
Skill Forge: Broken Extra Character

Amidst the eerie silence of an unfamiliar hall, a cacophony of confused voices rose, mingling in a chorus of bewilderment. "Where are we?" "What happened?" "I thought I died!" Each utterance hung in the air, a testament to the collective disbelief gripping the room. As the haze of confusion lifted, disjointed memories surfaced, fragments of lives cut short by tragedy. "I remember... I was stabbed..." ventured one voice, echoed by another's affirmation of a similar fate. "I... I died in a plane crash," muttered a third, only to be met with a stunned agreement from a fellow survivor. Amidst the chaos of bewildered voices, one man stood apart, his expression a mask of contemplation amidst the turmoil. As his companions recounted their brushes with death, his mind churned with questions, each more confounding than the last. "I got shot... I remember it vividly," he murmured to himself, his voice barely audible above the din. "So how am I still here?" The enigma of their shared resurrection gnawed at him, compelling him to seek answers in the depths of his memories. With each revelation of a paired demise—a male and female, bound by the same tragic fate—a flicker of recognition ignited within him. "This... this seems familiar," he mused, the pieces of a puzzle slowly coalescing in his mind. But the picture remained incomplete, obscured by the fog of uncertainty that shrouded their surroundings. As the words "pairs, pairs, pairs" echoed in his mind like a cryptic mantra, a sudden realization struck him with the force of a revelation. "It can't be... don't tell me..." he whispered, his voice trembling with disbelief. With a sense of urgency, he began to scan his surroundings, searching for any sign or clue that could confirm his suspicions. Then, as if guided by an unseen force, his gaze shifted upwards, and there, bathed in an ethereal light, stood an angelic figure with golden apparel, its gaze fixed upon him with a warm smile. The sight took his breath away, filling him with a mixture of awe and trepidation. The man's heart raced as faced a real angel, his mind struggling to comprehend the surreal encounter unfolding before him. The angel's words, spoken with an air of amusement, only deepened the enigma shrouding their meeting. "I never expected anyone to notice me," the angel remarked, a hint of playfulness in its voice. "I was concealing my presence to let everyone fully calm down, but to think someone noticed me. Just who are you?" Ethan's disbelief and confusion intensified at the angel's question. "Eh... Ethan Rivers," he stammered, his voice barely above a whisper. As Aurelia, the angel, finally revealed himself to the bewildered assembly, a hush fell over the room, each soul drawn in by his radiant presence and commanding aura. Ethan's gaze lingered on Aurelia. "Greetings, lost souls," Aurelia declared, his voice resonating with a majestic power that seemed to fill the very air around them. "I am Aurelia, and I shall be your guide to your new life." As Aurelia extended his arms in a gesture of welcome, Ethan felt a surge of rage and hesitation, "This it bad, really bad."

Dark_Eyez · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
36 Chs

Chapter 6: Welcoming the Newborn

In the small town of Lagia, nestled amidst rolling hills and lush greenery, the news of a newborn brought a wave of joy and excitement that swept through the cobblestone streets and timber-framed houses. The air was filled with the melodious tunes of minstrels playing lutes and harps, their music echoing through the narrow alleys and bustling market squares.

Vibrant banners and colorful ribbons adorned every corner, fluttering in the gentle breeze as if dancing to the lively rhythm of the festivities. The aroma of freshly baked bread and roasted meats wafted from the open doors of taverns and bakeries, enticing passersby with their savory scent.

In the town square, a grand celebration was underway. Tables laden with sumptuous feasts lined the perimeter, groaning under the weight of roasted game, platters of fruits and cheeses, and flagons of frothy ale and spiced wine. Villagers gathered around, chatting merrily and raising their cups in toast to the newborn and his family.

Children ran through the streets, their laughter echoing off the ancient stone walls as they played games and chased each other in playful abandon. Jugglers and acrobats performed daring feats, their colorful costumes dazzling the crowds with their skill and artistry.

Amidst the revelry, the Lord and Lady of Lagia stood proudly, cradling their newborn son in their arms. "Tonight we feast." The Lord declared. They beamed with pride as they introduced him to everyone, sharing in the joyous occasion with all who had gathered to celebrate.

"Lagia, huh? Of all the places to be born," Jett mused to himself, his thoughts drifting as he gazed around at the vibrant celebration unfolding before him. "I guess I can blame that 24-hour restriction for this. Whatever, I'll make do with this."

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the town, the celebration reached its peak. Bonfires were lit, casting flickering shadows that danced upon the faces of the revelers. Musicians played joyful melodies, and dancers twirled and spun in a whirl of color and light.

It was a night of laughter, love, and new beginnings, a celebration to welcome the newest member of the Lagia community into the world.

As the festivities swirled around Jett, formerly known as Ethan, felt a mix of emotions wash over him. It was surreal to find himself in this new world, surrounded by the warmth and joy of his new family and community. Despite the unexpected turn of events, he knew that he had to embrace his new identity and make the most of his fresh start.

With a determined resolve, Jett watched the revelry unfold before him, feeling a sense of belonging settle within his heart. This was his chance for a new beginning, a chance to forge his own path in this vibrant world. Though uncertain of what the future held, he was determined to face it head-on as Jett Grift.

As the night wore on and the celebration reached its peak, Jett raised his gaze to the starlit sky, feeling a newfound sense of hope and determination coursing through his veins. Whatever challenges lay ahead, he was ready to face them with courage and resilience. For now on, he was Jett Grift.

After the festivities came to a close, Jett seized the opportunity to feign sleep, hoping to convince his mother, Eva, to take him home earlier. It wasn't long before she obliged, carrying him to the room that had been specially prepared for him with top security measures in place.

As Jett lay in his new room, his mind buzzed with thoughts. Despite the strangeness of his situation, he couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort. Reflecting on his ability to speak the local language fluently even though he sounded like a baby, he realized that all fourteen of them should have possessed this skill from the start. However, his proficiency in writing the new language set him apart—a skill honed through his extensive reading of the WAR BOUND series and because of his photographic memory.

While others may have gained their knowledge of this world through video games, movies, or anime adaptations, Jett's familiarity stemmed from all that too and the original story contained within the books. As he contemplated the differences in their experiences, he knew that this world still held many mysteries waiting to be uncovered.

As Jett settled into his room, a sudden realization struck him. 'Oh right... I need to get that.' he muttered to himself, feeling a surge of energy despite his immobile state. 'Although I can't move my body, but I think I can do it regardless.'

Closing his eyes, Jett attempted to focus his mind on the task at hand. Hours passed as he concentrated intently, but despite his efforts, nothing seemed to happen. All he managed to achieve was a sudden sneeze, prompting a concerned maid to rush to his side.

Jett hastily, feiged sleep once more as the maid

bustled about, tending to his needs.

After a whole week of focused effort, Jett finally sensed the presence of shiny dust particles scattered throughout his body. 'I can feel it, Lumix. It's distorted right now, but sensing it is already an achievement on it's own.' he remarked to himself with a sense of accomplishment.

With determination fueling his actions, Jett prepared for the next phase of his plan. 'Now for the really intense part. Merging all of them to my heart.' he mused, outlining the three steps he needed to follow. First, he had to familiarize himself with the Lumix particles within him. Then, he would merge them into a single point within his body. Finally, he would create an auxiliary circulatory system using the Lumix to facilitate movement throughout his body.

Feeling exhausted from the intense effort, Jett couldn't help but acknowledge the enormity of the task ahead. 'This is harder than I thought. I don't think I have any energy left, and I have an enormous lot to cover.' he admitted to himself, feeling the weight of fatigue settling in.

However, a spark of realization lit up his mind as he remembered the skills he had copied. 'Oh right. Do I have any skill to raise my stamina?" he wondered. With determination, he commanded, "Open Status," summoning the translucent screen once more to review his capabilities.


Class: Magic Swordsman

Level: 1

HP: 7

MP: 7

Strength: 7

Agility: 5


Perception: 4

Luck: MAX

Undistributed Points: 5


- [Gluttony EX]

- [Skill Forge S]

- [Rewrite Illusion A]

- [Checkpoint A]

-[Search F]

Copied Skills:

- [Heaven's Blessing S]

- [Market Value S]

- [Arcane Barrage A]

- [Beast Mastery A]

- [Divine Insight A]

- [Divine Judgment A]

- [Elemental Concoctions A]

- [Elemental Mastery A]

- [Soul Drain A]

- [Spellblade Symphony A]

- [Blade Storm B]

- [Holographic Decoy B]

- [Simulation B]


Contemplating the skill he acquired from Ryota, Jett couldn't help but muse, "Heaven's Blessing. The skill I got from Ryota." He paused, a wry smile touching his lips. "Ha, I guess Ryota isn't his name anymore."

As he delved deeper into his thoughts, Jett pondered their unique predicament. He realized that their companions probably couldn't grasp the full extent of their situation because, apart from the book, no other form of media covered the skill selection part. They all began the story from when the heroes graduated. However, Jett was an exception, destined to meet his demise before then.

"But I refuse to let that happen. I'll survive," he resolved with determination, his gaze set on overcoming the challenges ahead.

"While I'm at it, I might as well test my Skill Forge EX rank skill," Jett mused. Recalling the skill's description.

[Skill Forge EX]: Allows the user to combine two or more skills to create new or unique skill.

He activated it and a pop-up message appeared.

[Pick Skills for Synthesis]

"Let's do [Spellblade Symphony A] and [Blade Storm B]"

[Do you wish to continue Y/N]



[Synthesis Complete]

[New Skill: Spellblade Storm A]

[Spellblade Symphony and Blade Storm have lost]

[New Skill: Spellblade Storm A]

Jett's eyes widened in amazement at the successful synthesis. "Woah," he exclaimed, impressed by his newfound ability to create unique skills through synthesis.





Did anyone notice the Undistributed points?

He's finally using that skill ( ◜‿◝ )

Skill Forge made it to the contest. (@_@)

That's a wonderful news thanks everyone.(・ัω・ั)

Just updated the skills list and added

[Search F]

Dark_Eyezcreators' thoughts