“Haaaa, how boring.” In a boring and funless white an ancient and absolute existence resided, his boredom had no size and his patience had no limit, feeling his emotions being slowly devoured by his boredom a sudden idea came to his mind. “I know, I will start an unprecedented creation full of emotion.” Thus begins an avalanche of emotion and adventures.
Seeing their cunning smiles, he laughed, finding their playfulness amusing.
"Of course, for now, being limited in time of power, having to be below the level of the Administrator, and besides, you have to start from scratch."
The smiles on the faces of both of them froze, for them this would not be as fun as they imagined.
"Wait, wait, master is too difficult for your little lovers like this." Nyxara said hurriedly.
"Yes master, how are we going to have fun like this," Lilith quickly agreed with Nyxara.
If these rules were imposed, it would be difficult for them to create their divine paradises where they are like their master, supreme.
"Master is right, this way prevents you two from influencing the flow of creation." Adara, always sensible, agreed with her master, she completely knew the mischievous personality of her older and younger sister.
With the atmosphere of the environment calmer and happier, Primus gave a smile to the corner of his lips.
"Let's go back to the main top now that the small details have been specified."
With that he dropped the last sheets of paper into a pile beside him, he had just read the entire pile during this short period of interaction they had.
With all the information up to date, he had more confidence to solve all the current problems.
"I will open a space in the void, where it will be easier to give rise to a creation that lasts for a longer period of time than the previous ones, and with the adjustments we intend to include and enough for the creation to become independent."
"What will it be called, master?"
Adara asked with her usual pure tone of voice. Primus paused for a moment, he really hadn't thought so deeply about such a detail so he didn't expect this question.
He put his left hand on his chin, and in a deep thought position he said.
"After the void comes total chaos, so let's call it the Prime Chaos."
"No... Primordial Chaos." He was resolute and without any deep thought when giving the name.
As if he had said the first name that came to his mind.
The girls had no opinion about the name, for them it made perfect sense and fit perfectly.
So, he continued his monologue as he flipped through one of the notebooks in the pile again.
He liked the feel of the paper, and because it was made entirely of a high-grade material, they felt like silk to the touch.
"Ahh, yes, since it is a space with dense chaotic energy, it will be Lilith's job to exert her influence and manage a small area of the Primordial Chaos."
With that he raised his deep red eyes full of wisdom towards Lilith and her gray eyes were bright as he spoke.
"Understood, master!" She did not try to shirk her responsibilities, she would only need to do this once and it would be right at the beginning of the entire project.
And that would not consume much of her energy.
"Right after this is done, Adara and Nyxara will come, creating a balance between these primordial chaotic energies, which will allow for a more stable world right from the start." Her eyes scanned between the two golden and black ladies as she formulated this sentence.
"So, we are the sides of a scale, the eldest sister unites us and the master is the one who determines the measure." Nyxara said suddenly, bringing her delicate hand to her chin, imitating the way of thinking that Primus used earlier.
"The eldest sister can be the one who sets the measure and makes the judgment, too." Adara commented at her side.
"Not me, I already have too much work, because if I became the judge of creation, it would be an infinite cycle." Lilith directly avoided all possible responsibility that wanted to fall on her.
"Besides, you don't need to be in constant balance, it just needs to be uncial balance, like the first spark that starts the fire." Primus joined the conversation, clarifying the confusion.
The purpose of clarifying their roles at the beginning was not to make them constantly watch over the creation and do constant and specific work in it.
His desire is that they have an equal part when the creation is achieved, to give them a sense of participation after all the dedication they put into this project.
By performing their specific actions right at the beginning, it is not only to be the ones to start, but it will allow the primordial chaos to acquire these characteristics specified by him.
In addition, it will create a small connection with them, allowing their understanding to deepen as the creation advances and allow them to go further into the divine realm.
He arranged all of this to maximize the benefits they would gain without secondary or side effects.
As for him, the only benefit he would receive from this would be his infinite entertainment.
'Just thinking about it makes me excited.' His thoughts whirled.
Gathering his thoughts again, he clasped his hands together and stood on his girls.
"Now that the major details have been determined, let's begin the minor specifications that need to be more detailed for each function."
This was the most time-consuming part of this council.
With that, perfectly a hundred years later.
"With that, we conclude the seventh and final meeting of the council of creation." An authoritative and majestic voice sounded in the meeting room.
With their plump and well-formed figures, which made an attractive flutter with each movement.
The three goddesses in the room clapped their slender arms and delicate hands.
"Finally, this torturous period is over." Nyxara exclaimed.
"Phew, finally." Lilith followed.
Amidst the applause section, Nyxara's mind was the quickest to run to some evil thoughts.
Then, with an evil laugh on her lips and her black eyes shining with emotion and expectations, she said.
"This hard work deserves a reward, doesn't it, master?" Her delicate and warm tone of voice sounded throughout the room.
The applause stopped abruptly, as if the other two had stopped to think about what reward to ask for.
"Yes, yes, master, reward."
Despite her calm tone of voice, it was possible to feel each end of the word that Lilith intoned tremble slightly. As if holding back her excitement that came from the bottom of her heart.
Adara didn't say much more, her head that shook rapidly up and down in repeated confirmations proving her intentions.
She could feel her delicate body tremble, and this wasn't just for her, the other two also felt their bodies tremble with emotion.
"What is this, girls? You want a reward so much!"
Seeing their intense reaction to the talk of reward made him feel very good, so he didn't miss the chance to tease them.
They nodded vigorously.
"Even though you have gained a deep understanding of creation and a greater depth to your own divine powers and soul as a reward!"
He continued his teasing.
"No, no, master, this was achieved through our own dedication!" Lilith shook her head in denial.
She puffed out her large breasts, causing the white dress surrounding them to become even more prominent, perfectly defining them.
This allowed him to see through the dress two small cherries that stood out on each mountain, leaving room for the imagination of the observer.
Even in this situation, she still tried to bargain with her master about a reward.
Even though she felt his intense gaze on her body, iaaa didn't make her feel embarrassed, it only made the mermaids look even better defined in the white silk dress.
"So what do you propose as a reward?" He asked, taking his eyes off Lilith's large breasts and looking at the three girls in search of answers.
They looked at each other, they agreed on wanting greater rewards, but they didn't reach an agreement.
Then a quick conversation took place through their divine senses.
"What do you want, girls?" Lilith.
"I want an intense night with the master!" Nyxara.
"Also, another night as a couple, with just the two of us." Adara.
"Well, we have something in common in our desires here." Lilith.
They then looked at each other intensely again.
"One night for each with the master!!!" Adara determined.
"But who goes first?" Nyxara commented.
"Of course I would be the oldest here." Lilith said through her senses as she threw part of her long hair behind her shoulders in style.
They looked at each other again, with a slight frown.
When the aura was getting more and more intense between the trio, Adara's voice sounded in their minds again.
"Rock, Paper, Scissors."
Then followed an intense battle of hands under the table and out of Primus' sight.
With more experience, the older sister ended up being the winner and the first to receive her reward according to fair games.
A bright smile appeared on her beautiful face where 'victory' was written in her eyes.
Primus, who saw all this from the outside as an observer, was amused by all this nonsense of this trio.
In the end, he will be the one who will benefit the most from this competition he performs for them.
He smiled, revealing his white and aligned teeth and asked again.
"So, what do you want as a reward?"
Power stone and golden ticket released, and please add to collection.