"I think he's fun ride is enough, let's get down to business Barb."
"okay Bruce, taking him to Edge of Tomorrow."
"did you play the song in his car too?"
"yep, I'm sure the motherf*cker's getting the feeling of hell right now."
"It's a pity his car has no camera, I'd have love to see him squirm and scream..." it really would have been a nice movie.
"He's on the highway to hell... On the highway to hell... Highway to hell... He's on the highway to hell..." I sang along, raising my pitch each time, dancing and winding to the beat on my seat.
"oh his going DOWWWNN... all the waaayyyy... Yeah... Come on..." I synced with the music and it started again. It was on repeat.
"Car has been parked, he's doors are locked, he's trapped, he can't go anywhere. We got him Bruce"
"then let's gut him... hahaha"
"WOAH!! awesome quip Bruce..." Barb complimented, I knew she would. I was expecting it.
"I know right, it just flowed out naturally... It's a talent." I proudly say.
I could see his car where Barb had stopped it, I stopped my car about six ft from his, slowly sliding out, highway to hell still playing loudly. I tap danced my way to the back of the car.
"open the trunk Barb." The boot lifts open nice and slow, revealing a normal simple empty and harmless car trunk. Until... "flip it over" I order, and instantly, the flat insides of the trunk smoothly flips over, metals readjusting, to reveal an assortment of some very fine set of tools and instruments. Some might call them torture devices, but they're just my toys... Nothing more.
"Which one should it be?" now that the hour has come, I was having difficulty choosing out of my trunk collection. The steel baseball bat is just too obvious, so no...
"The sledge hammer?"
"No, not the f*cking sledge hammer, every single killer has done the sledge hammer like a dozen times. You're not just any f*cking killer, you're Bruce f*cking Kent. You need to stand out."
"You're quite right Barb." I agreed. The sledge hammer is too common, and besides, I don't want to kill him here, I just want to wound him then take him home with me. So what to use... tsk, tsk, tsk... Still humming the rhythm of the song that played inside my car.
" Ah hah... This will do..." the beautiful black Rifle crossbow. Ohh mama!! Is she a beauty!.
"What do you say Barb... This good enough?"
"ohh it's f*cking great. It's perfect." She agrees.
Jerking my feet, and tap dancing sideways and forward towards Richards' car. I can't explain how giddy-goody I was feeling. The song playing was just hyping me up even more, the crossbow in my hand making me feel untouchable.
I felt like I was gliding and dancing with the wind, the smell of the deserted place was even more pleasant. "Unlock his door Barb" I hear the single low click that indicated that the door was unlocked.
With my Rifle behind my back, the grin on my face hidden behind the joker mask I had slipped on, my spare hand reached for the door handle, the happiness in my heart unexplainable. I jerked the door handle open.
Instantly pulling my Rifle Crossbow to the front, ready to impale his body with my fine arrows. But then a very familiar smell hit me. A very...very...very familiar red scent.
And I'm now realizing that somethings rolled out of the car as I opened the door, my eyes follow the blood trail, and... and it's an opened skull., with brains spilling out of one side like pus from a boil.
My shoes were soiled with blood, and I look inside the car and there was nobody inside... I literally mean NO... BODY... Just bones and flesh apart. The windows were dripping with blood and particles of flesh like a bomb went off inside the man spilling his guts out all over the car.
The other door was open, more like ripped from its hinges. The door had a huge hole in it, like some kind of... Thing... Punched it open, or burst out of it. She is stronger than I thought, maybe the strongest vampire I've ever seen. Is she like a thousand year old Vampire, is that why she has so much strength... So sexy.
"Barb..." I draw.
"I know right, that bitch is f*cking sick." She says, the exact words I was think... Beautifully sick in a sexy way.
"How did she? What the hell did she even do to him. He looks like he was smashed by a truck inside his own car? How is this even f*cking possible?" Barb wondered, but I already stopped wondering, and I was now romanticizing in my head.
Such a strong woman, where in the world does this kind of ripping strength come from in such a small body. I just wanted to rip her apart and see what her insides looked like, but now I want to know how strong she would be in bed.
Probably beastly strong, seeing how she could dig a hole into this door.
I was in the mood for eviscerating just a while ago, but now highway to hell was sounding like a rather raunchy song in my ear, my insides were starting to burn up with desire.
I could feel my heart beating in a rather unrecognized pattern. I couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like to first ride her all night long, with no stop signs, no speed limit, just going faster and faster, spinning her like a damn wheel... And take her to the promise land over and over and over again... Before finally gutting her insides out.
"Bruce, your heart rate is increasing, I think you're about to have a heart attack Bruce."
"Barb, I'm not having a heart attack..." I place a hand over my racing heart, "My hearts just a stereo, and it's beating crazy for her right now."
"Yeah Barb, already... I think I'm in love."