
The Gathering 4

After handing the food and refreshments to the guards, he began walking home.

He smiled as he walked, knowing that his theory was true.

Giving it personally will earn him extra points, but it will take a long time.

However, it's worthwhile since...

[Shadow Points: 45, 500]

[Light Points: 52,500]

While he is distributing the food, guards from various gates exchange stations in order to line up for his cold foods and beverages.

It appears that the other guards have directed them to come here.

He is not angry; rather, he is grateful that he can aid them.

Cold food is practically never eaten by commoners due to its high cost.

10 copper is equivalent to 1 silver.

100 silver is equivalent to one gold.

1000 gold equals 1 platinum.

The average pay in May City is ten gold each week.

It is anticipated that a family eating three times per day for five days per week will consume the five golds for food.

Other essentials would require at least 3 to 4 golds.

They only have one or two gold coins for extra money.

It would be preferable if they just ate it until next week.

After guarding the City for 12 hours a day, they have almost no time to go shopping or pamper themselves.

This applies to all types of employment, therefore if children aspire to be adults merely to achieve what they want, they are mistaken.

Being a grownup is terrible.

However, in just one day, the guards received cold foods equivalent to one gold and fifty silver.

It was not only to keep them cool in the heat; it also made them feel special for some reason.

Despite the fact that it is not a holiday, he appears to be giving them a gift.

In other words, they feel touched as they receive the food and beverages.

As a result, his performance rose to level A despite the fact that the difficulty remained low.

However, he remains shallow in his belief that performance is equal to his effort and the emotion of the person he helps, but his guess is quite close, so it won't be long before he realizes this.

Tech Haven Shop.

Living room.

"… That's all my report."

Yihan Li is delivering her daily report.

She hands him a bag of mana stones, and he takes 49 from it.

He returns it to her, and she exits the shop.

The bank is still open, so she should hurry before it closes.

This is something she does every day, so she's gotten used to it.

Meanwhile, Alex, who is alone in the shop, allows the system to eat 49 mana stones.

"What a great life!"

No worries…

Maintaining wealth without doing anything.

He never imagined he could have this life.

"I hope that this will last forev— Wait a minute… I feel uncomfortable right now…"

He was going to take a nap when a thought occurred to him.

He recalls from a certain show that anytime a protagonist lives happily, trouble comes into his life.

Taking a big breath, he realized that he was overthinking because he wasn't in a novel or anything like that.

He suddenly remembers the demography known as "Isekai".

Activating his skill: Auto Weak Point, he tap a certain portion of his body to assist him sleep quickly and soundly.

He does not want to complicate his life, so he sleeps so that he can concentrate on his duty tomorrow.

Helping the poor, orphans, the needy, children, the elderly, and everyone!

He helps everyone he can.

He accomplishes this with or without spending money.

A village has to be saved because a monster attack is coming, but the villagers do not have enough money to post the job and offer a reward?

Alex Hambell comes to the rescue, assisting you with posting the job and giving a reward.

Is a kid missing?

He will personally locate that child.

Need a helpful hand?

Alex will allow you to order him for speedy work.

These actions that earned him the title of May City's Saint.

May City is known as the world's most serene city.

The first reason is that the current strongest S-rank adventurer is the guild head of the May City Guild Branch.

Second, the three major corporations have a long friendship.

After all, their company works in tandem to ensure the success of both their business and the city of May.

Third, slavery has been eliminated in the city.

Now, another reason has emerged.

There is a legend that a Saint was born in the world's most serene city.

Everyone in the city adores their Saint, yet it appears that their Saint doesn't care about them since...

Tech Haven Shop.

[Shadow Points: 100, 500]

[Light Points: 300, 500]


Alex laughs like a villain, pleased to see that his points are increasing.

It took him two weeks to accumulate this many points.

He genuinely does his best.

He pushed himself, and with the support of his Epic Chain Bracelet bonus, he became more powerful than before while also earning points.

However, that wasn't the only wonderful news he got.

All thousand smartphones have already been sold.

Yihan Li's reports indicate that certain merchants from different towns and countries are visiting his shop.

They attempted to lessen the price, but in the end, no one can beat Yihan in terms of harsh tongue.

He had witnessed the power of her tongue, and while not being the target, he was hurt by her remarks.

Never mind that; this is not the time to look for a devastating occurrence.

Jokes aside, he is inside his room and takes out his computer because he has received a system message.

[The system's energy has reached a sufficient level to enable another system function.]

[Barter: You can swap reward technology for a specific item or points in the system shop, depending on the system pricing. Remember, it's only reward technology.]


He recalls the talent stick that had been stashed in his personal storage closet.

He assumed that its origin is unknown, thus he believes that the number of points he can trade is enormous.

Because the system was in his way, he decided to disregard it and trade the computer for some points.

[Shadow Points: 200, 500]

[Light Points: 400, 500]

He received 100,000 points for both.

Purchase a computer set from his system shop, then barter it?

Unfortunately, he couldn't use the limitless money bug because it indicated that it was a reward technology rather than a technology purchased from the system shop.

However, most people will be perplexed as to why he opted to switch the computer at some points, and the explanation is not particularly important, but it could be troublesome in the long term.

The computer power is no longer connected to the system, and in order to make it operate, he must use at least 500 mana stones for an hour.

It would be fine at first, but it would become a problem in the long term, so he decided to barter it in exchange for points.