
Slaughter the Gods

A man died in his world and then appears before a God of another. That God then goes on to say that he caused the man's death in his world and brought him here for his own enjoyment. The man, shaken with disbelief and anger, is then tossed into this new world with nothing but the clothes on his back, a basic system that can only answer questions. He vows to kill those who have wronged him, planning to take vengeance upon the God who did this to him. But is that the only tragedy that will befall, the only God that he will vow to vengeance against? What truly awaits this man in this new world fraught with dangers and the unknown? Will he let go of his anger and live his life, or will he be consumed by rage and continuously seek his vengeance? Will he successfully kill a God? Read this man's story. Also of note, Harem will not be large. And there will be gory and or dark moments in this book, so read at your own discretion. ----------------------------------------- Thank you for giving my book a try. Also, don't forget to check out my other books. They are as follows: The Misunderstood Heroic Villain: https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-misunderstood-heroic-villain_11956325005658505 Humanity Rising: War: https://www.webnovel.com/book/humanity-rising-war_26575634406791205 ----------------------------------------- Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Requiem_Phantom Discord: https://discord.gg/N7SMEDMNrM ----------------------------------------- Also, the book picture is not mine, and the rights go to the original owner and creator. If you want me to take down the picture and you are the owner or creator, just message me, and I will do so. I only added in the book title and my name as the creator of the book. Thank you.

Requiem_Phantom · Kỳ huyễn
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The last Years!

Time once more became my most hated enemy. The solitude and the loneliness, accompanied by time, are truly gut-wrenching foes as they take their toll upon any foolish enough to trespass upon their domains. They spare no one and show no mercy as the mind struggles to cope.

Even after I believed I had stowed away my weaknesses and the emotions that nearly destroyed my mind for good, my withered mind yet still teeters on the edge. Maybe it was the goal of hunting the monsters and beasts that plagued this realm and the mistaken notion that with them, I was not alone that kept me sane. Or kept me insane, and now I go towards sanity again.

I don't know if I am sane or insane, but I know the pain that comes with transitioning between the two realms of the mind. It is much worse than any kind of pain that can rack the body, for mental struggles are worse than the physical, at least for me. The physical pains I was able to get used to, but the mental ones, well, all I could do was try to shut them out.

And it does not seem to be working.

After all, nearly three hundred more years have passed by me now. I have reached nine hundred and ninety-nine years. Just one more to go, hell, not even a whole year, just ten months to go, and that damnable god should return. Then I will partake in my first vengeance that should satiate my appetite until I can find the other god.

Through these three hundred years of absolute solitude, with not even an insect, I suffered once more. I still died somehow, as there was no food. Though I can now go nearly a hundred years without food, less if there wasn't water, but I still have that.

Yet food, there is nothing but grass. And that does not work for me, at least not for the me who has feasted on raw meat for hundreds of years. Pretty much my entire diet has just been meat, and my body has evolved to compensate for that. So without meat, I can't eat.

And so I died of starvation but came back completely full. This happened twice and will happen again soon unless I can eat. I wonder, can I eat a dead god?

Alas I still have nearly a year before I can find out. For now, like every other day I have spent over these years, I am training with my spear. I never stop anymore, for it is the only thing for me to do. Only thing that keeps my head on straight, as it clears away the fog that clouds my mind when I have my spear in hand, and I thrust it forward.

I will say that this realm is in far worse shape nowadays, as I have caused massive destruction throughout the realm while training with my spear. Most of the realm is now just vast holes and canyons everywhere.

Well, not like anyone or anything else is using the place, so I treat the entire realm as my training ground, destroying whatever I feel like, as long as it helps to improve my strength or if I just get bored, which happens often enough. I do have to say, though, that I believe my spearmanship has truly reached perfection.

I doubt there is anyone that can claim to be a better spearman than me. For I believe there is nothing that I can't kill or pierce with my spear. Even my physical body has transcended what anyone could consider normal. I myself might be considered a monstrous beast in of itself.

But none of that truly matters to me as long as I can have my vengeance and slay the gods that have wronged me and just use me for their own pleasure or desire. Well, no longer, as I now have the strength to fight back.

In fact, my strength has increased so much that I could escape and destroy this realm, but I want to not only surprise the god, but I am laying a trap. So once he returns, I will kill him since I do know that he will be here. Otherwise, who knows how long it would take for me to find him otherwise and hunt him down.

For now, though, I just train. I always picture the faces of both the gods before me as I thrust my spear forward, imagining it going through their divine bodies, rending their souls into dust.

And thus, I trusted with much of my strength, showing my veins through my skin as the spear pierced forward, easily fracturing space itself as it vaporizes the very desert in front of me.

That is the kind of strength I possess now, and that was just the tip of the ice. For I will only go all out when I next see the god when he returns.

That is how my days have been and will continue to go until he returns. And I am almost there, just less than a year. My mind barely held together, yet my body is in peak condition, having never been better.

In fact, I look reminiscent of a god myself. My body is built like a Greek god, my long dark hair having grown long, down towards my legs, with a wiry beard that reaches towards my stomach. Yet my muscles bulge, as my skin shows a nice permanent tan adorned upon it. In fact, if I cleaned up my hair and beard, I would definitely be one of the most handsome men in existence.

Of course, right now, I have no clothes on. In fact, for most of these nine hundred years, I have had no clothes as they were gone the first time I got eaten by a monster. Since then, I have been wandering around like my ancestors, naked as the day I was born.

But still, I am a peak human male specimen if I could still be considered human at this point. I am not sure.

Now just more training to pass the time.

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Thank you for your support, and hope everyone continues to enjoy my story.

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