
slave of the dragon king

paul_time · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs


Slave house in the village of Darret

Slave holding cells


The door to the cells was thrown open and five men walked inside.

"Good morning, slaves. today is the day you begin your new lives." Main captor in downstairs he walked in the holding cells which house us.

food was served and the other girls and I began eating. our captors came back and took us one by one to the bathhouse before handing us the garments we were meant to wear for the auction. afterwards, they would chain us to the wall until noon when the auction began the garments and question wear long skirts with slits along the right side up to her head and the top to go over our heads to cover a breast, shoulders, but now but leave our stomachs bare. Never have I worn something as revealing as two pieces of clothing.

there were about 25 other girls in the slave house I'm in other myself. in the time that we were held here, we were taught lessons of becoming a perfect slave. punishments came in the form of starvation and isolation and cold rooms of their captors did not want to damage us and lower our potential prices on auction.

I was so scared of who would purchase me. Many of us would be wives or servants the worst fate a slave could have was to become part of a harem. these were things I have learned in my time with the slave house.

one by one, the other girls were taken out of the consignment and sold we had numbers to identify us. I was number 22. I was taken a long with numbers 21 and 23 when the slavers ambushed the caravan we were accompanying. I wished I could escape. however, the cuff and chains on my wrists prevented me from walking more than 5 feet from the wall. my bare feet seem to be freezing on the Cold Stone floor. I watch this 21 was taken to the auction block knowing I was next. my nervousness was showing that I was shaking and could not stop.

I don't want to be a sold! I don't want to be here! I don't want to be a slave!

the door opened and the guards came in unlock Bangkok they hold me down an iron grip as I struggled to free myself before they brought me to The auction block. they led me to two small room and two guards change my hands above my head told me and prices the third room scented oil over my body, making my skin listening to Torchlight. I wanted to shut my eyes and wake up in my own bed back home in Ardania. I didn't want to be here in a Grand slave house, being auctioned off as the value piece of property or some rare good.