A normal person goes to the FT world 400 years before the plot starts. What will he do while he was there, he doesn't remember the plot? ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ My grammar in the first chapters was bad. Until I fix these chapters, this will be here :)
Eric was a standard student in college. He was intelligent for his age group, and he was about the deliver his project to his professor. Until a car crushed to death on him.
'Dark, everything is dark. I can't feel anything. What happened?'
When Eric was thinking this question, a rough voice echoed "You are inside of the borderlands."
'Borderlands? What is that?' thought Eric, start to think what is going to happen.
"I shall not answer your questions. I deemed to give you another chance in another world. You can wish anything, but do not forget; if you become too greedy, I shall erase your existence."
"When I judged your wishes and deemed to qualify your worth to your wishes, you shall choose your appearance. After that, I will send you a new world. Now you shall wish," he said. His voice was cold and emotionless.
'What?' Eric though, and remembered the novels that his friends read all the time. 'Am I inside of a fanfiction now?' after a minute of thinking, he chose to go with the flow.
After Eric remembered the information he heard, he started to consider what he should wish. He cannot be too much greedy, so he cannot choose immortality or something like that. So, he started to think about what the other overpowered abilities he can choose. He weighed his decisions a bit and since he cannot ask a question(which that being said just right now) he began talking.
"I wish to have the Gate of Babylon, and I want to have a photographic memory, and double zanpakutous," he said. Gate of Babylon was an overpowered ability after all, and he could do more things with the photographic memory since he didn't know he should choose the world he wanted, and double zanpakutous will be a great asset for his close combat abilities. He could choose to wish the world he wanted, but for him; wishes were more important than power. Of course, the world he chooses is an important decision as well, but he decided to gamble for power.
"I deemed you worthy of those abilities. Now you can choose your appearance," said the voice.
"I want to look like Gilgamesh of Fate series. Since I have his ability," 'well, he is also hot but like I will say that.'
"All done. Double zanpakutous are acceptable, but you cannot have The Gate of Babylon. It's way too powerful, but you will have your own dimension and gates to throw, pick the things that dimension has. You can also put items there. It's like Requip magic, but more powerful. And since you were an intelligent being when you lived, you can have the photographic memory as well," the being said with an emotionless voice again.
'Requip? Fairy Tail?'
"Since you didn't choose the timeline and the world. They will be selected randomly. You can have your memories intact, but I cannot let you alter the world's fate as your wish, so you are going to have amnesia. You shall not remember the things going to happen in the future, but you can have speculation based on the things happened since you will know the thing a lot of people won't... probably," said the emotionless voice again.
"He regained his consciousness," said a female voice.
"You don't see a person who fell from the sky with no scratch every day. Who is he I wonder?" Said a monstrous voice.
'Where is this place... Ughhh my head.' with those thoughts Eric tried to open his eyes, but sudden light hit his accustomed to dark eyes as he closed them again. His throat was dry, he can hardly speak.
"W-w.. water," he said with a hoarse voice while trying to adjust his eyes to the light.
"Here," said the female voice. After Eric adjusted his eyes to the light, he looked at the two. One is a large, quadrupedal, dragon with the smooth, armor-like underbelly and large pair of wings.
And the other was a quite attractive woman with large breast, crimson eyes, and hair. If he can choose a world he would call her a goddess.
"Hello, stranger. Before I do not understand how can you fall my secret training spot, and learn who you are; an introduction is a must." said the red-haired woman with a stern but not the hostile way.
"I'm Irene Dragnof, Queen of Dragons and current ruler of The Kingdom of Dragnof, and this is my partner Belserion The Sage Dragon. Now, who might you be?"
(as far as remember Irene change her surname after Belserion died. And I did not know her surname before that, I choose to use her kingdoms name as a surname.