
Dragon Lily

© 2022 by Ireland Rea. All rights reserved.

I huffed frustrated as I tried to follow Professor Soul’s lecture aka Mr. S if I decided to hop on the train with his other students. It’s been two days of work class and coming here as I struggled heavily on his new lecture. They were working on oil paintings today and I at first was excastatatic being that one of my last canvases I’m finishing is indeed an oil painting.

I’ve been struggling with the hair for weeks and I only have a few short days left to work on it being how large it is, the only way to create progress would be to be home. Which of course is very difficult when it comes to my hectic schedule based on stress, worry, and me detoxing my blood from the excessive amount of caffeine I’ve been consuming.

If Chevay knew the results of her gift I’m sure she would have a change of thought on giving it to me in the first place. I rested my chin on my left hand staring at the canvas. It was about the size of my notebook.