

I walked down from the plane into the waiting hands of my parents and elder brother "mum,dad, Dylan"I screamed as I met them halfway mum pulled me to her and hugged me she pulled me from herself and studied my face closely as if checking for any blemishes "I see someone got a new piercing"mum said referring to the piercing on my nose I just giggled,Dad pulled me to himself " and I see someone got prettier than ever"dad said and I rolled my eyes in delight I was still savoring the moment in dad's arm when Dylan pulled me to himself "you know I didn't miss you"Dylan said "oh please Dylan spare me the lies"I said and he hugged me tightly"I have missed you little sis" " I have missed you too big bro".... ************************************ for the record am ivy Brittany Hampson but we will stick with _ivy am 17 years old 17th February is the code am the last child and second gal outta three I have lived in the UK since I was born only taking short hols to the states my family moved to the states from the UK when I was twelve,I stayed back in the UK with my rebellious elder sister who's a graduate in law but never practiced she's a high sought-after model and is working on creating her fashion brand,I decided to move to the states for a change I needed space from London and I will be finishing high school in the states I attended Bristol cove academy back in Britain am an 11th grader in the arts class am a food lover and a loyal friend of social media I have an exquisite pretty face to die for pretty hazel eyes and full curly ginger brown hair in addition to my beautiful pink lips when good genes run in the blood beauty isn't far fetched my elder brother Dylan is a year older than me he's a twelfth grader at crystals campville an expensive high rated boarding school with the most affluent students in it my dad is a very famous lawyer and owns the best law firm apex chambers he's also the vice president of the Hampsons group where he's elder brother is president my mom is a cosmetologist and cosmetic surgeon she has a beauty brand called ivy's secret which represents my name am the face of the brand which earns me $200,000 a year my family is rich and affluent with several houses our present home in the states a luxurious penthouse worth billions of dollars with several luxury cars.....I will be going to crystal campville with Dylan,I already know what to expect from campville the school uses a hierarchy system for students based on wealth and affluence the Hampsons rank 2nd in school automatically making me a first class student, campville has three classes of studentsfirst class studentssecond class studentsthird class studentsDylan said there's competition among students in terms of wealth, affluence,beauty, and brains.....and this girl is up for any competition