

hah gay lol

MedicsBonesaw · Khác
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12 Chs

Teenage!richtofen x Teenage!straub

WARNING: this chapter contains smut, gay sex, and public sex. if you dont like that, why are you reading a smutshot book?

(this is an AU smutshot between two german characters. dont ask- i know the smut is not perfect but im proud of it :) enjoy!)

|Straub was standing at the sink in the empty boys bathroom of his school, using a papertowel to dry his hands as he hummed a little tune. he didnt hear it but richtofen came in and walked right up behind him, straub looked up and saw richtofen in the mirror, he smiled "hey eddie..!" instead of simply responding like a normal person, richtofen grabbed straubs ass quite roughly- "*heya strauberry*" straub yelped and jolted forward pressing himself against the cold sink in reaction, he wasnt expecting to be grabbed like that. richtofen chuckled "awe, i love that little noise~" he moved his hand and pressed his chest against straubs back, pinning the smaller boy against the sink.||

||Straub pressed his back against richtofen a little to prevent himself from being bent over the sink "e-eddie- was are you doing-" he shivered a little as richtofen leaned down to be right by straubs ear "im bored, and horny- so your gonna help me" he grinned and reached around to grab straubs chin, forcing him to watch himself in the mirror as richtofen started to kiss his neck. straub already got flustered and tried to look away from the mirror, he watched his own face turn red as richtofen got bold with his movements, eventually he fully bit down on straubs neck. straub yelped and let out a whine as richtofen pulled away.||

||still keeping straub against the sink, richtofen slid his hands down to the belt keeping straubs pants up, straub grabbed onto the sides of the sink without thinking "*pleasebegentle-*" Richtofen frowned a little as he undid the belt "strauberry, when am i ever gentle?" before straub could answer, richtofen yanked his pants and underwear down, letting it sit on the floor around his ankles. straub gasped softly from the cold air hitting him "*please-*" he looked at richtofens expression on the mirror, it was conflicted, he wanted to listen to straub but then again he wanted to absolutely rail the poor boy. after a moment richtofen huffed "fine. maybe i will-"||

||straub just nodded, listening to the sound of richtofen slipping his own pants down. "deep breath, petie" he bent straub over the sink, pressing his chest against straubs back a little harder as he pushed in without much other warning. straub made a- n o i s e- and gripped onto the sink harder. he was already shaking from simple anticipation. without waiting for straub to adjust, he started to slowly move, grabbing onto straubs waist to hold him in place. straub kept making little gasp noises and whimpers, he let out a louder gasp as richtofen dragged his hand down straubs side and started stroking his dick "calm down, it will feel better soon-"||

||after a moment, richofen sped up, moving both hands to straubs waist. straub tried to hide his face in his arms to muffle the noises he was making, he didnt want to get caught- richtofen noticed and just sped up, going harder "cmon strauberry, make some noise for your vati-" he chuckled as straub whined again, arching his back against richtofens chest. after a moment he got louder, it was all incoherent noises and moans, and thats exactly what richtofen wanted. he went to bite straubs neck again, pausing to just breath against it. straub shivered and whimpered as richtofen kept going again "ed- eddie-" straub mumbled out, richtofen hummed and rested his chin against straubs shoulder "was? your close already arent you. oh so sensitive~"||

||richtofen grunted as he tried speeding up again, straub bit down on his own arm to keep quiet, he was praying to every god he knew of that richtofen wouldnt overstim him, because he knew he wouldnt be able to keep quiet if he did- after a moment richtofen grunted in straubs ear, his breathing getting shakey "f-fuck!~" his thrusting got sloppy and more wild as he kept going, straub couldnt take it anymore and came, he tried to grab onto richtofens hand and started whining when richtofen didnt stop. but just as straub was about to start begging, richtofen came, groaning as he slowed to a stop. hugging straub gently after he calmed down.||

||straub went limp against the sink as richtofen got papertowels to clean them both up, after he did that, he pulled his own pants up then helped straub get his on. "cmon strauberry get up, we need to find an excuse for being late to class-"||