
Snowy Red

L still felt hazy. It was still all chaotic. I didn't know what going on around me.But all l knew was I had to give in to my instincts and fight.Maybe for my life or for someone else. The big bulky man landed a heavy painful blow through my face.l thought my skull got crushed at that moment.l landed face down onto the ground.

Karma_yukida · Thành thị
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53 Chs

Chapter 40

Since the weekend was creeping in and had alot of unresolved emotions.l decided to just ignore it and have some peaceful reading for my upcoming exams.

l asked Emma to help me with one or two problems.lt was bothersome but l knew l had to do it with high expectations from both my parents and teacher kept for me not to mention aunt and uncle after hearing about me skipping classes and all.

For now that's what l want to think about...but unexpectedly that's not how life thought about it.

Because l stood there in the hallway covered in red paint all over from head to toe and thinking of how it also got stuck in my tongue.

'Why do always get to taste things that are tasteless.'l thought making calculations on how was gonna move.A huge crowd had already gathered around me and l could see Emma's shocked face beside me.

lt was all shitty to say the least.l didn't know they could take it this far.

Well... it all started three weeks ago,where if l knew it would go this far l would have tried to stop it.


The weekend came sooner than expected.Things between me and Hiro were a bit rough to say the least.So surprise surprise..it was awkward at home.We never really holded a proper conversation it was always 'hi' 'hello' and 'mm'which was all he said since that day.

Thinking about it,now l really didn't feel like going home..but l had to.

l entered finally after debating for so long, if l should.Only to find him walking down the stairs.With a second of both our gazes meeting.l could see the actual coldness in those eyes which sent shivers down my spine.But he teared off without a second thought and went into the kitchen.lt was a week since l stared into those eyes not knowing it turned that cold.

l let out a heavy sigh.lt kind of stinged but after all... it was my fault for having doubts.

l closed the the door and threw myself on the bed wanting to think nothing anymore.

'l wish l was a robot.'