
Snowy Red

L still felt hazy. It was still all chaotic. I didn't know what going on around me.But all l knew was I had to give in to my instincts and fight.Maybe for my life or for someone else. The big bulky man landed a heavy painful blow through my face.l thought my skull got crushed at that moment.l landed face down onto the ground.

Karma_yukida · Thành thị
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53 Chs

Chapter 36

In the dimly lit classroom,l found myself relegated to the back row, am surrounded by a sparse scattering of fellow students whose presence did little to alleviate the suffocating silence weighing heavily upon me.The drone of the teacher's voice droned on, each word blending into the next like a monotonous lullaby, threatening to pull me into the depths of sleep. Yet, as my eyelids grew heavy with fatigue,l couldn't shake the sensation of the teacher's intense gaze boring into me, a silent admonition that kept me firmly tethered to consciousness. Despite the oppressive stillness permeating the air, the classroom felt alive with tension, each passing moment stretching out into an eternity of boredom and discomfort.

lt was sooner or later that my head will happily greet the desk.

As my eyelids drooped lower, the words on the page began to dance before me, swirling and multiplying into a kaleidoscope of letters that seemed to float effortlessly through the air. With each blink, the lines blurred and merged, forming nonsensical patterns that danced tantalizingly out of reach.

Despite my best efforts to focus, the letters twisted and turned, evading my grasp as if playing a mischievous game of hide-and-seek.Truly l was trying my hardest but..

As my exhaustion weighed heavily upon me, the once-steady stream of words transformed into a chaotic flurry, each syllable taking flight like startled birds, leaving me trapped in a hazy realm where reality and dreams seamlessly intertwined.

And finally my head collapsed.

"Miss Yumi!!"

Even though he said my name l was already defeated by my close friend and l couldn't say no to her.


~Meanwhile on the rooftop~

The two boys glared at each other.After long long years..the two rivals met.

One harboured disgust and thirst for revenge the other uninterested of the person in front of him.

'He dragged him here and he was suppose to go home with Yumi.'surprisingly that was his only thought in mind.

"So we meet again,Sugihiro"

Silence took over after that..