

Julie is a nurse who leads an uneventful boring life. Everyday at noon, she goes out for a smoke during her lunch break. One day, a random ditzy girl named Delilah approaches her, asking for a cigarette. Is a cigarette all Delilah wanted? Find out more about what happens by reading the romcom slice of life Smokeromance!

sxckxx · LGBT+
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: Drunkard

"Ughhh why did I do that why did that happen why why why" Delilah complained, drunk as ever.

"You got busted huh? I mean, it's obvious enough when a non smoker tries smoking for one of the first times. Don't worry too much about it though." Her closest friend Jesse who was with her tried comforting her. The couple of buddies were at a local bar, drinking after classes to give themselves a break. The bar had soft, calm lights but was loud. The decoration and design was very urban, walls of brick, floor of concrete. In the background, there were people talking, dancing, flirting, drinking. Most of the people there were youngsters due to it being near a university, the one that Jesse and Delilah attend. Your typical bar.

"How do you want me NOT to worry? Like, seriously, I totally embarrassed myself in front of her. Her, of all people.. come on now." Delilah continued ranting being ashamed of what had happened.

"The fact that it was her who got to see that is on you Delilah, just chill out, like, who really cares ya know?" Jesse was not really taking his best friend seriously, he has always been one to take matters too lightly.

"I care, I care more than you could imagine.." She laid down on the bar's counter, muttering to herself. "Waiter, one more Bloody Mary!" she demanded.

"You're gonna end up hungover dude" Jesse warned her.

"I don't care if i even end up dead in a ditch!" The hopeless drunkard exclaimed.

"Woah there, you wouldn't want that happening, would you want to die and never see your beloved Julie again?" He teased her.

"I want to see her again… Say, Jesse, how do you inhale?" Delilah asked sighing.

"You're twenty-three girl how do you not know this? It's basically just breathing in the smoke instead of keeping it in your mouth. It's really simple, but of course for beginners it can be tricky, since your throat isn't used to the smoke so it'll burn which'll make you cough." Jesse gave a description too detailed for his friend's drunk self to understand.

"We aren't in science class, god. What are you on about?" She judgementally looked at him, sipping on her drink.

"You're hopeless Delilah. Besides, do you really think it'll work out with Julie? I mean, how do you know if she's into women? or if she's taken or single. In my opinion you're just wasting your time." Jesse advised her.

"Heyyy, you jealous that if it works out we won't be able to spend as much time together? Are you scared you won't have me to yourself anymore?" Delilah teasingly said, poking the man's cheek. His cheeks turned bright red and he looked away, telling her to shut her mouth.

After a few more drinks, Delilah was overly intoxicated, Jesse then carried her on his back, heading towards his car. Despite his overly laidback attitude, he's a caring and observant individual, he's known to always be there for those dear to him, willing to put anything at risk for them. The young man is the same age as Delilah, with only about three months between their birthdays. He's surprisingly popular and very good looking, his skin, soft and tan, is covered in freckles. His eyes are ocean blue and he took on his mother's brown hair styled in dreads. His refined posture gives more value to his muscular tall body. On their walk to the car, Delilah spoke up with a few hiccups interrupting parts of her phrase:

"Jesse.. you're.. uhhh, I forgot"

Jesse didn't say anything back, Delilah was going on rants about random topics while on her best friend's back. When they got to the car, he placed Delilah in the front seat of his SUV and put her seatbelt on for her since she was in no shape to do so, then drove to his apartment. It was a small cozy place that his parents have been paying for, he's been living in it ever since the start of his college life. When they got to his place of residence, he placed her on his bed and covered her.

"We're home." Jesse told Delilah. No word emitted from her mouth.

"You're already asleep? Damn I mean you DID have a lot to drink." He sat on the ground, near her face, speaking to her despite her unconsciousness.

"You're right. I am scared. I don't want to lose what we have." He said, sitting there in silence for a few moments until he added a few more words:

"I love you."

He shook his head and let out an embarrassed laugh:

"The hell am I doing? I should just sleep."

The next morning, the sun shined through the blinds, waking Delilah up. She noticed Jesse getting ready to leave for classes:

"Ughh my head hurts like crazy, what time is it?" She asked.

"It's a quarter to nine, You'll be late for classes." Jesse answered her.

"Shit, but I'm hungry… you make anything?"

"Make your own food bro, I'm kinda running late too ya know?" He mocked her.

Delilah took the pillow she used to rest her head on during her sleep and threw it at Jesse, which he then threw back.

"ASSHOLE" Delilah shouted and sat on the bed.

"Whatever I'll just see you at uni, where's my purse?" She demanded.

"Right over there." He pointed at her bag.

"I left some food for you if you want to have breakfast. See you!" Jesse left his place in a rush.

Delilah got up to have the leftover food then got ready. She was hungover from last night but sober enough to go to classes.

"Right, I'm going to see Julie again today! Screw this headache, I need to be in good shape to see my beloved. Okay, this time, I'll inhale and hopefully not cough!" Delilah reassured herself.

Delilah looked forward to seeing Julie more than anything, the small hope she has for her years of unrequited feelings having a chance of becoming mutual keeps the ditzy young girl going.