
Sluty Souls: Undead Fuckventer

Over sexualized adventure through DS1.

SmutyMcSmut · Khác
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6 Chs

The Assylum

Donick makes his way through the Assylum. After the blowjob hallow he made his way up a ladder and found a bonefire. He lit it and continued on. He opens a set of large doors a few steps away from the bonefire.

Donick enters the room behind the door. He takes a minute to look around the large empty room and nods slowly, this was defiantly a trap. Not long after Donick makes that realisation a woman quite a bit taller than him drops down from the roof.

The woman had little wings coming out of her back and horn that looked like a crown protruding from her forehead. She was also holding a very large hammer, which Donick did not want to be acquainted with.

Donick quickly looked for a way out, finding a doorway on the left wall of the room. He runs through the doorway as the demon girl slams her hammer behind him. Donick found another bonefire and quickly lit it and rested.

After resting Donick found a hallway with a bow hallow in it. The hallow shot an arrow and Donick rolled into a room on the side, finding a 'leather shield'. He equips the shield and rushes the hallow with it raised. He rolls through the arrow and the hallow runs backwards.

Donick kept charging, starting to get annoyed. The hallow reaches the end of the hall, fires another arrow, and runs into a doorway on the left. Donick dodges the arrow and picks up a 'Sexitar' at the end of the hall. After equipping his new weapon he once again starts to chase the hallow, now kinda pissed at how annoying it's being.

Donick runs up a set of stairs and finds the hallow firing another arrow at him. Donick rolls through the arrow and swings his weapon. He connects with two fluid strikes and the blue bar, which Donick guessed was some kind of sexual resistance, vanished.

The hallow fell on her ass and spread her legs. Donick was pretty mad at the hallow so he decided to not fuck her cunt. He flips her over on all fours and plunges into her asshole. The undead grunts. at the penetration, but starts to moan after the first few thrusts.

Donick starts hammering away at her butt, his hips causing her ass to jiggle. The hallow reaches down to finger herself, only for Donick to grab her wrist, plus the other one, and start useing them like reins.

Now holding her arms back the dumb hallow slut starts moaning even louder. She was a real slut for punishment that's for sure. Donick sped up his thrusting, turning his hips into a blur as he went to town on this tight hallow asshole.

The hallow began violently thrashing in his grip as her cunt exploded with juices. Her orgasm caused her to tighten her asshole into a vice so tight Donick thought it might break his dick off. Fortunately that didn't happen, what did happen was Donick unleashing his hot load deep into the girls bowls.

Donick pulls put of the girl as she passes out face down ass up. He takes a minute to steady himself, before giving a spank to the unconscious hallow, making a bit of his seed squirt out. The hallow unconsciously moans and Donick sighs before continuing his escape.