
Slave to The God's World

Alex has been transported to a new world to do Gods bidding. He is forced into doing missions that can get him killed easily. His main objective is to be free from the Gods who are making him suffer on this terrible planet.

Meister748 · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

Chapter 13 - The Talk With The King

After a few days Alex is invited to have talks with the King. He prepares himself for whatever the meeting may entail. He is yet to finalise the plan on kidnapping and escaping with the princess. He has to put more thoughts into it. The kidnapping might be very easy to do now that he knows all her security details. He has been observing the palace as well and now he has a good knowledge of the geography of the city and the palace. The escaping will be carried out successfully if no other external factors interfere.

He walks with the guard that accompanies him to the king. The halls are filled with silence. Only their footsteps are heard. They walk through the hall of silence only making sound with their feet. The guard leaves him at the King's door. He takes a deep breath and opens the door to enter the room. His eyes track the big chandelier hanging from the ceiling and underneath it the King. The king is wearing very comfortable beige silk attire. He is wearing normal clothes but he still can't control his charms. The charm that can enchant people even if he is wearing the attire of a beggar.

He bows to the king and moves closer to him. The king invites him to take a seat at the table where two chairs were already arranged. He sits after the king and sees an assortment of snacks on the table with tea. He thanks the king for this opportunity and tells the king to ask him anything. He didn't want to waste time and after the king asks his question afterwards he can ask about the wild kingdom.

The king says, "How are you enjoying the library? Even with level three access, you have a lot to read. How much have you read?"

He says, "I am reading many topics. Like about this kingdom and its history. I knew the history but reading of certain events and battles was really exhilarating. I also brushed up on some magic knowledge. I am a little weak in that aspect. So, I got to learn more about it. I am reading in a random order. But I think I've read almost seventy-five percent."

King is astonished at his reading speed, "You are a fast reader and learner. There are only a few that can read as fast as you. Reading seventy-five percent with only level one book in under a month."

Alex interrupts and says, "Level one? I meant combined seventy-five percent. All three levels."

"How is that possible? Were you living in the library? Did you read all twenty-four hours of a day?" says the bewildered king.

He says to explain his situation, "I read quickly. This month, I've spent most of it in the library. Barely going out. I was just thirsty for knowledge and read at an astonishing speed."

He thinks that it is true that he has been able to read a lot faster on this planet. Maybe it's because of the language translation ability that he has. It makes him understand any language of this planet very quickly, and some powers given by The Goddess are also present doing their work. He thinks that there are many tests remaining for him to conduct. He needs to learn more about this planet and himself. He thinks of asking The Goddess next time.

King marvels at his genius and ability to read. He discusses many books from the first three levels. They talk for hours on end. Alex learns a lot from this exchange and the king is astonished that it's true and his claim of reading so much is true.

The king asks him, "Anything else you want to know? I've taken an interest in you."

He says, "There is one thing I am very curious about. In the library, I learnt about the other kingdoms. One kingdom stood out to me the most. I wanted to learn more about it, but I couldn't find any information on it. It's the Wild Kingdom, It's a very intriguing place. I wish to learn more."

The King laughs and says, "Not many people want to talk about them. They are like the outcasts of this continent. It's simple really, 'Everyone hates the beasts, they control the beasts, everyone hates who controls the beasts'. I've had encounters with them. They are not civilised, I don't see them as someone who controls the beasts. To me there is no differentiation among them, they are all beasts."

Alex says, "You've met them. Did you go to their kingdom or did they cross the border?"

King says, "It was decades ago, there was this joint mission to traverse the Outskirts of the Wild Kingdom. If we were to make contact, maybe try to talk civically. They were not talkative and we didn't have a large force or backup with us at that time. We had to retreat and abandon the mission. This mission is recorded and its book is in the sixth level of the library. Generally all the important information about the Wild Kingdom is beyond the fifth level."

Alex says, "No wonder I can't find anything even after scourging almost every book. Thank you for sharing this with me. I wish I could learn more about it."

King says, "Don't worry, you are not missing anything special. There are books on their kingdom but it's not that detailed. Most of the people that went to record the geography or details died. The only detailed information is about their outskirts. It's a dangerous place, we do not intend to fight. Why are you so interested in it?"

He says, "As an adventure, the unknown is always scary. I want to be prepared for anything while adventuring. I've heard only foolish adventurers do missions near the Wild Kingdom or in their outskirts. I don't want to be restricted in my adventure and explore more freely and safely by preparing everything. Even some small pieces of information may help me in the future."

King listens to him and says, "There is a way for you to get access to the whole library and learn. You'll have to become bound to the royal palace and the kingdom. I didn't suggest it before because adventurers are not able to stay in one place. You have to go on your adventures, but my advice is to never go near the Wild Kingdom. It is not worth it."

Alex takes the advice to the heart and thanks the king for his insight on this topic. He is not only going himself but taking his daughter to the Wild Kingdom. He feels sad for the king who just advised him never to go near the Wild Kingdom. The king explains to Alex that he is not related to the Kingdom, so he can never access the library beyond the third level. Alex was content with what he was given and once again thanked the King. He bows to the king and leaves the room. He walks through the hall of silence only making sound from his feet. He directly goes to see the princess.

The princess wanted to join the meeting between Alex and the King but was denied. Since then she has been sulking and wondering what they are talking about. She has also been daydreaming about her great escape. In her mind, the escape from this place will bring her such freedom that she has never experienced. She fantasises about the things she will be able to do that she can't do. She now also has powers to control the beasts. She is wondering about capturing many beasts and having them under her. It will be an army of cute beasts. She has been reading about all different types of beats recorded. She finds most of them cute.

The princess maid lets her know that a man has come to see her and is waiting in the gazebo. She thinks it most probably will be Alex. He is coming here after his meeting with the king. She rushes to the garden and then walks calmly toward the gazebo. Where she sees Alex standing and he receives her and pulls out a chair for her to sit. She takes a seat and right after Alex also sits down.

She says hurriedly as he is sitting, "Did you talk for so long with the King, What did he say? And what's the plan of escaping from here? It's been too long."

He says, "It was a long talk, we talked a lot about books."

She didn't care much about his talks, she wanted to hear the escape plan. Alex could tell from the look on her face. Alex says, "We will escape in a fortnight. Try to contain your excitement."

She asks, "Have you made all the plans, will it really be easy. We won't get caught, right? What are the plans? Can you tell me."

He calms her down and says, "The plan is still in the working. Just calculating some external factors. You should also prepare accordingly. There is nothing for me to gain from this place. I've attained most of the information needed. I've also heard about an organisation that has good info. I'll try to find their base and visit them for some info. We also have to shop a little, some materials that would be crucial for our escape."

She happily says, "I'll take you to shop, I know a few shops, you'll be able to gather everything."

He says, "No, it will be too much attention gathering."

She interrupts and says, "I will be in a disguise. No one will know. I will also get permission to go out. It's too much security after the assassination attempt on me."

He agrees to her taking him shopping. Then they talk a little more about the incomplete plan. Alex didn't tell her much as the plan is still in development. She was happy hearing snippets of it. It gave her the feeling that she is closer to escaping from this hellhole. They plan to go shopping tomorrow.

Alex walks the street of the market with the princess. They disguised princesses so well that no one could tell she was royalty. But still she had everyone's neck turning with her beauty. It's a beauty that shines even if hidden. People think of her as some beautiful girl and nothing else. No one approached her because Alex was walking with her. They assumed they were together. He knew this would gather attention but he made peace with it. Her bodyguards were hiding in plain sight, so he was not worried about anyone approaching them. He shopped with an ease of mind with the help of the princess. He got the items needed at a very cheap price. Having a guide really helps a lot, he wondered. They ate street food which was very tasty and fulfilling.

After the trip ended, they were returning. She thanks him for this trip. She says, "I like living like a free soul to go wherever I want to and not be stopped for it or questioned about it. All these bodyguards around me make me feel more restricted. I can't wait to escape them. I can't wait to go on adventures and meet new people and make new friends. I know you have your own objective but thank you for kidnapping me."

He listens to her but doesn't say anything. He separates from the princess and goes toward his own quarters. He has a lot of preparation to do. He finds his door unlocked, he shows caution and slowly opens the door. He sees a man sitting on a chair with his back facing him. Alex says, "Who are you?"

He gets up from the chair and says, "Oh. You are here! I've been waiting for you."

It's the counsellor of the King. He invites Alex to come in, then he says, "I have a mission for you."