
SKYCLAD PSYCHOSIS: (the devil's proxy)

"Let's Live together. I want your body and I want to kill you, You also loved the sex and you want me dead too, so let's live together" >>> What is EVIL? I could give you a million definitions to explain what Evil means, but I'll do it in one word... ME. My daily live was like any other normal human being. Breath, Eat, Work, Sleep and Mutilate. Along with my Artificial Intelligence Barb, everything was beyond perfect. We had nice, fun activities like 'slice up the Old man', or 'dissect the beautiful lady'. But we mostly played 'smash the lady with a sledge hammer' and 'chase the lady around the house with an axe'. This was until I had my heart broken. Two major things happened to me after my heart got broken... One, I met a girl. And two... I accidentally met the devil. And now he doesn't want to let me go. He wants to make me a doorway between Hell and earth. A key that would drag in more souls to hell. He wants souls, but can not interfere with the affairs of humans directly, and I just think cutting people open is fun. All I had to do was continue what I was already doing. It was all going according to plan, until I realized I had more power than any living creature on earth. Being the devil's proxy wasn't enough anymore. Now I want more. Now... Now I want to make my own hell on earth. >>> "Now that you've given me so much power, what do you get in return?" "Nothing, just the souls of the unfortunate." the devil shrugs. "That's a lie, there's always something extra. So tell me what you want from me." "Okay fine. There is one thing." "What is it?" "Let it rain Hell on Earth" "with pleasure" >>> P.S Although it might seem like a horror movie, it's a romance story. A romance between two blood-crazed psychopaths. Okay, I'll be honest, it's a mixture of gore and romance. My story is a Gore-mance. >> >> The world in this story is a little bit different from earth as we know it, and it's a fantasy novel so some names of places have either been changed or just remodeled. Follow on Instagram : @queenanovels08

_Queen_A · Huyền huyễn
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28 Chs

14. Highway to hell...


"Yes Bruce?"

"It's time..."

"F*ck yeah"

I've been longing to do this for a very, very, very long time, and the day is finally 'the' day. With or without his consent, Gordon Richards is going home with me tonight, and ohh mama! we're going to have a splendid time.

"The wanker's on the move Bruce." Barb informs me... "uhh... Bruce"

"Yes Barb?"

"We have a little situation... He has an escort." Barb says.

"an escort? Bring it up on screen." and the jack-o-lantern looking man pops up on the screen and beside him was...

"I thought I sent her home already, how come she's still here" it was Penelope my lovely new assistant, she looked like she was being forced to move. The poor girl, she's probably a very weak vampire, and won't be able to defend herself against that disgusting philanderer.


"Yes Bruce"

"Let's take him for a smooth ride round town shall we."

"ohh yes we shall."

"You know what to do" I said, as I shut down my office computer.

"I already shut down all CCTV cameras that are even as close as half a mile from the route we'll be taking, I temporarily shut down the company's CCTV's, the plate number on your car has been switched, and I'm in total control of that Tosser's car, I'm just f*cking letting him drive for now... But we're ready to ride."

"well then what are we waiting for? Let's go hunting!!"

Walking out of the elevator in the parking lot, I bounce into my car...

"where is he now?"

"he just passed Paramount Park..."

"that fast, I guess he's in a hurry... Put his location up on the screen, and take the wheel from him." I ordered, buckling my seat belt.

"Turn him towards the Liberal Lands instead. I hope my dear Nelo has the stomach for this, cause it's going to be a bumpy ride."

"Nelo?" Barb asks.

"Yeah, Penelope. That's what I'm calling her now, since she's so dear to me, I think we've known each other long enough to switch to pet names... Now Barb, play me High way to hell... Because someone is definitely on the train to visit the devil tonight... Ohh mama!! Let's do this!!"

"AC/DC's High way to hell coming right up."


"I knew you were going to come through, that's how you all behave at first, then you later come back to me begging." I watched as the idiot spat rubbish out of his mouth, imagining what his fate should be.

"Don't worry I'll treat you right, we're almost there. When we're at the hotel, I'll show you how a princess is treated." He snarls, placing his disgusting hand on my lap, slipping it up my thigh, but just as he was taking it further, the car made a sudden and swift u-turn...

" What the f*ck? What's wrong with this stupid machine..." I watched him panic.

" is something wrong sir?" I ask, pretending to be concerned.

"this stupid car is working itself... I didn't put it on auto-drive, Hey... Hey... You're going the wrong way you stupid machine" he pounds the wheel, stomping on the brakes with all his might as the car moved in full speed, turning in different directions while he tried maneuvering something, anything... Just trying to make the car stop.

"Stop... STOP GODDAMMIT!!! foolish auto... Stop moving... This is the wrong way..." He screamed and stomped, balls of sweat trailing down his head, his neck tie seemed to be choking him all of a sudden as he loosens the damn thing, unbuttoning the first two buttons, revealing the lines of sweat that disgustingly trailed down his neck.

I could smell the fear from him, and it only made me hungrier, I could sense his tension, his anxiety, I could see and feel everything he was feeling, and it made me want to feast on him even faster...

"Why won't this damn thing STOP!! STOP YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!!" he yelled, trying to control the will, but no matter how much he turned the will right, left, sideways, the car didn't follow its instructions.

If I didn't know better, I'd think the car had been taken over by a Machinah those machine loving demons. But I wasn't sensing a demonic presence in the car. Expect for this human who is no less than a demon, screaming and yelling his lungs beside me.

The car was clean... No trace of a demon.

"I'll suggest you calm down because the more you scream, the more painful it would seem." I advice him.

"YOU SHUT THE F*CK UP STUPID BITCH" and there he done it... He just had to use the word stupid...

And just then, one of my favorite songs of all time starts playing on the stereo, it always gets me in the mood... High way to hell...

"What the heck is wrong with this junk... Why is it playing this type of song in such a situation." He seethed., viciously pressing all the buttons on the stereo.

"don't mess with the song..." I hold onto his wrist..

"you stay out of this bitch..." He seethes, wiping my hands off his.

"Stop you goddamn car... Stop moving... Stop this goddamn song... Who the f*ck is on a high way to hell?"

"You are... And I'm sure your friends are already there waiting for you." I could see the horror on his face, that repugnant look as he watched the grin on my face go wider and wilder, the corners of my lips opening up to my ear, my jaw expanding, my brows growing thicker, my nose going flatter and darker, my teeth growing sharper and thicker...

" W_W_What the F*..."

I just love the look on his face when he saw my clothes rip to shreds, only to reveal chest full of white fur, my limbs growing thicker and stronger. My hands and feet morphing into huge paws. The kind that would rip him in shreds...

I just love the white tiger... One of my paws raised in a high-five in front of my face, my claws retracted at first...

But then.. *woosh*... And the sharp nicely shaped claws spring out., and he was just dumbstruck. If tigers had a smile, I'm sure he could see the wide grin on my face

"It's party time..."

"oh f*ck!" were his last words before I... *DEVOURED*

I literally had highway to hell playing the whole time while I wrote this chapter...

I hope you enjoyed it.

_Queen_Acreators' thoughts