
Become My Assistant Or Marry Me

"I understand, principal. I will organize my things immediately," Grace said politely.

Her steps became very heavy. What she got now was very different from what she had imagined. She thought she would be hired as a permanent teacher but instead she was fired because they no longer needed a substitute teacher. She sat at her desk giddy. Some of her fellow teachers avoided her. Maybe they were too reluctant to ask her to speak.

Grace went home early. Arthur must have felt very happy that they were leaving early. Grace tried to look happy. Hiding the fact that she had been fired. 

Grace would probably try her luck again. She had to find a new job after this. 

But it wasn't as easy as she thought. 

After Grace tried to apply to be a substitute teacher at several schools, in the end she didn't get an answer. Some days she was just at home, waiting for an answer that was eventually rejected. Grace ventured to apply for jobs outside the city but the result was the same, no one needed an additional teacher now.

That made her even more desperate. Because she couldn't possibly go to a city further away. Arthur was only four and the daycare wasn't open late. 

Grace looked at an online page that showed various jobs. Grace wasn't sure about taking a job with a company. She didn't finish college and that was five years ago. Grace had no experience. 

"Huh!" Grace hugged her knees trying to calm herself.

Just as Grace was beginning to fall asleep, there was a sudden knock on her door. Grace let out a long sigh. She didn't want to see Gabriel just yet. Since Grace was fired, Gabriel had never visited her house again and that made Grace very relieved. But this time there was another knock on the door.

Grace opened the door and Gabriel walked right in. He tapped his on the shoulder to remove the snow.

"Is Arthur home? I went to the daycare and they said Arthur hasn't been in for a while."

"Yes, you can sit. I'll call him."

Gabriel smiled at Grace's attitude which no longer showed rejection of his presence.

Grace was in a fragile state. She was struggling to stay strong. All sorts of rejections were making her a little shaky.

Grace called out to Arthur who was reading a book. She then put on Arthur's black contact lenses to hide Arthur's blue eyes.

"Is there a guest, mommy?" asked Arthur, who was beginning to understand that he would always wear contacts when there was a guest.

"Hm-hm, Gabriel came to visit and was looking for you."

"Gabriel!? Ah, I miss him!"

There was a pang in her heart when Arthur said that. Without Grace realizing it, Gabriel's presence began to be felt by Arthur. It was when he hadn't visited for a few days that Arthur missed him. 

"Arthur..." Grace wanted Arthur not to say that again. But she would be the most evil person for forcing her son not to feel his own feelings. Grace closed her mouth and refrained from saying anything that would make Arthur sad.

In the living room, Gabriel sat in silence. When Grace arrived with Arthur the man had a wide smile and showed them a large paper bag filled with lego puzzles that must have cost a fortune. 

Seeing that, Arthur's eyes lit up.

"Gabriel, is this really for me?" asked Arthur, approaching the gift Gabriel had brought.

Grace looked at it with a flat stare. As if it was something that she didn't appreciate Gabriel's effort in bringing a toy for Arthur.

"What is it, Grace? You look unsatisfied," asked Gabriel.

Grace shook her head and stood up. She had to serve drinks to her guests and hoped that after they had been drinking for a while, Gabriel would leave. She left her laptop open on the kitchen table. The woman picked up a large mug and prepared hot water.

"Are you looking for a job?"

Grace was surprised by the sound of Gabriel's voice. She looked back and saw him checking her laptop. Grace quickly closed it to keep Gabriel out of her business.

"Are you looking for a new job?"

"None of your business."

"Oh, I'm looking for a personal assistant right now. My current assistant is resigning because she's going into labor."

Grace rolled her eyes. She had no experience whatsoever as an assistant and also... being Gabriel's assistant? No, she didn't. Grace didn't need another reason to see the man constantly.

Gabriel slipped his hand into Grace's pants pocket making her jump in surprise.

"If you need, you can call this number," he whispered, blowing air on her neck.

"I don't need this. And please step away!"

Gabriel held Grace's hand back to keep her from handing him back the business card.

"If you don't need this, how about you just marry me?" Gabriel asked.

"God... how long are you going to say something stupid like that? Stop bothering me. Isn't your visit here to play with Arthur?"

"I want to play with you too."

Grace pushed Gabriel's body away.

"I'm boiling hot water right now. I can do a lot of things you don't think about."

"Oh, yeah? I'm curious"

"Ugh, you're so annoying! Get lost Gabriel!" she grumbled, making him laugh.

"Ahahaha alright, but my two offers still stand. Become my assistant or marry me," said Gabriel who then left the kitchen to play with Arthur who was scratching the corner of his eye.