

© 2022 by Ireland Rea. All rights reserved.

“You’re dad, was jumped a few weeks after we left.”

My face twisted in disbelief. “What?”

She nodded off in confirmation.

“The cops found him in an alley with a knife wound. Said he was lucky to be alive, could tell he fought hard.”

“Crazy things were happening. We had to leave the city. That’s why we came here.”

“He was jumping from house to house. The house we left? You know the one you remember? Was shot up three days after we left. Your dad was lucky he wasn’t there.” She spat in disgust.

“It was my fault. I took a chance with some thug and expected to end up somewhere else. We had dreams. Goals. We could’ve made it…” she trailed off solemnly.

My throat burned as it choked on tears trying to release.

“Why didn’t he tell me any of this?”

Now it was her turn as she mimicked my pursed expression.