
Snowy Red

L still felt hazy. It was still all chaotic. I didn't know what going on around me.But all l knew was I had to give in to my instincts and fight.Maybe for my life or for someone else. The big bulky man landed a heavy painful blow through my face.l thought my skull got crushed at that moment.l landed face down onto the ground.

Karma_yukida · Thành thị
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53 Chs

Chapter 32

School seemed more boring like always but it seemed more different as l walked in class.

lt was more like gossip spreading like wild fire through the halls leading to class... especially my class.

l sat down not to indulge in it any further and prepared for my morning lesson.When the bell rang,is when the teacher entered like he was waiting for this moment.

It was such bore but l had to survive this class if l wanted to pass the subject.

The teacher proceeded to announce the arrival of new students, a hushed murmur spread through the classroom.

'So this is what the gossip was all about'

l thought uninterested of the new arrivals.

The door creaked open, and in walked a group that turned my world upside down or its just that l felt a sudden wave of stomach pain gripped me, a knot tightening with an unexpected intensity. The discomfort, akin to a rollercoaster drop in my gut,that sent a shiver through my body. As nervousness took hold, my stomach churned with an unsettling mix of anticipation and unease, each pang echoing the rhythm of my racing heart. It was as if a storm of butterflies had transformed into a tempest, leaving me breathless and momentarily paralyzed by the physical manifestation of my inner turmoil.My childhood best friend, now a stranger..you know for unexpectedly circumstances, alongside the vice captain and my darling brother, stood before me all linked by a life l thought l left back home.

My gaze met his, and time seemed to stand still. Unspoken words hung heavy in the air,

As our eyes met across the classroom, a magnetic pull between me and my long-lost best friend resonated,our gazes locking with an intensity that spoke volumes. Time seemed to fold upon itself, bridging the gap between years of separation.

In that charged moment,l felt the weight of his unspoken words, the echoes of his confession echoing in my mind. The air thickened with a mixture of nostalgia and apprehension, as if the unsaid truths of our shared past lingered in the space between us.

Images from that fateful day flooded my thoughts – the way his voice had lowered to a soft whisper, confessing feelings that l couldn't reciprocate. The warmth of his breath against my ear, the words that made my cheeks flush with a mix of embarrassment and realization.And the funny way l ran out of there like l was being chased by the demons themselves made me flush even more..

The classroom became a field of emotions, and every stolen glance, every remembered word, played out in a silent exchange of sentiments. The tension between us was palpable, charged with the unresolved and the unspoken, creating a moment so intricate and loaded that anyone couldn't help but be drawn into the intricate dance of our complicated shared history.

His gaze still felt warm even though l left him hanging..

Oh the class didn't get left behind.

The cute new boys' entrance triggered an immediate shift in the classroom atmosphere. Whispers rippled through the desks, like a clandestine wave of curiosity. Eyes widened, notebooks snapped shut, and the usual hum of chatter faded to a hushed suspense.

Girls exchanged knowing glances, while guys leaned in, intrigued by the sudden influx of charm. The new boys, oblivious to the silent appraisal, navigated the unfamiliar terrain of their new classroom with a casual confidence that only fueled the speculation.

As they took their seats, an almost tangible magnetism seemed to envelop them, drawing furtive glances and subtle smiles from the intrigued students. The air buzzed with anticipation, and the classroom transformed into a stage where the arrival of the cute new boys became the focal point, injecting an unexpected dose of excitement into the mundane routine of the school day.

Even though the lesson proceeded l still felt a hard gaze come my direction.l didn't want too look...but l had to it was making me uncomfortable.

l look at the direction and saw Riru staring at me with smirk on his face.He looked like

he enjoyed my reaction.

'This is gonna be a hell of a ride'l thought as l tried to ignore him further.

Amid the hum of the classroom,Riru covertly slipped a folded piece of paper onto my desk through Emma.

As l unfolded the note, the words penned by his familiar hand unveiled a clandestine message, a secret language shared only by us.

The inked confession of thoughts and memories whispered across the paper, weaving a connection that transcended the boundaries of the mundane classroom, creating a world of shared secrets and unspoken bonds.And made me flush even more than l was already.

'l missed you my little piglet (^3^)'