
So im a dragon, so what?

Dude gets blown to smithereens and reincarnated as a dragon Tags: Dragonmc, opmc, iseaki, reincarnation, nonhuman, magic, gods, soimaspidersowhat, strongtostronger Also, the MC is not from our Earth and is from the earth in so I'm a spider so what universe. (The cover image ain't mine) (Kumo desu ga Nani Ka Fan fiction) (Gonna use both Manga and LN elements as well as my own bullshit pseudo science in this) (Amature here so don't blame me if its ass)

Nxgen_Snail_Kota · Tranh châm biếm
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14 Chs

A voice in my head?

[Day 4]

It's now day 4, day 3 was mostly me just chilling around my cave doing jack shit but sleeping and eating all day. I didn't have to shit for some reason, don't know where this food goes, but I don't really care all that much.

I was going to just hang around doing nothing today again, but unfortunately, I'm out of food, so I need to hunt, this is also a good chance to level up I guess, so it's not all bad. So as of now, I'm just wandering around in a large area that's filled with a shit ton of bulky stone pillars.

'P1: Yo!'

'Where the fuck did you come from?!'

'P1: Do you not remember getting the skill Parallel minds?'

"Parallel minds?'


"Kyu Kyu Kyu Kyuu Kyu Kyu Kyu, Kyu Kyu Kyu, Kyu Kyu Kyu Kyu Kyuuu (𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒂 𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒃𝒊𝒕 𝒄𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒆𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒎𝒚 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒂 𝒎𝒂𝒏, 𝒔𝒐 𝒃𝒊𝒈 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒔𝒐 𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒈)"

"Kyuu Kyu Kyu Kyuu Kyu Kyuu, Kyu Kyu Kyu Kyuu, Kyuu Kyu Kyu Kyu Kyu Kyuu (𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒂 𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒃𝒊𝒕 𝒄𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒆𝒓, 𝒊𝒎 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒂𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒆, 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒏𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒊𝒔 𝒔𝒐 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒈)"

[Acquire skill parallel minds for 500 skill points?]

"Kyuu~? (Huh?)"

[Acquire skill parallel minds for 500 skill points?]

"Kyu~ (Mkay~)"


"Kyuu Kyu Kyu Kyu, Kyu Kyuu Kyu Kyu Kyu Kyu Kyu Kyuuuu (𝑾𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒎𝒖𝒔𝒊𝒄 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒑𝒑𝒆𝒅, 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑰 𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒅, 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒄𝒂𝒇𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒆𝒎𝒑𝒕𝒚)"


'Oh yeah, I did do that yesterday'

'P1: Dumbass How do you forget something like that?'

'I was kinda high?'

'P1: And why was that a question?'

'To be honest, I don't even remember. One moment I was just chilling in my nest and then the next I'm wandering the cave systems and singing songs or something its kinda a blur'

'P1: Words really can't describe how irresponsible you are'

'Are we not the same person?'

'P1: I...You...Shut up'

'See, and you called me the dumbass'

'P1: I was right, I mean who in their right mind would get high when in our situation? It's like your asking for death'

'Not exactly, it keeps my mind occupied so I don't have to face the crushing reality that I may never see my friends again. so it's not all bad'

'P1: *Sigh* I can't believe your such an idiot'

'Are not me or something like that?'

'P1: Something like that'

'What's that mean?'

'P1: It means I'm you, but more specialized'

'To do what?'

'P1: To make sure we don't kill ourselves'

'So how are you going to do that?'

'P1: By pretty much acting as a warning bell for danger and taking control of any and all magical abilities so that we don't have to split our focus in battle'

'Oh, that's pretty smart'

'P1: I know, that's the point and by the way, you should get Height of Occultism and detection'


'P1: Because it's an OP magic skill that will make my job easier, and detection is a basic sensory skill that we should've gotten first, so just get them'

'Alright, alright'

[Height of occultism has been acquired for 700 skill points]

[Detection has been acquired for 300 skill points]

As soon as I bought detection the world exploded in color and detail down to the smallest particle.

So basically the world just looks like it did before but on ultra-high-definition, I can see the magical energy current, the constitution of materials, and even the airflow. All in all, it's an OP information skill for being one level 1, much better than appraisal was at level 1. So P1 was right, this should have been the first skill I got.

'So your gonna be like our magic guy and second danger sense?'

'P1: That's right, and speaking of danger'


'P1: Duck'

I do as I'm told by myself, shit that's gonna take some getting used to, having a second voice in your head is strange, to say the least, and the fact that it mirrors my own perfectly is even stranger. But I digress, I do duck low as per my own orders and a white figure goes flying overhead, I look over and see a primate with black fur and crimson-colored eyes. It makes a noise "Oooooh!" and beats its chest and glares at me, but I pay it no mind and use appraisal on it.

<Anogratch LV1>

HP: 140/140

MP: 30/30

SP: 100/100

Attack: 100

Defense: 85

Magic: 25

Resistance: 30

Speed: 100

Huh, it's stronger than the wasp but a lot weaker than the snake, I'm kinda wondering how it survived all alone here, I mean the wasps travel in packs and that one that I caught was just a stray, and those frogs are just fucking parasites, they are literally everywhere, but this monkey is just all alone.

'P1: Who cares about that, let's just kill it' P1 says as he activates our plant magic, and vines sprout from below the Anogratch and wrap around it stopping its movements and keeping it confined.

'I feel like you are needlessly violent'

'P1: Bruh literally everything is trying to kill us in here'

'That's fair I guess'

The vines that were wrapped around the Monke started to tighten and squeeze around its figure, the creature tries to thrash around and escape but the vines are much too strong and soon enough they get even tighter and tighter until...


'Ok, but was that necessary?'

'P1: No, but it felt good'

'So you also inherited my sadistic side, good to know'

'P1: Incoming'

Suddenly my sense are spread out, must be the work of P1, anyway this empty vast area filled with pillars is suddenly loaded with hundreds...of...red...lights...surrounding me on all sides. Each one gave off a hostile feeling directed right...at...me...Well shit.

'P1: Guess we know how they survive now'

Hundreds, literally hundreds of these fucking monkeys are surrounding us, ready to pounce on a moment's notice, now I know my stats dwarf theirs, but a horde? It will be a bit of a challenge to battle against mostly because I have no AOE skills that can do major damage, my breath of life won't be able to take out more than maybe 3 at a time, and my plant magic still can't create anything super big.

This means I need to go at this carefully instead of just guns blazing as I have been for most of my time here.

'So what's the game plan?'

'P1: Fuck why are you asking me?'

'Because your the smart one, so get to planning'

'P1: Since when was I the smart one!?'

'You got us into the mess, you get us out'

'P1: Tch Fine!'

'So? What is it?'

'P1: We got wings right? Use em to get high'

(A/N: Play Grifball Jam - Jeff Williams)

As soon as I get low the horde all screech at me and start charging as fast as they can, fangs barred ready to trample over me, however, with a huge flap of my wings I push off the ground creating a whirlwind and shoving some of the closer ones back as I rise into the air.

All the Anogratch look up at my figure and scream once again but with another flap of my wings 6 magic circles appear behind me, and out of said circles spears made out of vines shoot out from the circles in rapid succession and start raining down on the battlefield killing a shit ton of the monkeys.


"Kyuu Kyuu, Kyu Kyu Kyuuuuuuu (I swear if we some Pretentious Prideful Golden Bastard gets on our ass because of you I'm going to kill you)" I say as more and more magic circles appear behind me and now we have 12 raining down on the army of primates.

'P1: Eh, it's fine, we can just kill him to'

'Not how it works'

'P1: Fuck you mean not how it works? People die when they are killed'

'Then what about us?'

'P1: We don't count'

'How? We literally died once already'

'P1: Look, just because you're correct doesn't mean your right'

'Can you not make fate references and pay attention to this fight to the death please?'

'P1: What's there to pay attention to? We are killing them all easily'

'Okay, but they might have some tricks up their sleeves'

'P1: Like what?' P1 chuckles 'Some fucking monkey catapults Or some shit?...Oh shit'

'You kidding'

'P1: Dodge'

I flap my wings and fly backwards in time for a monkey to shoot right past my face at high speeds, speeds that should only be possible with a...

"Kyuu Kyu (Fucking monkey catapult)" I say flabbergasted as I look down at a literal trebuchet made out of monkeys that are firing at us right now. More and more catapults are being made and now we are dodging and weaving through both the large number of pillars and tens of monkey balls all trying to land on my face.

'P1: Bow Chicka Bow Wow'

'Can you fuck off right now!?'

Now that I can't just stay in one spot I start flying around the battlefield while P1 Fires off our spears like an AC-130, at first it was child play, and now it's just a massacre. The monkey catapults are exploding in balls of blood, vines, and rocks that kill others nearby.

[Individual Life Dragon Kami LV4 has become LV5]

[Every basic ability has risen]

[You have gained 1000 skill points]

[You have gained the title Primate Murder]

[As a result of Title Primate Murderer Taboo LV1 has Become LV3]

Seems like I didn't get any skill level-ups this time, kinda weird but then again with how I'm committing genocide right now I guess it's warranted. And that taboo level-up kinda makes sense as I almost annihilated an entire species. Anyway buy this point most of the apes have been killed off and the remaining stragglers are trying to run away because they lost the numbers advantage.

[Skill Plant Magic LV3 has become LV4]

[Skill Flight LV3 has become LV4]

[Skill Dodging LV5 has become LV6]

[Skill Life Sense LV4 has become LV5]

'So, I guess that's that' I comment as I land on the ground soaked with the crimson-colored blood and detached limbs of our enemies. I also deactivate detection and the world just looks so bland in comparison to High definition so I decide to leave it on instead.

'P1: That was too easy'

'Why are you complaining? Obviously, we want it to be easy, I'm not tryna fight for life in every battle I go into nor do I want to run around this cave all day fighting, I want to relax and do jack all.' I tell him while heading back to my nest to rest.

'P1: Tch, buzzkill'

'I like how you said, you were supposed to be the one who keeps us alive, and yet you want to actively search out for strong enemies to battle. Like make up your mind dude, do you want us to live, or do you want us to fight?'

'P1: Both'


'I can't deal with myself right now'

'P1: Whatever just buy High-speed flight, Imperial Armor, Wrym Barrier, and Magic power operation'

'Not even gonna question that'

[SKill High-Speed flight has been acquired for 200 skill points]

[Skill Imperial Armor has been acquired for 400 skill points]

[Skill Wrym Barrier has been acquired for 100 skill points]

[SKill Magic power operation has been acquired for 300 skill points]

[Skill Imperial Armor and Dragons hide have combined into Divine scales]

[Skill High-speed flight and Flight have combined into 3D Manuervering]

"Kyuuu (Appraisal)" I check my stats while laying down on my rock bed

Name: Kami

Life Dragon


Hp: 2500/2500➡5000/5000

Mp: 1750/1750➡2000/2000

Sp: 1300/1300➡1400/1400

Average Offensive ability: 700➡750

Average Defensive ability: 670➡1500

Average Magic ability: 2080➡2400

Average Resistance ability: 1810➡3250

Average Speed ability: 770➡1750

「Breath of Life LV4」「 Automatic HP recovery LV4」「 Automatic MP recovery LV4」「Lesser SP Consumption LV4」「Draconic Instincts LV4」「 Danger Sense LV4」「Dragons Power LV4」「Healing Beam LV4」「Life Dragon Physiology LV4」「Magical Attack Resistance Lv4」「Magic power Perception」「 Night Vision LV4」「 Life Sense LV5」「Acid Resistance LV5」「Pain Resistance LV6」「Appraisal LV6」「 Running LV6」「 Dodging LV6」「 Taboo LV3」「Heretic Magic LV4」「Floarl Boost LV4」「Physical Attack Resistance LV3」「Stab Resistance LV3」「Posion Resistance LV3」「Plant Magic LV4」「Magic Extremity LV1」「Paralell minds LV1」「Height of Occulsim」「Detection LV1」「Divine Scales」「3D Movement LV1」「Wrym Barrier LV1」「Magic Power Operation」「n%I=W」

Skill points: 0


「 Dragon」「Foul Feeder 」「 Eden」「 TrackStar」「Kin Eater」「 Life Bringer」「Trapper」「Sadist」「One with the green」「Primate Muderer」

'P1: So what now?'

'I sleep'