
Slave to wife

When he's an omega but is brought up as an alphas but doesn't have a clue he's an omega but goes through business downfall and family financial downfall but needs help from the one person everyone wants to be with and also run from A pack leader.... A mafia ... An alpha... World class billionaire.... But a red/green flag who doesn't like flies around what is his .... "Sit" "I would like to stand" "I can make you not stand for days" "Now sit and come near" "Don't be shy celiano mr murphis has no deal in my family matters" "Yes sir".... "Good...."

Morray · Thành thị
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4 Chs


Celiano Murphis

20 years old

Young Ceo

Elder brother of two

Younger brother of one

From the family of six


But was brought up and has always been shown out to the world as an alpha



Kenn was busy going back and fort his bedroom

He was trying to pull himself together

"No I'm an alpha"

"alphas don't give up easily

think kenn you must think

how would my company just go down the drain

I worked my @ss on this"

Kenn who was busy moving back and fort his bed room was unaware of the figure standing at his door

"Son it okay to fail sometimes

you should not always expect to win always "

"No dad don't tell me that ... it was just one tiny mistake from an idiot"

That shouldn't cost me my company", kenn said looking hurt

"It's fine you can head mine

I've always told you to head mine

but you never took it to heart son"

(At least you'll end up becoming a wife and mother), kenn's dad said in his thoughts

Kenn didn't wait any longer but left his room down to the living room and off

Yeah he went outside in the house garage to pick up his car not even calling his driver to tag along

He just wanted to go to a place where he could rest his head and rethink the whole sh*t he's just gone over

Kenn literally picked the car he most wanted and was fast on the road

you could guess what car it would be

Let your imaginations go crazy on it 🤧

nah! I'm not telling 🥵


Now it was 10pm

kenn drove into a very luxurious bar and sat at a vip table trying waiting for his drinks to be served

Because here vips are not meant to place orders they are only here for high class drinks

Kenn sat with his legs crossed waiting to be served just when a ruckus broke out

Two huge men came out running from a lounge upstairs the bar with blood oozing out from their foreheads

What the fuck could have happened to them they look so pitiful, kenn said to himself

Move it quick before they catch up to us ,the short man said to the other

You don't think I'm fast enough then feel their wrath a little more , the taller one said to the short man pushing him and leaving him behind while rushing down the stairs

Its a long stairs tho very twisted

Almost twisted into 7 round stairs

Just as one pushed the other behind him


A gunshot was heard from the entrance that leads you outside of the bar

The two men were laying dead on the floor of the bar .....

Just then a man came walking out of that same lounge the two man ran out of

looking all high and mighty you could tell

He was a mafia!!

I can swear it

No doubt on this and ohh he's an alpha

His smell creeps the best of me like crazy and very dominanting

It was so clear that the man who came out of the lounge was a very big and important person even tho Kinn didn't get to see his face clearly he knew he was very dangerous

The whole bar was cleaned up and the noise of drinking and lust filled the air once more like no blood was spilled at all

like it happens almost everytime

Kenn was getting uncomfortable where he was with the lustful eyes of some crazy alpha staring at him like it would pierce the soul out of him

Kenn was about standing up to him when someone walked up to him holding him by the waist

Kenn slapped his hands off and someone from upstairs watching the whole scene smirked

"Watch it goofie"

"Alphas don't mate alphas", kenn said walking out of the bar

Omegas would never be called alpha

I can smell you , the goofie guy said as he walked away from kenn

Kenn who was also surprised by what the man said about him being an omega instead of an alpha sat back on the chair he stood up from

He wasn't shocked because he was called an omega but was shocked because this would not be the first alpha to tell him they smell him

He's an alpha for goodness sake!

Well what he thought to himself because that's what he's been trained as all his life

He got up from the bar and left

He wasn't ready to add ruins to his spoilt mood after all

While all these with kenn was going on

A dark dangerous man was pointing to kenn from upstairs and telling some words to his men

And then he smirked !!

Kenn got into the bars garage to board his car when he felt that someone was following him

It was only kenn in the whole huge and spacious luxurious garage

He tried walking faster to enter his car

fortunately he entered his car without no problem at all

He didn't want to think much about it

Not that he didn't want to but he's state of thinking today was just not the same


Back in his house kenn opened the door and found most of his things missing

like the chairs, fridge,tv,home ac,water supplier ( or what do you call that thing you drink water from).

Just like that including his bed and so many other things in his own house

The first person he called was his father

That was the only person who came into his house today and unfortunately kenn didn't wait to talk to him so he couldn't get to hear why his dad came

*on the phone*

'Dad  am I missing something I shouldn't have'

'Yes son and I'm very sorry to say'

you should have waited even for a minute to listen to whatever it was I had to say to you earlier today

'I'm sorry dad I wasn't just in my right senses '

so what's wrong

Mr  Murphis sighed before continuing

'Your house has been used to clear the debt of the failed contract and even little of my company's money was used'