
Snowy Red

L still felt hazy. It was still all chaotic. I didn't know what going on around me.But all l knew was I had to give in to my instincts and fight.Maybe for my life or for someone else. The big bulky man landed a heavy painful blow through my face.l thought my skull got crushed at that moment.l landed face down onto the ground.

Karma_yukida · Thành thị
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53 Chs

Chapter 7

Riru called several times after that, no like a million times after that l was still reluctant on answering his phonecalls. l know in someone's point of view or my point of view it was like a torture for both of us but what was l suppose to do.aAngelo also questioned me on why l was ignoring Riru l know he was asking because of goodwill and all but l didn't have any answers to give him and just left the matter unresolved.Even tho l missed him the wasn't much l could do than just wallow alone with my unresolved feeling about him . l was undecided and needed a new change of scenery at  Auntie li's place in Haruku. Yeah l can atleast try and focus on that for now. The next remaining days l spent on preparing for my journey and just like that days passed by like water in astream not carrying on how the world viewed it. L awoke that day with the cascading sun rays that befell on my dark shade curtains.l felt an uneasy pit of uneasiness inmy stomach. L ignored the feeling as worriness or l was just being nervous of the unreal world l was going to. As l awoke lazily l found a blue shaped heart card beside my bed.lt made me smile altleast it was a good start for the day. l rose up and started preparing for my day.

To my little piglet,

Safe journey's today and don't foget to have fun at your new school, me and the gang would be routing for you.until we meet again i would be missing you.

                       From Big Bad Wolf, Riru (^3^).

After finishing up Angelo escorted me to the train station. We really both didn't have a proper conversation but we still felt our stares and gestures said a lot more than words could comprehend . L hugged him tightly .

''Take care of mom and dad.''

''L would have already taken care of them without you asking just take care of yourself, Mia''

L  smiled and took off to my supposedly temporary new life.L knew deep witin me he was watching me from afar and wishing me best wishes until our paths would cross again.


''You should have said goodbye to her if u came all this way.''

''There's no need for goodbye's when will see each other soon.''

''What do u mean soon?''

He stepped out of the shadows with a smirk on his face.

''Don't worry you'll see soon enough''

He watched as the train set off to its journey,on the otherside the girl watching naively outside the train not knowing what awaited her later in her life she didn't know she was a prey which was being watched by a monster she grew up with and would be hunted whether she liked it or not.

''Umi,l'll see you soon, don't have too much fun without me.''