
Chapter 02. Answer

"Save me!" The word escaped my mouth out of fear. Falling down scared me. He tightened his grasp as he lifted me back effortlessly. How is he so strong?


"How are you so light?" He chuckled as my feet finally stepped the snowy ground again.


His gaze is so soft. "...T-thank you," I said awkwardly. I don't know how, but joy clinged onto me. It's like I never wanted to die. It's like... I was never in pain. He was still holding my hand. This warmth... It was all I asked for. Suddenly, he ran, yanking me along with him.


"Where are we going?"


"You'll know it when we get there."


I felt my face carved a smile. 


I smiled...? The thought of me smiling was impossible. That's what is thought. But somehow... this stranger made me do so.


We were heading towards a train tunnel. I want to know what's on his mind. I don't have any idea where he's taking me, however, there's something inside me that's trusting him.


We arrived above the tunnel. The time we got here, the more clueless I became. Is he gonna push me when a train comes? Impossible. Why would he save me at the bridge in the first place?


I stared at him. He was motionless, like he was observing something. He then suddenly tightened his laces. "What are you doing?" I asked in confusion.


"It's coming," he replied with excitement. "When I say jump, you jump. Got it?" he added. I was set more confused as I heard the sound of the incoming train.


"Why you you jump!?—"


"Jump!!" He jumped without even listening to me. I was left in disbelief. He turned around, realizing I'm not next to him. He looks at me. He laughed. "I said jump dumbass." 


I frozed. His laughter shone under the moonlight. He's so peaceful to look at... to the point where I have forgotten how miserable I was. I took a deep breath as I stepped back, preparing to jump. 


I jumped. I felt no fear, there was only excitement pounding inside my heart.


I landed on the roof. It was hard to balance, as if the train was dragging my feet. I felt my body shaking as I looked down. The train runs so fast. I feel like I'm losing my balance.


He stomped closer to me. He held my shoulder, helping me to balance. "Don't look down. Just relax and feel the moment. You'll be fine," he assured as he spread his knees and lifted his arms. "Copy me, and imagine you're flying..."


I mirrored him and closed my eyes. I inhaled gently. I let go all my fears. I felt an unimagination peace. I really do feel like flying.


This feels... this feels nice. It's fun. I smiled as I glanced at him. 


He's so cool. He's like a bird flying with the wind under the moonlight, his hair danced along, which made a perfect sight.


"I told you this feels nice." He took a gentle breath. "What's your name?"


My mood dropped. I do not know how to answer his question. Right... who am I? Am I still Cloy Clinton..? Maybe just Cloy now. I have lost my family.


"...I'm Cloy." I replied reluctantly.


"Pleasure to meet you Cloy, I'm Johan." He turned his head facing me. "You look better when you smile, you should do it more."


I smiled. Maybe I should... I feel warm being with him.