don't diss my taste in music when you listen to country, and second of all, what the fuck is that?' He says as I take a second to look down and with my night vision skill I see the giant bugs swarming a bridge instead? I stop my dive and hover in the air above them all. The hell is going on right now? I squint my eyes to see if I can't get a closer view but it doesn't work.

'P1: Just get lower'


'P1: Idiot'

I lower myself by creating more time in between the beat of my wings and I get lower and lower and soon enough the scene is coming into clear view. A nicely built Truss bridge made out of...what is that actually? It's white but other than that I can't really identify it.

'P1: Might be some sort of silk'

'What makes you think that?'

'P1: it's pale-ish white and some of the wasps got trapped in it and it's sticking to the walls, so it might actually be spider silk instead'

'Spider! Where?' I whip my head around the hole in a slight panic searching for any spiders but much to my relief I can't find a spider in sight. I breathe out a sigh of relief, but then find myself wondering why they are swarming the bridge, and even more so who built it? Could someone else like me be down here?

'P1: Who knows, but before all that RUN!'

'Huh? What are you talking abou-' I don't even finish my thought as right in the darkness below an absolute huge life signal has come into play. During my time down here, I found that the bigger the life signal, the stronger the enemies, and this new one that's just waiting below us is fucking humongous.

A cold sweat runs down the side of my face as my wings, no, my entire body trembles in fear. The monster below gives off the same feeling as the Arch Taratect, it boasts absolute strength in this place I call home.

'S-should w-we fight?'

'P1: F-fuck man, I d-don't know'

'B-but we g-gotta t-try right?'

'P1: W-would i-i-it be b-better t-to r-run?'

'I-i d-don't t-think i-it w-will l-let us'

'P1: F-fine. A-at least w-we w-wont go o-out like b-bitches'

'H-hehe, Y-you s-say t-that y-yet you a-are t-trembling'

'P1: L-look w-who's t-talkin a-aashole'

I slowly and shakily look down into the void below and can roughly make out a large figure in the shape of a wingless dragon. If anything it looks more like a wolf, but I'm not going to say anything about that. Any major details I can't see as I'm too high above, but I don't need to know what it looks like to know it could kick my ass.

"K-kyu~ (Appraisal)" I say but it comes out as more of a terrified squeak.

Earth Dragon Araba LV31

<Appraisal Failed>


'Well shi-'

'P1: INCOMING' he screams out in my mind and I can feel a large amount of heat gather down below us as well as a dim light that's starting to get bigger and bigger as time goes on. Not long after a huge beam shoots up from below and right at us, I manage to flap my wings albeit frantically, and narrowly dodge the attack as it travels up the hole destroying the bridge and creating a ravine going up the walls causing a rock slide.

I flap my wings and weave through the rocks as they come crashing down into the ground while the dragon just kinda looks at me while I dodge for my life.

[Acquired Skill Fear Resistance LV1]

After a while, the rocks stopped coming, and my fear lessened a bit, but I'm still scared shitless. That doesn't mean I'm not going down without a fight tho, as God is my witness I'm at least going to rough this earth dragon up a bit before I die.


You know what? I take it back, I'm personally more of a conscientious objector.