
Sky pirates

This is inspired by the God of fishing novel. This novel probably isent going anywhere but you can take the risk of putting it in your library.

Etiger789 · Tranh châm biếm
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6 Chs

Chapter 3

She also decided to get some shut-eye and slept with her master smothered in between her breasts.

(Next morning)

Fu Gang woke the next morning feeling and smelling a soft sensation. He squeezed the warm feeling out of instinct but froze the next moment.

" Mhhhh" Fu Gang heard a sensual moan of a woman by his ears. He hesitated for a moment before unwillingly opening his eyes. He sees a fully naked Francis by his side. He wanted to scream but held it in, as she was sleeping.

' The hell is she doing in my bed, and why is she naked. No, ignore her, she probably just did this to tease me. I first need to get out without waking her up. But that's easier said than done when she's using you as a body pillow. Though she does smell nice... you're getting sidetracked Fu, concentrate.'

After a 30 minute battle of trying to get out of drakes clutches, he finally found an opening and took it.

He was surprised she still hadn't woken up with all his struggling but he would take it as a blessing in disguise.

He quickly got off the bed and walked straight to the door but stopped when his fingers were inches away from the handle.

He sighed and walked back slowly. The blankets were thrown on the floor so he could see every part of drakes body. But he could care less about her body.

But here he was covering her up so she wouldn't be cold.

He didn't know if being strong equalled to being weather resistant but he didn't want to take the chance.

He also left some pumpkin slices and a cup of water on the side for when she woke up. After doing so he could finally leave.

When Fu Gang left the house Drake who was pretending to sleep smiled cheekily. She originally thought of teasing him when he woke up, but she also wanted to see what he would do to her if she was asleep and off guard, and he didn't disappoint.

One of the reasons why some of the girls didn't come was the soulbond they shared with him.

They could feel each other and know each others location, but unless they had a true emotional link they wouldn't know what their master was feeling.

They didn't know what type of person he was so drake volunteered to scope out while the girls explored the island and the outside world.

So far she's been happy with her new master's personality. Though she wouldn't say it's perfect, who was she to judge on perfectionality. Nobody was perfect, everyone had their flaws, including her.

(Angel hill)

Fu Gang decided to explore the items he was given. The first item was the Flower that had appeared in the dark emptiness. He looked at the description and was surprised by the fascinating origin of the flower.

[ Sundrop flower - A long time ago, a cosmic event created a single drop of sunlight, which fell "from the heavens" and grew the golden flower. It had the ability to heal any sickness or injuries, even mortal wounds, delay aging, though that ability requires constant use of the power. Once mastered it is even possible to revive the deceased. Other incantation will bring out different effects

Healing incantation

Flower, gleam and glow

Let your power shine

Make the clock reverse

Bring back what once was mine

Heal what has been hurt

Change the fates' design

Save what has been lost

Bring back what once was mine

What once was mine

Life drain incantain -

Wither and decay

End this destiny

Break these earthly chains

And set the spirit free

The spirit free

Crescent high above

Evolving as you go

Raise what lies beneath

And let the darkness grow

Bend it to my will

Consume the sunlight's glow

Rise into the sky

And let the darkness grow

Let darkness grow.

(Warning, do not sing this incantation until you have mastered the other two incantations.)

Higher healing incantation -

Power of the sun

Gift me with your light

Shine into the dark

Restore our fading sight

Rise into the dawn

Blazing star so bright

Burn away the strife

Let my hope ignite

Let hope ignite]

' This really is a powerful flower. It will definitely come in handy when someone important to me is injured. But the life drain incantation seems pretty dangerous, but I'll look into it at another date.

The next item was a water breathing manual. There were 3 other manuals similar to it, and they were all sword and breathing techniques.

[ Water breathing - Derived from the original Sun breathing technique. This style has eleven forms and should be trained near big areas of water or rain.

Mist breathing - Derived from the original Sun breathing technique. This style has 7 forms and should be trained in humid and foggy environments.

Moon breathing - Derived from the original Sun breathing technique. This style has 16 forms and should be trained when the moon is out or full.

Sun breathing - Original breathing technique made to honour the Sun God. This style has 14 forms and should be trained from sunrise to sunset.]

This was really interesting to Fu Gang, he never knew a breathing technique could have such an origin. He was excited to train in all of them, but first, he had to check the rest of his items.

The Devine nechirin blade was a blade specially made for breath users after they mastered their personal techniques. The Devine fishing pole was the same as the blade as it was connected to the fishing manual.

The last 2 items were his original memories from earth which he was thankful he kept. And status view where he could see his own status and the status of fish.

It took him around two hours to read through all the information and come up with a training schedule for himself. But after looking over it a fifth time he was happy.

Now the last thing he needed to do was change his name. His status name had questions marks when it came to his name so he probably had to think of a new name Instead of his old one.

It was a new life so it should also be a new him. But the problem was what name should he give himself. He gave it a good think for around 10 minutes before finally deciding on his new name.

He from now on would be known as...

If there are any spelling mistakes please point them out so I can fix at a later date. Thanks for reading.

Etiger789creators' thoughts