
So I Became Superman

Devin McCannon was just your average 28 year old guy. However, one day while reading his first ever owned Superman comic, everything changed...

Ellendria · Khác
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5 Chs

Klive The Good Manga

And so after a good hour of brainstorming, I've come up with an idea for a manga. A manga about a man who becomes healthier and increases his life span and strength with every good deed he does. The greater the impact of the good deed, the greater the increase. His name will be Klive Williams a 42 year old factory worker in the US. Getting out some paper, I began to write an outline and story map. Once this was taken care of, I drew my cover art. A gray and black haired man with a strong build and wearing Carhartt gear standing with his arms outstretched and the world above them. I love it! With the final stroke of my colored pencils and pens, I at last finished it. Now my manga is ready to be started.

However, when I was just about to start, there was a frantic knocking on my door. Standing up and moving swiftly to the door, I opened it and the sight made me say, "Nope.", and as I was starting to shut the door the woman in front of me yelled, "Wait please! I'll make it worth your while, so please take me in so I may rest and recover my wounds!". The reason that I said nope? Because of my system I can see people's stats and information. She's a freaking cultivator! At my door! The only known threat to my existence is at my door. This is a hell no moment. Unfortunately, I'm a softy for busty Asian women. So, without further ado I let her inside.

Breathing a sigh of relief, I caught a quick movement of her hands performing hand seals and a barrier invisible to normal people appeared around my apartment. Staggering to her knees, the woman almost collapsed but I caught her. Gently shaking her awake, I brought her to the bathroom to my hot tub and showed her where everything was. Grabbing a large shirt of mine and some sweats, I knocked on the door and told her that they were outside.

Back in my living room, I sat and played on my phone until she came out and bowed low to me. Standing up quickly I told her that she didn't need to bow, but she insisted. Then she reached out her hand to me and held out a jade amulet. Smiling at me warmly she went to lay down on one of my couches, but I quickly told her to follow me and lead her to my guest room. Once she was settled, I sighed in exasperation at myself and face palmed. I can't believe I allowed a cultivator into my home. Oh well, it's too late now, so I'll make the best of this situation.

Meanwhile in the guestroom...

"Yes master, I've located the anomalous individual. No I don't believe they're on the dark side of the universal force. I sense a strange serenity and safety being near this man. But enough of that. Master, I was nearly killed by the dogs of the Summertide Sect. Yes, I know it was reckless of me to come here without you, however all's well that ends well am I right? Forgive me master, I wasn't trying to be sassy. Anyway, I sense a pure and unprecedented Yang God lineage within him and from my observations the very sunlight is absorbed into his skin seemingly with no conscious effort. I'll keep you updated with more information Master Yagyu."

Letting out a small sigh, Sakura Yuki stretched out on the guest bed and began to focus on cultivating to heal her wounds. "This man is wise not to trust strangers, but clearly he has a noble heart and couldn't ignore my plight. I must do everything in my power to recruit him into my Sundog Sect. He will fit in quite well, as our sect cultivates by absorbing sunlight and converting it into mana. He was clearly born to be in our sect. I must not fail; no matter what I have to do to win him over."

Back in the living room...

Snacking on some chips, I finally calmed down and decided to hear this woman out. After all I'm no idiot, I was totally eavesdropping on her this whole time. She's here to recruit me into her sect. The question is this: Do I join, or do I reject her offer?

I'm back. Sorry I am all over the place on what to work on. Either way enjoy the bite.

Ellendriacreators' thoughts