
Skill Overlord System (DROPPED)

A billion people, including Quinn, was suddenly summoned to another world by an A.I. like existence claiming to be that world's consciousness. The A.I. explained how that world is similar to a game world and then spoke of it's troubles. He asked the humans, who posses endless creativity and boundless intelligence, to help it's inhabitants. In return, they could obtain infinite strength and build their own kingdoms and civilizations. Each person was then given a talent that would be awakened upon levelling up. Upon awakening, Quinn soon learned that he obtained his own cheat that could let him rise to the top without barely doing anything

Phantomato_101 · Kỳ huyễn
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39 Chs

Chapter 15: The Elves

After opening their eyes, the elves found that nothing seemed to have changed except for the fact that Quinn suddenly disappeared.

Before they could start looking for him, Anrod had already gotten their attention to start class. Anrod found that because of their high starting intelligence, they could already understand words after a day of classes. The only problem was actually speaking those words. They still needed to be trained.

Anrod was teaching them basic theory stuff for now and planned to do so in the next two days since could catch up pretty quickly. While teaching, Anrod was also emphasizing some words and having them repeat it.

For example, Anrod had One say "sword" over and over again until he could smoothly say it. He also did the same for the others and had them repeat the names of their own weapons and attributes.

At the same time, he was introducing various words by letting see a diversity of plants and animal with their respective information. Anrod was given part of the authority over the dream world so he could summon stuff out of thin air.

For two days, they did just did an introduction on the world they live in while also being taught how to pronounce the words. They could pretty much speak fluently after the training so after that is the one to one training.

Anrod gave them their own separate areas to train in. He started with guiding One in the way of the sword. He mostly taught the most basic moves to lay a foundation. He had them repeat over and over again until he would be able to do it perfectly.

Whenever Anrod saw a mistake in One's movements, he wouldn't say anything and just walk up to him and personally adjust his posture before telling him to continue.

After telling One his training direction, he headed for the next elf which was Two. For her, Anrod just had her shoot as accurately as possible while fixing her form in the middle and giving her reminders from time to time.

Followed by that was guiding the rest of the elves. Magic theory for Three, stealth and assassination for Four, endurance training and how to protect teammates for Five, Healing lessons for Six and Seven, information gathering for Eight and basic math for Nine and Ten.

For the basic math, Anrod also taught the other elves since it would also help them one way or another. He also didn't forget to teach them to read and write.

This continued on for another 10 days before the elves were ready to go out and explore the forest to gain experience. At this time, the elves had managed to at least level up their skills by two levels.

Anrod gathered them once more in one spot and told them about their trip to the forest to gain experience.

This excited the elves greatly as they could finally go out and apply what they have learned. They each held tightly to their own weapons as they awaited their teacher's order to set off.

Anrod smiled at their enthusiasm before leading them towards the forest. Along the way, Anrod had secretly arranged for some monsters to run into them and force them to fight.

He arranged them in a way that they all had to fight together to take down one monster. For example, some had ridiculous physical resistance so they has to rely on Three to dish out as much magic damage as he could.

While there were physically resistant monsters, there are also magic resistant ones where they had to rely on the physical builds.

There have also been some sneaky monsters to train Eight's scouting abilities. Six and Seven had focus on healing whenever someone's injured. As for Nine and Ten, they had also learned some basic magic skills to at least defend themselves.

Anrod was watching behind the scenes and was occasionally shouting his advice at the elves.

"One, although you're the main offense, you still have to learn how to defend. Don't always attack head-on. Let the Five attract the opponent's attention. You have to work closely with your tank."

"Two and Four, keep your eyes open for weaknesses and only shoot when you see one. Four, keep your presence as low as possible and wait for an opportunity to strike."

"Three, it doesn't mean you have to stay in one place to hit your target. Learn to be more agile

and how to position yourself. Look for a place that lets you easily hit your target while also able to easily leave when you're threatened."

"Five, although you are the meat shield, it doesn't mean that you have to force yourself to take all the hits. You're pressuring your healers that way. Dodge whenever you can and save your and your healer's energy."

"Six and Seven, you actually carry the most pressure since you have to pay attention to every single one of your teammates moves. Learn to save mana and don't only focus on one person. You mainly focus in healing the tank but never forget the others because they rely on you to live."

"Eight, although you can use the wind currents to determine the position of hidden enemies, don't solely rely on it. Learn to also expand your others sense to the max. It will help you when there's an enemy who can't be sensed by air currents. One more thing, as a scout, don't just focus on the hidden enemies. Take note of the terrain too since that could help you when fighting."

"Nine and Ten, although you won't be fighting much in the future, it would still be good for you to learn from the others especially Three if you want to take the magic path. You still have to defend yourselves in case the others aren't around after all."

They went on for another five days and Anrod had talked less and less as the elves learned pretty quickly. Moreover, he found that Six was starting to actually make commands occasionally. In the future, she would probably the team leader. As a healer, she had to pay attention to the whole battlefield so she was also the most suitable for the position of leader because she can give commands more effectively.

In between, they took rests and Anrod would cook the monsters they hunted as a small reward.

After three more days, they arrived at the edge of the dream world. What they found there were astonishingly tall towers and there were eight of them.

Looking at the first from the their left was a tower that looked like a sword that would pierce that skies. The next one resembled that of an arrow that locked on to the heavens. There was one that exuded a noble and mysterious feeling, a tower that emitted dark and sinister vibes, a tower that created a strong sense of security, one that release holy light warmth, a tower that had an eye on the entrance that created a mysterious feeling, as if it can see through everything with a single glance. The last one was simple but still full of elegance and grace.

Anrod quickly told the elves the functions of the towers, they were excited to enter their own respective Inheritance Towers.

The towers had their own independent spaces so when One enteredthe tower, it felt like he had transportated into another place.

The place he had been transported to was a dark training ground with a small arena in the center and there seemed to be nothing inside. Just as he set foot on the arena, a person suddenly materialized in front of him.

It was an old man who seemed to have reached the end of his life. He was wearing tattered armor that looked like it would fall apart with a touch. Despite that, he emitted a very sharp aura that could slice apart the clouds in the sky.

He looked at One and revealed a weak smile. "Finally, someone has finally come to inherit my knowledge of the sword. Finally, I, the Supreme Sword God, will finally have a successor. Young man, I can see that you have a very firm foundation in ways of the sword. You only need to pass a few tests of mine and you can inherit my legacy."

One of course accepted excitedly. At first, he just had to defeat a few enemies. However, the next steps were a bit more difficult such as practicing sword moves under enhanced gravity and undergoing illusions that would test his resolve. This was some bullshit that Quinn programmed because he saw them on countless webnovels and according to them, it was supposed to refine a swordsman's sword heart or something.

Spiritual Sword Grandpa was also bullshitting at the side while watching One suffer, "A sword is the ultimate weapon for killing. Whenever it strikes, a life will be taken. Always go all out on the first strike and kill your opponents to not give them time to prepare. At the same time, to kill with the sword is to protect. Keep this in mind to not fall on the demonic path that only knows how to kill."

Surprisingly, Quinn's bullshit really did have an effect because One's aura was actually becoming sharper and sharper.

At the same time, Spiritual Sword Grandpa kept talking, "When you have reached a threshold in understanding the sword, you will form you own Sword Will. When that happens, you will feel as if the sword is part of your limbs and you can use it with more flexibility."

One's eyes lit up at those words and trained even harder. He swung the sword while also trying to understand the mysteries behind it, even though they were only the most basic sword moves.

His effort seemed to have taken effect though as after a long time, a beam of light descended down on him that signified a class change.

Surprisingly, it was the Supreme Sword God class. Quinn's eyes would pop out of their sockets when he would see this. He only made up that class after all.

Still, One was able to change his class into it and it was also a very powerful one. Firstly, it had huge boosts to attributes every level up. This isn't really of much use to him since his attributes rely on Quinn. The next was that it directly quadrupled all his sword skill related skill's damage.

He had also received the two passive skills [SWORD AURA] and [SWORD WILL]. [SWORD AURA] made his aura sharper and intimidated those at the same level and below his. If he levelled it high enough, he only had to look at something and it would be cut up by invisible swords. [SWORD WILL] let him feel every inch of his sword when he's holding it and allows him to use the sword better. There was a percentage bar besides it's name that was filled up by 1%. One just thought that maybe it'll advance when it gets full.

The others also for their own cheat classes from their own inheritance towers such as the Divine Archer, Supreme Acrchmage, Shadow Goddess, Earth God Defender, Holy Lord of Light, Heaven's Spy, God and Goddess of Business and Management. They also got their own overpowered cheat skills from their respective classes.

When they got out, all of them had inherited their own tower's aura. When they wake up, they'll also carry them to the real world.

By then, Quinn would be in for a treat to see that the classes he made up were actually achieved by his kids....