
★ I'M SORRY .....★


( melting his icy heart...)

Chapter 47❣️48


What are they looking at so keenly? Strange... Woah, why do they look like they are about to murder someone?

Come out! Darren says and I know I've been caught out, I should have suppressed my energy.

I walk out slowly with an indifferent expression... Can't make it seem like I was spying on them.


Things just got a lot more clear and serious.

I look at Derek, why were you spying on us? I asked and he scoffed and turned his head away bring it back to face me.

I came to the library to read but then I saw you guys appearing out of nowhere. You looked busy so I didn't want to disturb, he said.

Fine, let us not interrupt your reading. Come on Avia, let's go

I looked towards Nightingale and she nodded before grabbing the book and disappearing.

I grabbed Avia's hand and pulled her away with me.

I can't let anyone know about Avia's true identity. Her life is my top priority, I can't risk Maleficent finding out.

From the book, I noticed that her main target was Avia. There's something special about Avia that's put a target on her back apart from being a lynx.

I need to find out about Avia's kingdom and her brother in her dreams, he wasn't present during the massacre... He could still be alive.

There's much to do, but one thing is for sure, I'll kill Maleficent with my bare hands... Mark my words!

I take her to my bedroom and make her sit on the bed. I wiped the tears that rolled down her cheeks.

She... They...* Hiccup * I didn't even remember them... I'm such a bad daughter.

Our parents were brutally slaughtered.. my kingdom... everyone* hiccup * why!! She cried, her nose bright red.

I held her hand and kissed it. Don't cry, be strong... If you break down now, how will you get revenge, I asked and she looked up at me.

She wiped her tears and sniffed. I'm not going to let her get away with this... She must pay, she said, her eyes glowing yellow.

We need to be smart about this, so for now we won't reveal your identity as the princess. We don't know enough... We also need to find out about your brother, he could still be alive, I say and she nods.

Alvin... She mumbled. Who is Alvin? I asked and she bit her lip slightly.

He's one of the prisoners in the dark cell. I met him when I was thrown there. He escaped and was living in the palace... I helped him hide... I'm sorry, she muttered playing with her fingers.

So he was that friend of yours that poisoned my food, I said and she lowered her head.

How does he know Maleficent, and if he's working for her, why did you dream about her attacking him so brutally, I said and she raised her head.

I know in my heart that he's not a bad person... She must be controlling him or something. You know she has been slaughtering lynxes and Alvin is a lynx so something is wrong and I think he's in trouble... she stopped abruptly and bowed her head.

I'm sorry your majesty, I just got carried away by emotion, I don't know why I don't think he's the one to blame... I think she's using him, I feel like he's doing it against his will, she muttered.

How is he connected with Avia? He's also a lynx and he looks about Avia's age.

Could he be Avia's brother? That would explain why she's feeling this way and dreaming about him. But a powerful connection like that would mean that they are twins..

All these are mere speculations. I need to find out the truth and the only way is to find Alvin. If he truly is how Avia is saying and if he turns out to be Avia's brother, finding Maleficent would become easier.

We need to find Alvin, I say to Avia and she raises her head.

Please don't hurt him, I know what he did was wrong but please... just forgive him this once, she pleaded.

I'm not going to punish him... much... I just want to know something, plus he can help us get to Maleficent, I said and cup her face.

Just trust me okay? I said and she nodded. I placed a soft kiss on her forehead and cheeks.

It's so late already, let's get a little shut eye, I said and make her lie down on the bed.

I lay beside her and she placed her head on my chest. You like chest a lot, don't you? I say and I could already imagine how red her cheeks would be right now.


The bright sunlight is so refreshing, some might argue that it's too hot but it's just the way I like it.

As I walk out of my chambers, I received a message from the council of noble blood.

The chief minister, the highest of their ranks and Anaya's father is going to be visiting the palace today!

I need to make preparations for his arrival. I transform into a fire phoenix and fly directly into Darren's room.

Oh my goodness, woah!

Is Avia sleeping on the same bed as Darren... Again

Darren opens his eyes and shoots me a glare.

I'll just come back later


Are you sure this plan will make Darren mine?

Sure Anaya... I'm your subconscious mind, I would never lie to you

Just follow through and let me do the talking. Just trust me and give me control over your body for a while... I'll make everything right, trust me

I bite my lip slightly... Would it be a good idea? I walked out of my room and I see Darren walking out of his room, Avia comes out after him and he cups her cheeks before placing a soft kiss on her lips.

We don't have much time Anaya, just let me handle this.

I decide to let go and I'm pushed into the deepest part of my mind. It seems like I'm in a maze and I can't find a way out... What's going on?


A red ivory carriage pulls up and a tall bearded man came out regally with a golden cane in his left hand.

He had a thick red royal cloak and golden rings on his fingers. One would think he was a king.

Lord Shannon, we are delighted to have you in the palace, I greeted as he drew near.

I hope your journey was pleasant, I said. As it always is princess, he replies.

His poker face was exchanged with a slight smile. Anaya rushed out and into her father's arms.

Dad, you are here, she squealed happily.

Yes my little pumpkin, he said and smiled lightly holding his daughter in his arms.

Come in father, you must be tired from the journey, Anaya said

Yes dear, let's go in, Lord Shannon said and we all proceeded into the palace.

As we walked in, they both suddenly halted.

I wondered why. It's her dad, she's the one who is trying to seduce Darren, Anaya said pointing at Avia.

A mere slave? Is she his sex toy or a means to pass time, Lord Shannon said and we weren't so far so I'm sure Avia heard their remarks.

She stopped wiping the dining table and picked up the bucket of cleaning water.


Who is this noble man with Anaya? He seems like a very important person.

I hear their remarks, so it's her dad. I don't want any more drama around me. I'm already not in the best of moods, there's no need to stay here and listen to them.

I pick up the cleaning water and head out but to my dismay, a gruff voice stops me in my tracks.

Slave! Come over here!

I turn around slowly, keeping my head bowed as I walked to them.

Didn't you notice a dignitary here? Don't you have any manners or has warming Darren's bed giving you the idea that you are important, Anaya snickered, eyeing me with all sense of scorn.

I'm sorry my lady, my lord please pardon my insolence, I said reluctantly

A resounding slap greeted my left cheek. My face turned to the side due to the impact, my hair scattered on my face.

That's for disrespecting my father and this is for disrespecting me, Anaya said and raised her hand to slap me again but Lauren held her hand.

Stop it Anaya, She said in a calm voice.

And why are you belittling my daughter because of this slave, Lord Shannon said and I was hurled to the wall by a strong force.

I was able to maneuver and landed on my feet but it seems to have made them more upset.

Luckily, Calvin and Derek came to my rescue.

Lord Shannon, Calix exclaimed and shook his hand. Please follow me this way, we have prepared a special banquet in honor of your arrival but it'll be later tonight so you need to rest and get ready, right Derek, Calix said and Derek followed through.

Yes your majesty, please let us give you a quick tour of the palace while your entourage settle in, Derek said and they successfully led Lord Shannon away.

Avia, go and get some fruits outside in the fruit patch, Lauren said and dragged Anaya away with her.

I noticed that Anaya was glaring fiercely at me like she wanted to kill me. I should be careful around her.

I picked up the cleaning water and went to the kitchen. I arranged things and took the basket so I could get fruits from the patch just outside the palace walls.

I walked out, my mind going back to what happened yesterday, I couldn't think straight, why did Maleficent want me? She could have easily left after taking the hearts of everyone in the kingdom.

Yet she killed Darren's mother just to get to me. It's all my fault that everyone died. If she had gotten me, Darren and Lauren probably wouldn't have lost their mother.

It's all my fault

I stumbled on something on the path. I quickly stabilized myself so I don't fall. I turned around to see what I tripped over.

Alvin? What is he doing here? And he looks absolutely miserable.

He's covered with dried leaves that fell from the tree he was leaning on.

I walked closer to him and shook his body but he didn't respond.

I placed my hands on his chest to feel his core of energy. It's still burning so he's alive. But it's hard to detect it. It's so faint like he's not even breathing.

Alvin! Alvin! I screamed, tapping his cold cheeks repeatedly.

His eyes opened a bit and a tear rolled down his cheeks. I'm sorry, he muttered and closed his eyes again.

I rubbed his palm trying my best to wake him up. His condition seems to be deteriorating.

No... please.. Alvin wake up