
There Are No Weak Here

"Cruel Sun"

'Fool, you are predictable.' The mother thought, she was not a weakling.

The color of his armor changed to a very contrasting white with the black before.

The sun was not as big or powerful as it was before, it was now dark, but it was still mighty and shrouded in Shu; but the result was not at all what one would expect, almost all the clones were dead, yes it was expected but, the mother was unharmed, totally unharmed.

'Does Fuck have several modes? Is this some kind of rpg equipment ?'

Skotadi created this time 50 000 clones, yes out of revenge, pretty mean isn't it?

After this change, the armor returned to its black color, the mother obviously did not want to show more than the minimum capacity of her modes.

But Skotadi was not mister everyone, he created two more suns, smaller with all his universal energy could provide him, handling suns was not easy, Escanor was a monster, that's all, no further discussion about it was necessary.

He wrapped one with Shu and one without, and threw them both at the same time, 45 000 of the clones were waiting far away.

But as before, the armor was turning white, and no injuries were in sight.

'She doesn't absorb attacks, it's more like the attacks are sliding over her.' Skotadi thought, concentrating on his En.

'Regarding his mode in black, the weakness is the application of Nen, any other energy does not work, otherwise Cruel Sun would have affected him, so I thought that without applying it it would work but it would seem not, voila , the opposite would rather be that !'

Skotadi created a second Avatar of God, then 1 of the avatars used Cruel Sun while in Zetsu state, while the other created Cruel Sun by enveloping him in Shu, both cast.

'Damn, his first avatar is getting stronger, and he's already deduced how weak that armor is, but what the fuck is that weird energy ? Normally we only understand this weakness in a hand-to-hand combat with several people, where some opponents fight in Zetsu and others with Nen,

but fighting in Zetsu is too risky, very few people understand it, moreover even if they try it I can always suffer attacks from anyone in Zetsu, it is much weaker, but with these two energies come out, one is already monstrous on its own but the other covered with Nen is even more devastating,

moreover, the one who launches the covered attack of Shu is the more powerful avatar.'

The mother thought demoralized, this hatsu was a horror, an absolute abomination to each of her previous enemies but this time she felt that it was her enemy who possessed unjust abilities.

The armor turned white, the sun covered by Shu only ruined the terrain, while the other was effective, the armor began to melt.

"Pride Flare"

Suddenly the weakest sun exploded, it was too fast, the mother could not change mode, she was bullied.

When the smoke cleared the once glowing armor now looked pitiful, but the mother was intact, if she were to have armor with holes to breathe she would definitely be injured but she was not human, it was about 'a plague of the Dark Continent, and nothing like the plagues known to mankind, no, it was a lion among the gazelles.

"Well let's stop practicing and finish them, it's getting dangerous down there, we should get away." Chrollo suddenly said in a monotonous but charismatic voice.

'Motherfucker, you understood but I also understood, you are dead!' The mother exclaimed in her head as angry as ever.

She summoned a calculator from nowhere, this calculator allowed her to create clones of herself, as much necessary for a specific task, currently the task was to retain the clones and 2 avatars of the opponent.

Suddenly the calculator spoke in a mechanical voice: "Calculation finished, you have exactly 10 seconds of rest."

And 5 clones of herself not wearing any armor appeared, 4 charged the two avatars while the last one went to slaughter the 45 000 clones of Skotadi.

Then she charged with all her might, she was not very fast, her strengths were her power and resilience, but 10 seconds would allow her to complete her task and even celebrate success, well if the opponent hadn't too many hidden capabilities.

And obviously he had it, Skotadi's main body was still lying on the ground, of course he knew the opponent would understand, so he hadn't sent the last Avatar of God into battle, but the had created and let it sit there and kept it waiting in a state of In, even the mother could not feel it in her territory, which nevertheless functioned like a giant En.

"Obviously, but that doesn't change anything, he can only attack either in Zetsu state or using Nen, I can ignore him, you're really stupid." The mother at first slightly surprised but no more, became more confident, this man ultimately had a lot of resources, to underestimate him would be bad.

"Haha you're funny you. Gates" The avatar laughs authentically.

The Kodoku that continued to run passed through this cursed door again...

"Fuck fuck fuck I forgot, how could I forget this boring ability !" The mother screamed in anger when she realized she had come back to where she started.

"Ahahahah you are really amusing!" The avatar laughed loudly.