
Slave to wife

When he's an omega but is brought up as an alphas but doesn't have a clue he's an omega but goes through business downfall and family financial downfall but needs help from the one person everyone wants to be with and also run from A pack leader.... A mafia ... An alpha... World class billionaire.... But a red/green flag who doesn't like flies around what is his .... "Sit" "I would like to stand" "I can make you not stand for days" "Now sit and come near" "Don't be shy celiano mr murphis has no deal in my family matters" "Yes sir".... "Good...."

Morray · Thành thị
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4 Chs

Mixed joy

Celiano pov

"You're kidding dad", right dad ? . I asked my dad"

"Because right now I can put a hole into any wall with how fully raged I am"

"I'm not joking son", my father replied me

"But it has to be a joke, where do I want to start from dad"?

"Where ?". I said breaking down

I had put so much effort in my company

Some have two to three companies

And I have just one

Why can't I just seem to handle it well

I thought alphas could get anything done

I may not be a dominant one but at least I'm an alpha

But all these happening is making me doubt whether I was supposed to be born as an omega

I saw concern written all over my dad's face when he walks towards me placing his hand on my shoulder

"You need to calm down son

Right now you need lots of calm so you won't make the wrong decisions" , my dad said to me trying to calm me down but I could swear it wasn't working the sh*t on me

But sooner or later I have to calm down so then I did after some minutes which seemed like hours to me


"I'm sorry dad , I am being so unfilial"

"Unfilial, How son?, unfilial that you raised a company high or that you earned your own money immediately after school or unfilial that you stopped receiving from me immediately after university, you're not unfilial son

You're great just like me . He says then adds

"Even if you're not to do all this later for you will end up"... his face shows me realization then he stops in his words and smile to me

It was then I knew this man was hiding something from me and I'll squeeze it out of him heaven knows


I'm here sitting in on of  the rooms in my dad's house

Well you could say the room is looking very luxurious because yes

My dad insisted on making me grow into shiny stuffs

And I really did grow into them with the crazy friends I have around me

And don't get me wrong for saying my dad's house

It's because I'm not used to staying here

I'm mostly at my house

But now I'm just like a bride that was returned to her dad's house

Funny right I know

I can see you smiling at me but what you're not going to smile about is if what I encountered that night ever happened to you

Because I literally met a beast

Like what the hell

There are insane people in this world to be real

Really really insane people ...

"Murphis may I", I can hear my dad's voice behind my room door

And why does he have to always call me by my last name

Try processing celiano murphis

It sounds girlish 🤧

Buh I like it like crazy

And it doesn't seem to be obvious because of the tattoos I have hanging around my whole damn body

Oh and you must be thinking

Yes! You got it right

Sometimes I like to dress like a female

But only around those bitches I call friends🤧

Them being male and female but crazy sets of people

How did I get involved with them again?

"Murphis?", I heard his voice call again

"Chill pal" , I shouted towards the door while walking to it for him to know I was almost reaching for the door

"Hey you good", dad said making me look at him

Why does he always talk to me like a father talks to a daughter

He's literally putting his arms on my head

I never said I wanted a pamper!!

Buh yes I didn't say that out loud

"Umm sure dad"

"What's up", I tried changing the tone used between us .

"Just wanted to see if you were alive" , Mr murphis said looking at me like he was waiting for his joke to make me laugh

For real I'm tired with his dad's joke

More reason I wished I could just marry off

😂 you know to just marry an omega and leave their house (by their I mean my mom and dad)

I hope you had a nice time reading this story pls vote and always help me comment

Thank you so much

I love you so much

Muahhhhhh from your shawty 🤧🤧❤️❤️❤️

And I will surely dedicate a whole chapter to my first commenter

A whole five chapters to my first vote


And commentor

Thank you so much for staying to read all this also 🤧🤧❤️

So just watch out for the kind of possessive beast how omega in disguise is going to be dealing with