
So, am I responsible for the harmonious relationship between heroines?

“…….” “…….” "So, you want to say that I'm responsible for the harmonious exchange of elemental energy between you four?" Lei Kongming gazed at the four beautiful figures before him, his attention was drawn to the majestic queen-like presence of one woman as she explained the concept of 'energy exchange' to him. 'Are you sure the energy exchange you're referring to is serious?' Lei Kongming fell into deep reflection. “If I don’t go to hell, then who will? Come here, I will help you all and solve your problem.” "It will also help you in improving your cultivation. Don't act as if you're making a sacrifice..." "Hey! Why are you turning off the lights and setting up sound isolation formation?....." Thinking that they are shy, Lei Kongming replies "Um... it's to facilitate better 'energy exchange'... Huh? Why are you drawing your sword?... hey! WAIT! STOP!"

ChasingSunMoon · Huyền huyễn
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55 Chs

Heavenly Petals Unison

Su Zhiyuan smiled and nodded at Lei Meiying's analysis. "You might have a good impression of Xiao Ming, which is normal for young girls like you. But remember, his cultivation technique not only increases his yang energy, but it is also... very special. So, you both might not be able to handle him. Be careful."

Hearing this, both Lei Meiying and Lei Meixia blushed. Su Zhiyuan then waved her hand, and both Lei Meiying and Lei Meixia were thrown out of her courtyard house.

A book fell near Lei Meiying with a very strange name, "Heavenly Petals Unison," and then a voice sounded in their ears.

"Remember, you are not allowed to spread this cultivation technique without my permission. Though, you can give it to Xiao Ming if you like. Hehehe."

At first, Lei Meiying and Lei Meixia had solemn expressions when they heard the first half of the sentence, but after hearing the second half, both of their faces turned red with embarrassment.

"Sister Meiying, Elder Su seems to like teasing people a lot."

Lei Meiying nodded as she picked up the cultivation technique, and both of them decided to get back to their huts before carefully studying it.

"But Sister Meiying, I never thought you would want to make those jokes about marrying the same person to stay together forever a reality."

Lei Meiying rolled her eyes and said, "Sister Meixia, there is a high chance that we will get married in the future, either by ourselves or through an arrangement by the clan. So, this technique will be very beneficial to us in the long run."

Lei Meixia nodded, feeling a little sad and scared about the possibility of getting married in the future.

"By the way, Sister Meiying, I don't understand why Elder Su said that we should marry the same person."


Lei Meiying carefully recalled their conversation with Elder Su and remembered that she had only told them they could temporarily borrow their Taoist companion's cultivation and had not mentioned any reason for them to have the same Taoist companion.

"Sister Meixia, I think we should ask Elder Su about this now."

Lei Meixia nodded, and they walked back to Su Zhiyuan's courtyard and knocked.

Meanwhile, inside Su Zhiyuan's courtyard, she looked at the magnificent hall and sighed. Suddenly, the hall transformed into a burned-out hall, as if a fire had once broken out in it. Even Su Zhiyuan's clothes transformed into burned rags, exposing a lot of her silky skin. Her hair was also messed up, and her face had a lot of carbon dust sticking to it.

Behind Su Zhiyuan was a large alchemy furnace and the burn marks were more obvious near the furnace, especially on the ceiling above it, which had turned totally black.

"Now that there are people on the 8th peak, I should clean up this messed-up hall. Using illusion formations is not a long-term solution. If by any chance they catch me like this, it could really destroy my beautiful image in their hearts."

Suddenly, she heard a knock on her door and discovered that the Mei sisters had returned for some reason. She waved her hand to activate the illusion formation, and after confirming that there were no problems with it, she opened the door.

"Do you have any questions regarding the cultivation technique?" Su Zhiyuan asked.

"No, Elder Su, we have yet to read the cultivation technique. We want to ask why we should have the same Taoist companion. Will our special physiques not work if we have different Taoist companions?"

"There are many names for your special physique, but the most common name is Twin Lotus Physique."

Su Zhiyuan thought for a moment and said, "Without getting into too many details, which you might not understand because of your weaker cultivation... In the simplest terms, you both can only be considered pseudo-Twin Lotus Physique if you are alone. You need to have some physical contact, like holding each other's hands, to be considered a complete Twin Lotus Physique."

Su Zhiyuan waited for them to digest the information and then continued, "You both should also be able to circulate Qi between each other's bodies through that contact point. In this situation, I don't think you can have proper dual cultivation unless you have the same Taoist companion."

Now, Lei Meiying and Lei Meixia were not only embarrassed but also became worried about how to circulate Qi into each other's bodies.

"Elder Su, how can we circulate Qi into each other's bodies? It is not only very difficult but also very dangerous," asked Lei Meixia in a very worried tone.

"The dual cultivation technique I have given you is specially made for the Twin Lotus Physique, so you both don't have to worry too much," Su Zhiyuan reassured them.

Seeing both of them nodding, Su Zhiyuan said, "If you don't have anything else to ask, then you can leave."

Lei Meiying and Lei Meixia gave a respectful salute to Su Zhiyuan and left. They didn't forget to close the door before leaving. Walking out of the door, Lei Meiying suddenly remembered that they had forgotten to ask for the identity token, so she turned around to open the door and asked.

"Elder Su, we have not yet received our…"


Lei Meiying found Elder Su standing in front of an alchemy furnace, wearing burned clothes with carbon dust on her face.

Lei Meiying wisely closed the door as if nothing had happened and prepared to leave, but the door behind her automatically opened, and she was pulled inside.

Lei Meiying found that the hall had transformed back into its majestic appearance instead of the burned-out one she had just seen.

"What have you not received?" said Su Zhiyuan in a calm voice but Lei Meiying can still feel irritation in her voice.

"Elder Su, we haven't received our identity tokens yet," said Lei Meiying cautiously.

"Oh, I really forgot about it. Wait a minute, let me check where I have kept them."

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Enternal_Thunder, cosa_nestra, Mauro_Mendes, Keenan_Davis_8487, and SpazKaz for their support with Power Stones last week. Your contributions mean a lot and are truly appreciated.

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