
Six Feet Under (Beomgyu Fanfic)

“It was a simple burglary she said. No one’s even living in there she said.” Meet Amira Lawlett, an eighteen-year-old girl full of mysterious aura to others, yet just an ordinary introvert on Lara Cross’s eyes, her childhood best friend. That’s why she always tries to make her reserved friend experience the extremes, to help her find that elusive happiness despite all that has happened to both of them. Who would’ve thought a silly stunt would turn their lives upside down and there’s no turning back? *Pls. note that Beomgyu’s real life isn’t in any way connected to this story, nor any familiar names or places and events mentioned. Everything written are just pure fan fiction.

Beargyu313 · Khác
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17 Chs


Amira's pov

"Uh… yeah nice to meet you again…" My legs are trying to leave but my upper body wants to stay. The creaking within the elevator forced me to run away, dragging the stranger with me back to his own suite because I have no other choice.

He looked so confused when I pushed him inside his room and shut the door close before leaning my back on the wall next to it.

"Forgive me but it's for your safety too." I quickly said after panting for a few times to compose myself.

"What happened to you?"

"Huh? Ah… there was uh… some drunk dudes making a scene upstairs." I forced a smile to assure him I'm not some weirdo. "N-never mind, we should just stay here and call the cops." My brain scramble on making up excuses because even if I told him the truth it won't make any difference.

I darted to the landline hanging at the wall on the other side of the door to contact the reception, however, it appears that the line was dead.

"We have a problem. It's broken."

"Seems like it."

"Why haven't you told the staffs yet?" My eyes widened at him.

"That's why I was in front of the elevator just a minute ago." He spoke with a hint of sarcasm and my god his smirk is doing unexplainable things to me that I ended up staring blankly at his handsome face again. Particularly when his dimple began peeking on the left side of his smooth cheeks.

I couldn't help but let out a short yelp in surprise as soon as the neighboring doors started to get pounded one by one.

I took a deep breath and asked if I can borrow his phone.

"I don't use one." He simply said and why is that the worst thing ever? I mentally sighed in frustration.

"Oh wow. Sorry to break it to you but this is a matter of life and death sir please just call the cops yourself if you don't trust me at all." I begged in frustration.

"Why?" He asked, frowning.

"B-because we're in danger." I figured the truth will set me free so might as well tell him what's coming rather than beating around the bush.

"Ackk!" I jumped in surprise at the sight of a whole arm showing up in the middle of the thick, wooden door like it's some piece of paper.

I rushed towards the stranger near the bed before the perpetrator's fingers reached the doorknob and opened the door wide.

"Oh my god… what is that…?" I muttered under my shaky breath and hid behind his back.

The fear I had grew ten times fold and now I'm regretting the fact that I just dragged another innocent soul who didn't even have any relation with me into this mess.

My tears started flowing one by one on my cheeks and I couldn't control any of them.

"I'm disappointed to be honest. I gave you a head-start and the first thing you did is cheat." The guy earlier had the same clothing but his eyes are glowing red and a pair of sharp fangs are sticking on the corners of his thick lips.

His voice sounds lower and more of a growl than the first I heard it.

"I'm so sorry…" I whispered and peeped on his side.

The guy silently held my hand and squeezed it gently. It felt like he's telling me he got this but I highly doubt that.

"Come here baby girl." He demanded and I refused to listen. "Don't smear your sweetness with his disgusting scent I don't want my appetite to get ruined."

"I'm afraid she doesn't want to. If at this point it's still not evident to an idiot like you."

"Shut up." He growled and hearing that brought goosebumps to spring over my skin. "Don't act tough. You don't even look like you'll survive against a kid much less to me. I'll crush your head like some tomato for starters then feed the rest of your body to the crows."

"Heh. Is that so? Then what are you waiting for? Show me what you got." The guy in front of me taunted like it's some ordinary brawl or something. I'm even more terrified now because the monster looks even more pissed than ever.