
SKYCLAD PSYCHOSIS: (the devil's proxy)

"Let's Live together. I want your body and I want to kill you, You also loved the sex and you want me dead too, so let's live together" >>> What is EVIL? I could give you a million definitions to explain what Evil means, but I'll do it in one word... ME. My daily live was like any other normal human being. Breath, Eat, Work, Sleep and Mutilate. Along with my Artificial Intelligence Barb, everything was beyond perfect. We had nice, fun activities like 'slice up the Old man', or 'dissect the beautiful lady'. But we mostly played 'smash the lady with a sledge hammer' and 'chase the lady around the house with an axe'. This was until I had my heart broken. Two major things happened to me after my heart got broken... One, I met a girl. And two... I accidentally met the devil. And now he doesn't want to let me go. He wants to make me a doorway between Hell and earth. A key that would drag in more souls to hell. He wants souls, but can not interfere with the affairs of humans directly, and I just think cutting people open is fun. All I had to do was continue what I was already doing. It was all going according to plan, until I realized I had more power than any living creature on earth. Being the devil's proxy wasn't enough anymore. Now I want more. Now... Now I want to make my own hell on earth. >>> "Now that you've given me so much power, what do you get in return?" "Nothing, just the souls of the unfortunate." the devil shrugs. "That's a lie, there's always something extra. So tell me what you want from me." "Okay fine. There is one thing." "What is it?" "Let it rain Hell on Earth" "with pleasure" >>> P.S Although it might seem like a horror movie, it's a romance story. A romance between two blood-crazed psychopaths. Okay, I'll be honest, it's a mixture of gore and romance. My story is a Gore-mance. >> >> The world in this story is a little bit different from earth as we know it, and it's a fantasy novel so some names of places have either been changed or just remodeled. Follow on Instagram : @queenanovels08

_Queen_A · Huyền huyễn
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28 Chs

17. About the box...

Ahh, well eating that fat hippo last night was not that bad. I get to keep the change in his wallet, and since I ripped my clothes, I get to buy something new with his money.

And I'm buying from a boutique this time... I'm not buying fairly used products.

"ohh... The smell of new clothes" I breathe in the nice comforting smell. Apart from good food, this was my second favorite scent in the world. The smell of new clothes. The smell is just Fabumenal.

"Oh no... I'll be late" I said as I saw the time, quickly paying for the clothes and Dashing out of the boutique. I can't wait to see you boss. I'm sorry for sidelining you, that fat hippo just had to go last night. But today, I promise today is the day. The day I'll end you Bruce Kent.


"Barb, have you gathered all the information on the IGBE SHAIDAN?" I asked as I got ready for work.

"Yep., every known and recorded history of the box"

"alright, let's hear it..."

"Ok, so according to most sources, this box and whatever it f*cking contains was brought into this world by the great King Thamar."

"as in ABC's Giant king Thamar?"

"Yes... That's our guy. It dates back to millenniums ago... There's no fixed time of reign for this king Thamar, but he somehow remained in history this long. And so did this box."

"So there's no record that gives a little detailed explanation of his time?" I ask.

"No... None. There's no place that tells us the time or Era this man lived in, but the records goes thousands of years back, so it's concluded that he probably lived around the 10th century BC."

"THE 10TH CENTURY?? BC??" Like in the 890s BC?"

"Actually it's the 990s BC." Barb corrects.

"That long?" I couldn't believe it, the more I got to know about it, the more intriguing it became.

"That's right Bruce, and over the years, it had been passed down to different Kings, warned never to use it but all of which broke the rules, and used it for their selfish goals. And the box ended up destroying them."

"So what is the box? I mean what is in it? A... A... Weapon? A nuclear bomb? Some ball of superpower locked up in a box? What, what is it Barb?"

"I'm not sure Bruce, different sources have different diagrams of it. Take a look at this for instance..." She switches on the screen mode on my dining table. It's not like I can use it for dining again after what Audrey and Stephen did.

"See, here is a picture of King Thamar... With well, the box right? And then here shows he's taken out whatever is in the box..."

"That's an axe... One really wicked axe." I snicker as my fingers traced the curves and contours of the gigantic axe on the table screen.

"Yeah., but how did that huge axe feet into that box."

"that's a really good question."

"Now look at this one..." She switches to another picture. "Now here is the picture of another King, King Larkah with the box. But when he opens it, look what he brings out..."

"That's one long sword... It's as tall as he." My mouth goes wide as I analyzed the diagram in front of me. Did the box contain more than one treasure weapon? But how could such a small box contain such weapons?

"Now we have like six more pictures of different kings holding the box, but all their weapons are f*cking different. How is that possible.?" Barb was curious, and I was even curiouser... If that's even a word.

"What if the box gives you what fits you best?"

"that makes sense" Barb agrees.

"I know right... I mean what if it gives you what you can handle best, like what morphs with your being well. Or what if it's like a magical box that just keeps on producing weapons... MY lords, what if it's a box of endless weapons..."

All those ancient weapons best for torture, something way better than anything the higher mind of this generation can ever create.

"Barb, when is ABC coming back to Prime City?" I ask as I walked out of the house, ready to drive to work. I could barely sleep a wink last night. I kept on tossing and turning. My bed felt empty, and my hand felt emptier. I need to fill up the space in my bed and hand.

My bed is craving for her, and my hands are itching for It...

"According to the news and other sources, his plane is supposed to be landing by 6pm tomorrow morning..." Barb says, but then there's always something more.

"That's what the news and sources say, but you tell me, when is he coming back."

"oh he's already here. He got back yesterday morning... Those f*cking informations given to the public were just to distract the so-called Antique thief."

"ohh, I see. Where is the IGBE SHAIDAN kept?"

"According to sources, when ABC lands tomorrow, it's supposed to be in display in the Prime City Museum the next morning."

"But..." I ask, because there's always a but.

"But it's actually here..." Barb brings up a location on the screen, zooming in for me to get a closer view.

"Is that...?"

"Yep... Erick Stuart's College of Art... Your Devil's Box is there right now. They are trying to decipher the Old writings on the box. They've been on it for hours already... I bet I can crack it open in less than five minutes."

"So... Now they're distorting information just to keep me away from my jewels. That's okay. That's why I have you. Barb, prepare everything, I'm taking that box."

"wait... I thought tonight was for that f*cking bitch right?"

"Well let's make it a more fun night and include antique hunting tonight. Right after I ride her, and then grind her, we can go have some more fun."

"What do you say Barb?"

"I... F*cking love you Bruce."

I'd appreciate it if you'll spare me some Powerstones...

Thanks y'all.

_Queen_Acreators' thoughts