
Slayer of Babylon

A normal person goes to the FT world 400 years before the plot starts. What will he do while he was there, he doesn't remember the plot? ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ My grammar in the first chapters was bad. Until I fix these chapters, this will be here :)

KAABS · Tranh châm biếm
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32 Chs

Magic Knight and The History

Who shall be the Erza's father question? Well, it seems everyone hates that Rung asshole, and I have a little plan for him. I mean to destroy him hehe. But if you guys have any torture methods, I'm all open the ideas!


1-) Eric will be the Erza's father.

2-) Fuck Rung!!!!

3-) Give me creative ideas how should we punish that Rung asshole!


'Ugh... too much headache for a little time.' while he had a headache, he tried to open his eyes. He saw an unknown ceiling as he opened his eyes. he looked around and saw a note on the stand.

'Eric, I'm in my office. When you wake up, you can meet my butler Sebas. He is outside of your door.'

"I'm hungry, but I'll better hurry, I guess," said Eric as he opened the door. When he opened it, he saw an old man with a butler uniform. He was around 50 - 60 years old, yet he had well-build physic which looks badass if you ask Eric for his opinion.

"Eric-sama, Your Highness order me to bring you to her office," said Sebas with a firm and formal tone while bowing.

Eric nodded, then they start walking. Castle was huge; servants, maids, and soldiers seemed happy while they interact dragons which should be surprising for a normal country. After a little walking, they walked inside a hallway. There are pillars alongside the way they took. Pillars had cares on them. It was giving you a message like Dragons and humans can work together. When they finished walking the hallway, Eric saw a huge door. The door seems classic enough, but when Eric entered the huge chamber, he saw a sculpture of Irene and Belserion. While he was astonished about his surroundings, Sebas began talking.

"This sculpture is about this country's philosophy which means humans and dragons can live with each other. Also, it shows our current ruler and her advisor. We have this sculpture all over the country, so we never forget what is this country about," said Sebas with a formal tone.

"This is great. I never thought something like this is possible," said Eric with an exciting tone.

A small smirk formed on Sebas's face as he started talking again. "I agree. It's normally impossible, but we were not always like this," said Sebas with a sad tone. "We were only human country once. Even though we know all the dragons are not bad, we were still afraid. Yet, one-day our king came here with an injured dragon which you see on the sculpture, Our Sage Dragon Belserion. Your Highness saved his life so he pledged his life to protect Irene-sama," said Sebas with a proud smirk. "after that happened, Sage Dragon aided us with a lot of things. He taught us magics and about dragons. He was a major role in our wars as well. This is the reason our country did not destroy since a lot of kingdoms did not like the idea of dragons can live with humans. After one or two years later, other dragons try to seek live with us humans as well, and our country started becoming the way it is now," said Sebas with a genuine smile on his face.

"This is great. I wonder what happened to the other countries since the wars," said Eric.

"They are still there. We did not destroy them but we made trade agreements," said Sebas. He started to speak with a formal tone again. After 5 minutes of walking, they stood in front of a majestic door which two dragons carved on it.

"This is as far as I can go for my orders," said Seba with a formal tone. "We are close to the Throne Room. Her highness office backside of the throne," said Sebas.

"Thanks, Sebas. For coming here with me, and the little history lesson," said Eric in a friendly manner.

"Pleasure is all mine, Eric-sama. Now if you excuse me, I have to prepare the meals," said Sebas as he started walking.

After he entered the throne room, he went to the door behind the throne and start knocking.



"You may enter," said a feminine voice.

"Hello, Irene. You wanted to see me I assume," said Eric.

"Oh, Eric. You finally wake up," said Irene with a smile on her face. "I'm sorry. I still investing that magic and I went a little overboard there," she added with a sad expression.

"It's okay, I guess," said Eric with a sweatdrop. "So, what can I do for you?"

"Simple really," said Irene. "I said I'll test your powers personally, so I am going to do that," said Irene with a smirk. "So, could you please follow me," said Irene.

"Alright, lead the way."

- Queen's Training Ground -

Eric was astonished when he saw the queen's training ground. There were a lot of weapons, staffs, magic crystals on the walls, and it was huge.

"Alright, normally this place is the only mine to use, but I'll make an exception," said Irene with a smirk. "Now, Eric. We have to learn your capabilities. First, let me introduce you to someone, Markus," said Irene.

As she called the one named Markus, a man came from the training ground's door. He was a tall, muscular, and stern-looking person with aqua blue eyes and jet black hair.

"Eric, this is Markus. One of my special knights," said Irene with a small smile. "He is well-known for his blade-master abilities, but he can be a little arrogant for his own good," said Irene. "So, Markus."

"Yes, Irene-sama. How may I help you?" said Markus with a formal tone.

"I want you to test him combat abilities," said Irene with a stern look.

'Her mode switch a lot. I guess she does not like being threatened like a queen.' thought Eric.

"This one, your highness? Does not look too promising to me," said Markus with a frown.

'Oh, you ass. am I now?' thought Eric with an angry look. The Gate of Babylon is empty, it's good there is a lot of weapon here to me fill it. 'Actually, I can't say it's The Gate of Babylon any longer. I have to use another name for it.'

"Oh, is it now? Are you defy my orders?" said Irene with a scary voice as she started to release her magic power to pressure them while a demon forged backside of her.

"N-no, your highness. I do not dare," said Markus with a big sweat on his head.

"Good. I judge him as a promising warrior, but I have to know his full capability. After your match, I judge his magic powers. But, you guys going to fight with weapons without magic," said Irene in a stern way. "Now, pick your weapons so you shall start," said Irene.

Eric brought his zanpaktous outside from nowhere instinctively. When Irene saw that 'double-wielder, eh? Alright, it's gonna be interesting.' she thought while Markus thinking 'Let's hope you are as promising as your highness thought to be.' Then he drew his sword.

"On my mark," said Irene. Excitement all over inside of her, yet she did not show them. After three seconds she yelled, "Start!"

When the signal came, Eric waited for Markus's attack. Two warriors wait for each other's mistake while Irene watching them silently.

'Okay, we both waiting for openings. If I gave him a fake opening should I be too obvious? But this is going to be boring. Even I do not know my capabilities, so fuck it! Let's test them.' After he thought these, he dashed over to Markus.

When Markus saw he dash over him, a smile formed on his face. 'Naive,' he thought. He parried his sword and struck directly to the neck. Just when he thought 'And is this supposed to be promising?' Eric ducked, and trip him up, after that he caught his hands while he was falling and lay him fall flat. Then he took his foot over his back and began to twist Markus's arm. 'Shit! What? How?' Eric Thought.

"Alright, the winner is Eric," said Irene with a smile. "You underestimated him, Markus. It seems we need to add your training schedule a little extra workout, right?" Said Irene with a sweet but not sweet voice.

When Markus heard that, he began sweating non-stop. "Your highness, I-I-"

"You will gladly accept my offer, right?" said Irene with sweet but not sweet voice again while Markus's soul started to left his body.

'Damn she is scary.' Thought Eric.

"Now, now. Okay, Markus. you may dismiss," said Irene with a smile as she walked towards Eric while Eric released Markus's hand. After Markus left, she said, "Okay, now. Eric, we both know you have a very big magic power. So how many spells do you know?" said Irene.

"I only know one right now," said Eric while thinking how to access his zanpaktous alongside with the Gate of Babylon.

"Alright, what is its name, and what it' can do?" said Irene with excitement. "Ah, and please don't be sad about it. Eartland does not have a lot of magicians, let alone the one with hand-to-hand combat abilities," said as she walked a little bit closer. "You know even amongst the magicians, more than %90 of them can't use more than one magic. Well, they can use, but what I mean their efficiency over their second magic is generally very low," said Irene with a smile.

"Alright.," said Eric with a smile. 'I will not say about my zanpaktous for now. Let's make it a surprise, hehe.'

"So, show me your magic then," said Irene with excitement again.

"First, if I borrow a few weapons, you don't mind, right?" said Eric.

"Not at all. Do as you like," said Irene while wondering what he will do.

"Alright, my magic name is 'Gate of Babylon' is the key of the king Gılgamesh treasury. Also referred to as the 'Divine Gate.' It connects the space of reality to the vault, opening an "invisible door" that allows for the contents to pass through upon the user's command. Allowing for easy access to the items of the treasury, he can pick and utilize them as he pleases. Well, or that was what I thought," said Eric.

"What do you mean?" said Irene with a frown.

"You know... King Gılgamesh is the first king all over the world, and there is a saying that all the treasure over the world was him when he lived. Mine is a kinda copy of his ability. It can access my vault, but it's pretty much empty right now," said Eric as he took over 20 weapons on the wall.

"Alright, I'm pretty much new at this magic so I can't open more than five gates," said Eric as there are five red portals opened above him. 'Hmm, and it's red. Well, that's new.'

"Now, what I'm shooting at?" said Eric.

"Wall will do for now," said Irene sweetly.

"It can destroy the wall," said Eric with a frown.

"And Markus can always repair it back," said Irene with a sweet but not sweet smile yet again.

"Isn't he knight?" asked Eric while pondering.

"Who said he can't also be a builder?" said Irene with a scary smile.

"Alright, whatever," said Eric and started to shoot the wall. After a minute or so there is not much wall remaining, you can see the outside from there. While he was shooting the wall he figured out that 'I can get the weapons back after I shoot them. Five gates will do for now then, yet I rather increase the weapons inside of my dimension vault.'

"Now it can be pretty deadly," said Irene as she looked the destroyed wall. "You know these walls supposed to be resistant of magic a bit..." said Irene.

"Well, technically... I just shot the weapons to the wall, but... well, whatever," said Eric.

"Alright, we need more testing in the future, but I have to attend a meeting. So, Eric. Could you kneel a bit for me, please?" Said Irene sweetly.

"Alright," said Eric while pondering what she wants.

"I, Irene Dragnof, the current ruler of The Kingdom of Dragnof shall judge your determination for my country," said Irene with a serious expression.

'So, she is serious while doing the kingdom stuff.'

Irene continued. "Will you solemnly promise and swear to loyal to myself and my kingdom?"

'I already make my mind about this, so let's play like this then.'

"I solemnly promise so to do," said Eric with a serious expression.

"Will you to the utmost of your power to maintain the laws of Dragnolf, the true ruler of the Isgar and the stay neutral to dragons listed bylaws."

"All this I promise to do," said Eric with a serious expression again.

"Then I, Irene Dragnof, the current ruler of The Kingdom of Dragnof and the one who deemed worthy by my people, I shall promote you to a magic knight." Said Irene as she brink a stamp looks like Dragnof flag. "You may have it wherever you wish," said with a serious expression.

'Magic knight?' "May I put it to my left arm, Your Highness," said Eric.

"You may," said Irene as she started to walk out. "You are now part of my special knights, Eric. I'm pretty sure we will see each other again," she said with a smile, then she walked out.

'Hmm... that was interesting at least. It seems being a queen is kind of hard think since it's causing a little personality disorder.' he thought while looking to the broken wall then his stomach grumbled.

"Well, where can I eat?"


Sup! Did I say I hate Rung? Yeah! I hate him so if you did not read the first things I wrote!!!!!


KAABScreators' thoughts